To All Who Believe in “The Gen Rush”

It just does not exist as a real issue because killers can down and kill just as fast. In fact, I’ve noticed the gens just don’t get done in a lot of these games while playing in the red survivor ranks. The maps are also quite small which means the gens well... they’re squeezed together pretty closely so killers can easily monitor them. Let’s not forget how easy it is to find survivors too because the available hiding is atrociously obvious. You get caught every time no matter what you do. I find it insulting that people will sit here and complain about gen speed when I can go in as killer and keep them under control just fine. So it’s POSSIBLE. i see it happen playing as a survivor and actually do it consistently as a killer all of the time. What’s frustrating and unplayable is actually the amount of work put on the individual survivor that does really well to the best of his or her ability when the other 3 seem to consistently fail and die every game after only 1-2 gens have been done. You wonder why there are keys. A perk left behind that let’s you have a chance. Relying on others is not always going to work out. Playing killer should and will work out consistently. if it doesn’t, well that’s on you.



  • AskingForHelp
    AskingForHelp Member Posts: 103

    It’s actually too easy to play killer (but sometimes a little stressful if you don’t look out for certain survivor perks that can waste your time if you tunnel or get too greedy for kills) .

  • AskingForHelp
    AskingForHelp Member Posts: 103

    as long as you have constant information coming in (audio if you have a headset and visual via perks and add ons) and react to that information constantly, it’s almost too easy. I’d love to find one survivor who can loop me long enough to get 5 gens done. You need to be a super team. And quite honestly that’s not fair the 90% of players who go in with uncoordinated teams. If they want to make this game functional where it’s even and fair then they would not have made this cross play without the option to party up. A game that’s based on teamwork why would you add that option if you can’t party up with them across platforms? Survivors suck man. They really do. Anybody that’s a god at playing survivor id like you to show me how I won’t down you in 10-15 seconds lol

  • danielmaster87
    danielmaster87 Member Posts: 9,111

    I strongly disagree.

    Why is slugging so popular? Because killers don't have enough time to get 12 hooks like they're supposed to. It takes around 12 seconds on average just to hook 1 person 1 time. Assuming that was the conclusion of a 20-30 second chase, a gen or 2 should almost be done, and that's if the 4th was just milling around.

    Why do people use NOED even at red ranks? They know they'll get at least 1 instadown out of it, which they desperately needed because if they get gen rushed (5 gens in 5 minutes for example), it isn't likely that the survivors have been able to do that AND do all the totems, even though some teams can.

    And why do so many killers complain on the forums? Because they have things to complain about. Let's not pretend that survivors don't have strong, or even OP, tools and strategies. High level survivors will simply stay injured so they can get an advance on gens, and that's how little they fear the killer. A lot of times those same survivors will have Adrenaline which is a devastating (for the killer) momentum perk that can single-handedly swing the outcome of the match. They also have DS which guarantees, for 3 minutes spread across the match, that the killer can't touch them. There's slugging them or leaving them alone, but neither of those are nearly as punishing as hooking would be. And the alternative is taking a 5-second stun that robs the killer of all their momentum. SWF gives too much information for free: info on which killer it is/where they are, info on what perks the other survivors have/where they are, when to rush gens, when to heal, etc.

    You put all this stuff together in any combination, combined with keys and other broken mechanics, and you've got a completely survivor sided game. You might be able to deal with it all, because it sounds like you're just an insurmountable god. But if the game is balanced around the top 0.1% of killers that can actually push through all the survivor BS consistently, the game isn't balanced correctly.

  • OldHunterLight
    OldHunterLight Member Posts: 3,001

    I too can keep gens safe with ruin undying nurse with 2 recovery addons.

  • Angry_Boi
    Angry_Boi Member Posts: 9

    In my opinion, there are 2 kinds of gen rush that exist in this game. The first is the more obvious one, survivors bring multiple toolboxes, Prove Thyself, etc. to make the gen repair speed as fast as possible, but this only really affects the first gen repair speed, the rest will be around the average repair time. The second one is when Killers develop a tunnel vision and focus solely on a single survivor, resulting in a very long chase time letting the other 3 survivors do gens (and totems) freely. Heck, I've done this myself a few times

  • Ivaldi
    Ivaldi Member Posts: 977

    Gen Rush doesn't exist? Go up against a coordinated SWF that never double up on gens and are even semi decent at looping. I'm a Rank 1 Survivor and Killer and when I go up against these groups, I get steam rolled without Gen Slowing perks. 9/10 times the only reason you beat these groups is because of a mistake on their end. (Aka they get too cocky)

  • Zeon_99
    Zeon_99 Member Posts: 463
    edited December 2020

    This is a huge strawman considering that the four of them went out of their way to complete a gen as fast as possible by bringing all gen related perks, all of them were on comms, and the killer was a baby while using a low tier killer. Sure, gens can go by fast, but they now have no looping or rescuing perks. If I was this Michael and I had normal add ons, two or three people would've got slugged right at that first gen.

    While they have the power to bring an overkill amount of gen stuff, the killer also has the power to bring Spirit with the best perks, add ons, and a Mori. That's the biggest flaw with the game, both sides have the power to completely make the game unfun for the other side very easily.

    Also that shows how unnecessarily toxic people can be on this game. Last second swapping to toolboxes, tbagging a baby killer for no reason, and the "tbag macro". Big yikes.

  • RepliCant
    RepliCant Member Posts: 1,436

    But you have a build dedicated to gens, which means lack of safe unhooks and protection from slugging, or a killer targeting you. Remember that you're sacraficing two perk slots for that and a killer that doesn't know how to mitigate pressure elsewhere.

    Gen rush does exist, but at a cost usually and very rarely does it happen.

  • GoodBoyKaru
    GoodBoyKaru Member Posts: 22,763

    That's literally me and my friends lol. We tried our best to make gens go as fast as is physically possible. When we get together in a 4man, this is what we do, because we want this ######### nerfed. It's not fun to face, and it's not fun to do. Genrushing, when people want to do it, is an issue, and a large one.

    Don't believe me? It's @BigBrainMegMain, @hahadrillgobrrr, and @ClaudioFrosty, though obviously 2 are banned and can't back me up and the other very very infrequently visits here.

  • Zeon_99
    Zeon_99 Member Posts: 463

    Ahhh okay. Idk if I buy the idea of you're doing it out of good nature to get it nerfed when you guys apparently swapped last second, have a "tbag macro", and BMed the killer on the way out through the hatch.

    I understand that you can go out of your way to "gen rush", just like the killer can go out of their way to bring Spirit with meta perks and all that stuff I mentioned earlier, or Huntress with Iri head and Moris. Both sides have the power to do dumb stuff like this, its just the nature of the game. They're introducing the Trial Warm up thing eventually so that should help with the early game.

  • GoodBoyKaru
    GoodBoyKaru Member Posts: 22,763

    tbag macro i have as a joke for customs, this was the one time ive used it in a public game. the last second switch was to avoid franklins, a mori, or a dodge (this was obviously before the mori and ormond changes). the guy who bmed just wanted to be toxic, i guess; that wasnt our plan. we just want the ######### nerfed so we want to prove how busted it really is.

    killers having op things doesnt mean survivors should and vice versa; both should be nerfed into the ground.

  • Zeon_99
    Zeon_99 Member Posts: 463

    Just like you guys last second swapped to avoid counter play, I could lobby dodge until I find a lobby where I can see their low steam hours and just bring sweaty builds.

    They're investigating the early game being powerful for survivors, gen speeds, and DS being abusive and they're also making passes through the killers and even one dev mentioned how powerful Undying is. There's really nothing any of us can do at this point then have the decency to not do either of the things mentioned above.

  • Squirrel_Thicc
    Squirrel_Thicc Member Posts: 2,677


  • AskingForHelp
    AskingForHelp Member Posts: 103

    That’s not gen rushing that’s people cooperating to stall the killer. That’s the killer making bad decisions. 🤣

  • AskingForHelp
    AskingForHelp Member Posts: 103

    No because I’ve played this game since it came out I’m red rank on both sides. Although my killer rank slips to purple sometimes because I don’t play it as much so when the rank resets it sets me back a color. But anyways, yes the gens actually don’t get done and even if they do the killer usually gets the last guy with 1-2 gens left. Its consistently happening in every single game. Red rank survivors don’t have to escape to be red rank. They’re not expected to escape. I firmly believe You’re supposed to die in this game. It’s designed that way. And if they don’t it’s on the person playing killer. They just need a different game plan. The killer is absolutely the dominant side in this game. The maps are too small for killers current speed and there is such an immense lack of hiding in this game. You’re meant to get caught, you’re meant to die lol

  • AskingForHelp
    AskingForHelp Member Posts: 103

    When you work together you have an average chance of 50/50 at escaping. When I play killer I can tell when people are working together communicating and I still beat them. Killer is a little bit too overpowered for the game at the moment. The twins need to be changed so they can’t camp exit gates. Gas Heaven exit gates need to be changed so the killer cannot stand in one spot and watch both exit gates. Every player deserves a chance and in this game it’s too reliant on all 4 people being 100% productive at all times. But that’s not the case most games. The only way you will get “gen rushed” is if you as a killer don’t know how to utilize the killers abilities, perks, ridiculous speed in relation to these small maps, add ons and offerings to beat your opponent. That’s really hard to do, you almost have to try to be bad to lose as the killer lol I’m telling you I have played plenty of these games on both sides and I consistently slam survivors as the killer and just don’t feel like I’m having any fun playing survivor because you lose almost every single game. The only thing that remotely gives you a chance is a key and people playing killer complain about that. It’s sad. What needs to not be in the game is Mori’s. They are completely unnecessary. I don’t use them at all and I do fine.

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Posts: 5,229
    edited December 2020

    Toolboxes, especially new parts can be a bit cheesy but they are rare at least more than one a game is rare. I mean if survivors wanna dump all that into a game with me they could win normally....sure...w/e xD

  • Bullettimegod
    Bullettimegod Member Posts: 994

    Its not tunneling and camping. Its kill rushing and securing hook states

  • ukenicky
    ukenicky Member Posts: 1,352

    Serious question: does anyone accuse killers of hook rushing when they start downing survivors left and right?

    I've said it before and I'll say it again idk what's so bad about survivors focusing on generators as it is their main objective just like killing/hooking survivors is killers. Let me break it down some, as I've seen above some people say that "it becomes gen rushing when" ..

    When survivors run toolboxes maybe it's for a challenge or maybe they just want to run a toolbox because it's an option available to them? Resilience may give them more progress speed but at noticeable disadvantages such as bleeding, grunting and dying in one hit. All that being said if someone wants to run Resilience + Spine Chill and live on the edge that's their choice to.

    When survivors refuse to leave a gen to do side objectives such as totems or heal.. Seriously? Sometimes it's better to stick to the gen if you're safe to and finish it then heal after. Why would I leave a generator I've been working on to go search for Ruin/Undying as now the gen will begin regressing fast?

    There are situations where it's completely justifiable to commit to the gen just like there are situations where it's right for killer to commit to certain chases and I never see anyone compare these and it bothers me.

    The last point I'll make is I just don't get it when I'm watching killer gameplay and one singular gen pops and they start saying like "ahhh, gen rushers" like?? I understand when several pop quickly in succession but I seriously think killers just get way too upset sometimes when even one generator gets done and I GET IT it's anxiety inducing as a killer since that means they're closer to getting out but I beg you to please understand that in most scenarios, survivors are probably just doing the objectives they know to do and it really isn't that much more deep like myself personally.

    I'm not good at looping killer because I'm still really new to this game so I try to be that person that's always in the background hiding and working on gens and the only time I come out is to unhook and help heal my teammates. Specifically I use deja vu to try and keep the team from being 3-genned. Does that make me a nasty gen rushing player? If playing smart is wrong then idk, maybe it's time to find a different game or play more killer bcuz I swear people just hate survivors so much sometimes it's weird and very alienating to new players.

  • mynameisaaaaa
    mynameisaaaaa Member Posts: 22

    right, holding m1 half the game is harder. if you face good survivors that know what they're doing your only solution is to 3 gen or tunnel and even with that you have a good chance of losing

  • AskingForHelp
    AskingForHelp Member Posts: 103

    The new part is such a waste of a slot. Waste of a ultra rare add on really. the progress gains are not even guaranteed to get or to stay once you get chased off of it. It’s a two time use that doesn’t stick. Killer add ons get used the entire game. That’s broken.

  • Marigoria
    Marigoria Member Posts: 6,090

    The amount of killers I get who facecamp because of "genrush" has gotten bigger over the time. If they used the time they do to just stare at me on hook to patrol gens instead there would be no "genrush".

  • ALostPuppy
    ALostPuppy Member Posts: 3,398

    No, people don't accuse killers of hook rushing because that would be putting a blame on killers which is a big no-no. You can blame survivors for all of your mistakes though, that's the way it goes around here.

    And about the "ah gen rush" point - a lot of streamers say it as a joke. OhTofu will make that joke almost every stream. He'll have almost won, and near the end of the game a gen pops and he'll say "oh my god these genrushers" or something like that as a joke.

  • sulaiman
    sulaiman Member Posts: 3,219

    I think the issue of gen rushing comes from noed, because survivor who ignore everything beside those gens then call a perk you can easily disable if you dont stay on gens single mindedly "op". And this behaviour in turn was called "gen rushing".

  • SquirrelKnight
    SquirrelKnight Member Posts: 951

    You know, reading through these threads. I rarely ever see survivor points of view that rely on logic. It is pure emotion as to why killers are too strong or why some options need changing.

    Granted killers can fall into that pure emotion category too, more often than not, it is Killers who are trying to use logic and actual points to, well, make a point.

    Again, not saying only killers use logic, and not saying only survivors get emotional.

    But if i had to go by the forums, id say percentage wise, killers take the lead in trying to explain out their issues mechanically by about 80% compared to survivors 30%. (Not saying over half the killers and under half of all survivors, jist out of forum levels i see

  • Sluzzy
    Sluzzy Member Posts: 3,130

    Gen Rush does exists, but Kill Rush exists way more. Slugging and tunneling at 5 gens still up with Ruin and Undying still fully activated is what you get almost every game.

  • MythMage
    MythMage Member Posts: 521

    I'll try and find the post where the guy says it, but someone has broken down exactly how long it takes to finish 1 full chase and hook them with 0 looping whatsoever, just someone holding W. There's a reason why the few tourneys that exist is just "how little can the Killer lose?" Gens are 100% too fast, and when you ignore healing or altruism, toolboxes, BNP, splitting up on generators, it just becomes impossible to keep up with

  • XXXPrinnyGodXXX
    XXXPrinnyGodXXX Member Posts: 31

    By the very nature of 4 v 1 gen rush is a thing if you can pop 3 gens before i can even walk to more than 1 and down or let alone hit a surv it is an issue. And I am a red ranks normally 1-2 killer.

  • XXXPrinnyGodXXX
    XXXPrinnyGodXXX Member Posts: 31

    Hook rushing as a single person... no Genrushing as 4 people yes how do u not get this. Killers without mobility buff get destroyed because of how unbalanced it is. The time it takes for a killer to down someone with the pallets, loops, blinds, ect, all that eats time that is not on the killers side to begin with.

  • VikingWilson
    VikingWilson Member Posts: 789

    Agreed, plenty of matches swing in the killer's favor only because of survivor mistakes. That just ain't right.

  • VikingWilson
    VikingWilson Member Posts: 789

    Thank god for the toolbox nerf back when, they were far too strong.

  • DoritoHead
    DoritoHead Member Posts: 3,546

    Hey guys don't tell them that survivors can loop the killer

  • VicThor
    VicThor Member Posts: 347
  • evil_one_74
    evil_one_74 Member Posts: 312

    It's not gen rushing people. It's a good, experienced team that knows what the hell they're doing. Like 2 on a gen when the killer comes. One takes the killer while the other finishes the gen. It's up to the killer to apply pressure, which isn't always easy and can be costly.

  • Crewszpoo
    Crewszpoo Member Posts: 28

    Survivors need to be able to teleport turn invisible speed across the map look at a killer and take away his insta down throw a bottle to slow down killer u know individual powers then they need character specific addons to spice things up also survs need to be able to see the rank of others in the lobby and the killer should get a cinematic view that doesnt show all the survs items in their hands