More score events and changes to current ones

We need more score events, such as boldness points for taking escape chances, or boldness points for doing gens close to the killer, and the chase points should be adjusted, the chaser emblem increases on short chases, however if we shorten the chases to let’s say..10 seconds, we don’t get a lot of bp’s in the hunting category..which contradicts the emblem, we should earn higher bloodpoints value for shorter chases rather than higher value in longer chases which negatively effects the chaser emblem, regarding the scoring event suggestion, it also opens up opportunities to add more variety to new perks..rather than the ones we have now, which all go to a certain category, example: higher healing, unlocking, repairing and others speeds the closer the killer is by an amount based on the tier.


  • Eleghost
    Eleghost Member Posts: 1,111

    Emblems shouldn't be thought about to a high regard in any way unless you're going for achievements. I would like increases to gains on pretty much all survivor point score events as the appeal to play survivor these days is not really there. killer score events are find for the most part save a few devious/brutality score events on certain killers.

  • oh_0k
    oh_0k Member Posts: 712


    Doing progress on an action gives objective points like doing gens, searching chests, healing, etc

    Fully finishing an action like finishing gens, chests healing, etc gives you a 500 survival score event called "completed"

    Every time a gen is completed every survivor gets a 500 survival score event called "Survived so far"

    When a survivor stuns a chainsaw killer while they are chainsaw sprinting or charging a chainsaw gives 250 boldness score event called "Chain breaker"

    When a survivor hits 2 great skill checks in a row they get a 200 objective score event called "Great job"

    A survivor moving in grass give a 1 survival score event called "Grass Rustle" Only happens once per match

    When a survivor escapes if on death hook give a 1000 survivor score event called "close call"

    When a survivor repairs a gen within the killers terror radius give a 400 Objective score event called "risky repairs"

    When a survivor escapes while they are downed give a 500 survival score event called "Agonizing escape"

    When a survivor is crouched in the killers terror radius and not in chase for 10 seconds give 300 boldness score event called "Stay quiet"

    Fully healing the obsession give a 600 altruism score event called "Healthy obsession"

    Escaping with an item another survivor brought in or searched from a chest gives a 200 survival score event called "Vulture"

    When all 5 totems are cleansed in a match every survivor gets a 400 objective score event called "Deep cleansing"

    Every time another survivor escapes the trial before you get a 200 boldness score event called "Left for Dead"

    When you break a hook with the perk breakdown you get a 200 boldness score event called "Breakdown"

    Healing another survivor while you are injured gives a 500 altruism score event called "Other's first"


    When affecting a survivor with a negative status effect gives 300 brutality score event called "Crippled"

    When a gen regresses 25% after you kicked it get a 300 brutality score event called "Step back"

    Getting the bloodlust status affect gives a 400 hunter score event called "Thriller"

    Seeing a survivors aura gives a 100 hunter score event called "I see you"

    Having a survivor get revealed via killer instinct gives a 50 hunter score event called "Good instincts"

    Having all 4 survivors in the dying state give a 500 sacrifice score event called "Bloody massacre"

    Hitting a survivor after breaking a pallet or wall gives a 150 brutality score event called "Outrage"

    Killing 1-3 survivors gives a 1000 deviousness score event called "Bloodshed"

    When all survivors are injured get a 300 brutality score event called "Hemophilia"

    Interrupting a survivor in anyway repairing a gen that is over 80% gives a 100 brutality score event called " party crasher"

    Hitting a survivor a total of 8 times gives a 150 brutality score event called "Truly deranged"


    Being in the trail when the end game collapse timer is at 30 seconds gives a 500 deviousness/survival score event called "The end is nigh"

    The first time the entity appears in a match (A survivor gets to stage 2 of hook) gives a 666 sacrifice/survival score event called "It's here"