To All Who Believe in “The Gen Rush”



  • TheMoth
    TheMoth Member Posts: 7

    Ehm...okay, Mister Killer-God? Mary Suing it up much?

    How come i play Survivor (in a "Horror" game) to chill then? I sit around at the red ranks, listening to some music and dont even get seen in most of my games? I just need to do 2 gens (m1, oh boy) and chill. When the killer comes, i crouch away ahead of time and sit behind an obstacle far away from the gen. Urban Evade around it, go back, easy escape.

    Hiding is very possible, you just have to use your brain and not hide behind then gen the killer comes to check.

  • Klakky
    Klakky Member Posts: 444
    edited December 2020

    Until they fix infinite loops which (unless survivor makes a mistake) no way u can get a hit for 3-4min which is enough for all gens to pop... Rank 1 killer stands 0% chance against rank 1 survivors unless they ######### up

    (I say rank 1 but I mean really good, I seen alot of horrible rank 1s on both sides)

    When killers can safely down 1 survivor that's equal to them before 1/4 gens are done that is when gen rushing won't be a thing anymore

  • Toybasher
    Toybasher Member Posts: 921

    Genrushing does exist but I don't really blame survivors. I blame the game design for gen speeds being a bit too fast for low mobility killers.

    I only really think the survivors "were responsible" when it's something like 4 BNP's with Prove Thyself, Streetwise, and good toolboxes.

  • Withered8
    Withered8 Member Posts: 1,241

    Gen rushing exists, but it's often used as an excuse or scape goat for killers to explain why they lost. No you didn't loose because of genrusihing, you lost because you weren't able to down fast enough or apply enough pressure. Stop blaming it on genrushing.

  • Klakky
    Klakky Member Posts: 444

    Are you challenging a SWF team in a custom game against you as a killer on live stream where everyone can see it? Ballsy

  • Zarathos
    Zarathos Member Posts: 1,911

    Gen Rush is a very stupid definition generalization for a lot of unfair killer positions. Much like how tunneling and camping is often subjective and really dumb considering the circumstances might be unfair(someone unhooks then hides instead of covering for the injured survivor or they might finish a gen close by if you let em go). If 4 survivor spawn across the map on a large map all hand on gens your kind of screwed as killer or your at least on one hell of a backfoot.

    Advice for "gen rushed" Killers Slugging slugging slugging. I cant count the number of killers who just down and hook. They never take an additional chase if they spot someone close by and leave the slug for later. Now that being said "Gen rush" can be associated as an expression of scoring downs requiring immense effort. Which can often occur with the weaker killer rooster. Pretending wraith, clown, and pig can string downs with ease is assuming a lot of variables aren't going to slow the killer down. A second health state with limited range massively hinders a killer. scoring a down should require skill however having limited tools to string downs is detrimental to good killer design.

    Its why I like to stick to mobile or killers with snowball potential. It all about snowballing the advantage and maintaining that pressure. This has the consequences of making the killer role demand specific playstyles and a solid amount of experience which means killer players tend to be lacking in numbers to meet the demand of survivor players. While veteran killer's will be hyper optimized in how they play creating intense games for casual players.

  • Withered8
    Withered8 Member Posts: 1,241

    Funnily enough i've done that multiple times and been in tournaments.

    I don't understand ur point.

  • Xayrlen
    Xayrlen Member Posts: 329

    Yes, because there are other objectives aside from doing gens. And don't even start about healing or saving others, since first one is pretty situational depending on a killers you are versing. And saving takes merely 10 seconds before you go back to do your job. If you are calling out playing optimally and you can not apply pressure - that's your fault.

  • Alex_Splicer
    Alex_Splicer Member Posts: 122

    We really going to say it's not a thing?

    It's really only ever done by players of high ranks/playtime who simply know the map and how to avoid the killer the best way possible.

    But my version is that - but you NEVER interact with the killer; you play DbD like it's Hide'N Seek and don't bother to come out.

    Other than that yeah, you just need to play more and get better - or as the rude childish trolls like to say..

    "Git Gud."

    To which I say I am; now stop playing hide and seek.

    PS: Not EVERYONE is a sweat that uses headphones; they're trying to have fun. Which is literally the concept of the word 'game'. But the definition of fun varies so you can't go based off people that just want to have a good time - which sucks.

  • SpaghettiYOLOKing
    SpaghettiYOLOKing Member Posts: 19

    Because SWFs prove that voice chat breaks the game. I'm not talking a SWF that's just there to have fun. A SWF that takes it serious and has constant communication and similar builds with one or two differences on two different people.

    That's how BHVR balanced this game. With no communication. They wanted you to have full immersion. Should they update the balancing and enable game chat at this point? Sure, it's already there. People downplay how many SWFs are out there, especially at red rank. I hit rank 1 last season and it was a constant 3-4 man SWF team that was just sweaty af. The amount of people abusing Object is just ridiculous. I've had games where there's MULTIPLE Objects. First time it was really bad luck as I was Trapper and they used an Ormond offering. And because of the constant communication, I never saw two of them, never trapped one person, and the Objects constantly watched from a distance.

    Not a frequent example, but one that would become common with the game getting game chat with the balancing as it is right now. Some perks would have to be straight up changed or removed.

  • crummy
    crummy Member Posts: 2

    You seem to be making a lot of hypothetical situations to make your point. Its also important to mention that survivor sided maps do exist, and theres more survivor sided maps than there is killer sided which can really tick off any killer if they don’t know how to play those maps, which is also another reason that when the killer gets beaten on those maps they’ll pull out the “gen rush” card. Now I do believe that the devs should add some restrictions to gens cause I feel that gens go fast in general no matter the skill of the survivor or the skill of the killer, and I don’t main killer or survivor so I’m not trying to stick to a bias I just think that it was important to add on to this

  • Paradoxadon
    Paradoxadon Member Posts: 5

    No just no gen rush is very real either you're not actually a red rank killer or you're talking out of your ass either way you're entirely wrong. 99.9 percent of red survivors are swf and will gen rush the hell out of you. As an actual red rank killer for years I can attest to this there is no git gud when it's 4 with mic vs one, and about the git gud do you guys even know what that's from? Probably not because you're swf on dbd all the time. Go actually play a soulsborne game and git gud. Also camping and tunneling especially against swf is a completely viable tactic as is gen rushing both of which exist very much.

  • rglarson13
    rglarson13 Member Posts: 205

    Me and my rainbow-ranked 4-man SWF finished four games in about half an hour the other day, but yeah, it seems likely that the killer has the easier job there, because even though we loaded up on toolboxes and brand new parts, stacked perks to rush gens and used voice comms to share info, the killers have so much available to them.

    I mean, they could have tunneled our looper out of the game, used higher tier killers, better add-ons, only run the most oppressive perks, etc. It's on them if they're playing the game to have fun instead of win.

  • Unless you're playing with a SWF sweat squad who are all packing purple toolboxes and new part add-ons, gen rushing isn't an issue, you just gotta patrol gens

  • Skullgrind
    Skullgrind Member Posts: 118

    Hi. Made an account here to share this:

    Been playing about a year now, mostly killer, some survivor the last 3 months. The amount at which gens get done now (maybe since Ruin + Undying meta) is much faster since I started. Just now I had a match where I had 1 survivor on hook, was chasing 2 others, and was near one of the near complete gens. Went from 5 gens to 2 gens left in under 1 min.

    Yes there was a BNP in play on one gen. But if that isn't a "gen rush" I don't know what the hell is. Meanwhile the other survivors are saving in my face and taunting me with their twenty second chance perks.

    It's a problem. It needs addressing.

  • Deathslinger_Main
    Deathslinger_Main Member Posts: 75

    If I am expected to get gen rushed without complaint, then you can get tunneled and camped without complaint. Not fun or either side.

  • Harvington
    Harvington Member Posts: 2

    Uh I think you are a survivor main who does killer dailies only so you are still in rank 20 lobbies. Gen rushing is simply out. When the survivors hard focus the objectives. A killer with 4 perks and semi useful power doesn't compare to 4 survivors with 4 perks each and with pallets windows and other easy to use loops. A good survivor will always beat a good killer. So yeah gen rushing exist it's why the depip squad exists and did so well as in going 20/21 only losing once

  • celesteismore
    celesteismore Member Posts: 173

    What's the point of trying to get all the gens done real fast if you're not gonna have chase points? I've had games as killer where there's two gens done before I can even find anyone.

  • DemonDaddy
    DemonDaddy Member Posts: 4,167

    It's real because I do it to killers. I have had games against good killers where the only interaction was with gens. Gen times are quick and loops are huge time wasters even if the survivor only holds forward and toss a pallet on the first pass.