[FAN UPDATE] Will Of The Entity - Balances, Add-ons, and More!

FuelSauce Member Posts: 125
edited June 2018 in General Discussions

[i][u][h1]WILL OF THE ENTITY[/h1][/u][/i]
[i][b]Hope can be deceitful, hope can be denied. It wants this.. hope, but they stay in the light. The darkness, however, eventually devours the light. Lives of evil, lives of pain, lights to be extinguished. As their lives came to a sad, lonely ending, it took them. It took their souls.. it took their hope. Twisted and bended to it's liking, shapes of dread and fear conveyed the undying. Now the fog guides them down a dark road, one to eternal suffering. Let the darkness take you, for the will of the Entity, instills in us all.[/b][/i]

[i][h1]New Mechanics And Changes[/h1][/i]
[b]Black Trail[/b]
This new mechanic will leave a non-visible trail behind the killer, similar to scratch marks, which will slow any survivors walking in it. The trail begins to disappear after 6 seconds. Survivor's walking in the trail are slowed down by 10/15/20% depending on Bloodlust level. Survivors are informed when they are within a black trail. Black Trail only activates during a chase.

This new mechanic prevents pallet looping, a very serious issue right now.

[i]"It walks a path of darkness, do not follow in it's footsteps."[/i]

EDIT: The new killer, the Clown has the basic element of this black trail mechanic, it may or may not be changed in the future.

[b]Rusty Parts[/b]
This new mechanic requires survivors to search for and obtain Rusty Parts before they are able to repair generators. The amount of Rusty Parts a survivor has is shown to them in the in the bottom left corner, next to the item box. Each rusty part has enough use for exactly one generator. Survivor's may distribute it's use between several generators, but it will use up the rusty part once the progress made has totaled that of one generator. This simulates survivors only applying a portion of the parts to each generator, not all at once. A survivor may only hold up to 3 Rusty Parts. Rusty Parts are found randomly laying about in the map, they will generally be located besides rocks, tables, trees, lockers, grass patches, and bushes. They will not spawn next to generators. Rusty Parts can respawn, but only when none are left on the map. There are a total of 18 Rusty Parts that can be present on the map.

Survivor's with toolboxes can repair generators without Rusty Parts. Doing so will nullify any repair speed bonuses the toolbox has. So a toolbox with a considerable increase in repair speed will repair at a regular speed if the survivor repairs without a Rusty Part.

This new mechanic not only gives survivors another objective, but extends the game to a good and enjoyable length.

[i]"These parts look ages old, yet they seem to work just fine.."[/i]

[b]Lever Damage[/b]
The killer may now damage an exit gate lever as they can do with generators. The progress on the gate slowly decays at a speed of 2% per second.

This new mechanic helps out the killer in the end game, while not being overly severe when paired up with end game perks.

Only 1 bloodlust level is lost upon breaking a barricade.

This change still gives survivors the extra distance they need from the barricade while not being so detrimental to the killer for breaking the barricade.

[i][h1]Balance Changes[/h1][/i]
[*]All survivor slow actions increased in speed by 10% (Locker entry and exit, window vaulting, etc).

[*]Default survivor crouch speed increased by 5%.

[*]Default survivor sabotage speed increased by 10%.

[*]Survivor breathing noises may now be heard through walls at full volume for a range of 5 meters.

[*]Killer attacks now prioritize a survivor that can be grabbed if in range. Survivors blocking said target are shoved aside.

[b]The Doctor[/b]
[]Shock Therapy attack now scales terrain. This change helps the Doctor when near hills or stairs, and allows him to remain viable in maps like The Game.
]Shock Therapy attack no longer starts in front of the Doctor, it starts at the center of the Doctor. This prevents hugging the Doctor to avoid his shocks.
[*]Increased default Shock Therapy range by 1 meter. This is to offset the new decreased start range.

[b]The Wraith[/b]
[]Decreased default reappearance time by 1 second.
]No longer makes a burning or rattle noise at the start of the reappearance animation.
[]During the decloak, The Wraith is able to phase through any objects. If the Wraith is still in an object after the decloak has already ended, it forces the Wraith to the nearest end of the object.
]The Wraith may not phase through the map border walls or the exit gates.
[*]Reverted windstorm add-on changes. No longer have downsides.

[b]The Nightmare[/b]
[]Dream Demon is now an AOE attack, survivors within the area of channel are put to sleep. For every extra survivor put to sleep in a single channel, the dream transition is increased by 1 second.
]When pulling a survivor into the dream world, the survivor stops their current action and may not perform any actions other than pallet drops, window vaults, and hatch jumps.
[]Downed survivors must be woken up before they can be healed.
]It now takes 2 Skillchecks to wake up (from 1).
[]For every survivor asleep, Freddy gains a 4% movement speed boost. Speed boost increase only applies after the 2nd survivor in the dream world.
]Dream Transition time reduced to 6 seconds (from 7).
[]Add ons that reduce the dream transition now reduce the dream transition by 1 second, 2 seconds, 3 seconds, and 4 seconds respectively. These add ons may no longer be stacked. This change allows The Nightmare to still have a short transition and make room for another add-on.
]Increased The Nightmare's default terror radius by 8 meters. For every survivor asleep, The Nightmare's terror radius is decreased by 8 meters. Terror radius reduction only applies after the 2nd survivor in the dream world.
[*]If a survivor stands still for more than 5 seconds, they become immune to Freddy's aura reading. The survivor may crouch-walk around after this and still be immune to the aura reading. This does not apply if the survivor is performing and action. In the event that the survivor begins to walk or run, they become seeable again.

[b]The Trapper[/b]
[]Default trap amount carried in hand is now 2 (from 1). Add-ons that increase the amount of Bear Traps carried in hand will now allow for 3 and 4 traps in hand respectively.
]Disarming a trap now requires a skillcheck, failing it will cause you to be injured, but no trapped. This makes Unnerving Presence a true Trapper perk.
[]Attempting to free yourself from a Bear Trap is no longer chance based. Freeing yourself from a Bear Trap is a default 15 second interaction. This interaction will have Skillchecks, failing them will result in a 10% regression on the action. Hitting a great skillcheck in the interaction will boost it as normal. Add-ons that previously decreased chances of escaping a Bear Trap now increase this interaction's duration and difficulty.
]Sabotaged traps respawn in lockers after 3 minutes. They are shown inside of them like hatchets.
[]Bear traps are now slightly darker.
]Bear trap hitbox increased.

[b]The Cannibal[/b]
[]Chainsaw now has one more swing.
]The last swing which signifies the end of the chainsaw dash is now also lethal.
[]During the tantrum, the chainsaw may now break barricades.
]If The Cannibal is stunned by a barricade while in a chainsaw dash, the stun occurs as normal, but the barricade is broken.

[b]All Exhaustion Perks[/b]
[]Breathing frequency is increased by 25% during the length of exhaustion.
]Breathing is 25% louder during the length of exhaustion.

[b]Decisive Strike[/b]
[*]Upon escaping with Decisive Strike, the survivor is put into an After-Endurance state for 15/20/25 seconds after which they are put into the dying state. This prevents the use of it to simply extend chases and promotes it being used to lose the killer.

[b]Territorial Imperitave[/b]
[*]The killer now gets a 6/9/12% speed boost for 10 seconds after Territorial Imperitave activates.

[b]Save The Best For Last[/b]
[]Removed 20 second requirement.
]Removed 5 seconds of use attribute.
[]Now affects both successful and missed attacks.
]The reduced recovery now has a cooldown of 10/7/5 seconds.

[b]Play With Your Food[/b]
[]Tokens are now only removed when survivors are put in the dying state. This also means that missed attacks no longer remove tokens.
]Hitting the obsession removes a token even if they aren't put in the dying state.
[*]Reduced chase cooldown from 10 seconds to 5 seconds.

[b]Dying Light[/b]
[]Removed effect on kill system.
]Removed altruistic action speed increase for obsession.
[]Now is based on a token per hit system.
]Hitting the obsession adds 1 Token up to a maximum of 4/5/6 Tokens.
[*]Each Token adds a 7% debuff to survivors on repair, healing, and sabotage actions.

[b]Calm Spirit[/b]
[*]The aura of the killer is now shown to you for 2/3/4 seconds when crows are disturbed by the killer.

[b]Beast Of Prey[/b]
[]No longer has a cooldown.
]No longer depends on Bloodlust.
[*]When a chase starts, your red stain disappears. It reappears after the chase ends.

[]A certain amount of hooks may now be permanently destroyed, the rest of the hooks respawn as normal.
]Permanently sabotage up to 1/1/2 hooks.

[b]Hex: Huntress Lullaby[/b]
[*]Extra regression upon skillcheck failure remains even after the hex totem is broken.

[b]Hex: Ruin[/b]
[*]"Tapping" the same generator more than 3 times results in a 5% regression. No explosion is caused. [/list]

[b]Blood Warden[/b]
[]Hooking a survivor when the exit gates are powered grants the ability of Blood Warden even when no gates are open yet.
]You may now press [b]E[/b] to activate Blood Warden on command once you have already hooked a survivor.
[*]The killer is now shown a timer on Blood Warden, providing the killer information on when it will end. Survivors are not shown this information.

[b]Iron Will[/b]
[*]Now affects noises while in the dying state.

[b]Bitter Murmur[/b]
[]Now works by decreasing slowly.
]After the reveal time has elapsed, the auras are still shown to you with the area of reveal decreasing slowly from an unlimited range to a permanent 12/16/20 meter range.

[b]Dark Sense[/b]
[]Now works by decreasing slowly.
]After the reveal time has elapsed, the aura is still shown to you with the area of reveal decreasing slowly from an unlimited range to a permanent 20/24/28 meter range.

[b]Deja Vu[/b]
[]Removed generator reveal on game start attribute.
]You now start with one Rusty Part.
[]Reveals the auras of generators when within 28/32/36 meters of them.
]Reveals the auras of Rusty Parts when within 8/10/12 meters of them.
[]Adds the auras of 1/2/3 generators to maps.
]Slightly/Moderatley/Moderatley increases map tracking range.

[b]We'll Make It[/b]
[*]Maximum amount of bonus healing speed possible increased to 200%.

[b]Brutal Strength[/b]
[]Each value increased by 5%.
]Increases barricade break speed by 15/20/25%.

[]Now shows the auras of survivors in madness 3.
]Now shows the auras of survivors in the dream world.
[*]Instead of fully countering Knock-Out, Empathy now doubles the range at which dying survivors' auras are shown when they are affected by Knock-Out.

[]Removed timer.
]Now permanent when the exit gates are opened.
[]Percentages now affect action speed as well.
]Each percentage increased by 3.

[b]No Mither[/b]
[]Now grants a 200% bloodpoint gain in all categories.
]The bloodpoints are awarded at the end of the trial.

[b]Brand New Part[/b]
[]Only one of these add-ons may be brought into a trial now.
]If multiple survivors attempt to bring it in, one will randomly be selected as the one to bring it in. If a survivor is not selected as the one to bring it in, the add-on will return to them and will not be used.

[b]Anti-Hemorrhage Syringe[/b]
[*]After use, the next time the survivor it's used on is hit, they are put into an [b]After-Endurance[/b] for 20 seconds after which they are automatically put into the dying state. This does not occur if the survivor is already injured when hit.

[b]Syptic Agent[/b]
[*]After use, the next time the survivor it's used on is hit, they are put into an [b]After-Endurance[/b] for 24 seconds after which they are automatically put into the dying state. This does not occur if the survivor is already injured when hit.

[i][h1]New Ultra Rare Add-ons[/h1][/i]
[i]A gift, or a curse?[/i]

[h1]The Wraith[/h1]
[b]"The Ghost" - Spirit[/b]
The Khugwemuu symbol, representing the spirit world, ominously glows on the head of the bell.
[][b]Grants stealth[/b] when uncloaking while motionless.
][b]Stealth[/b] reduces your terror radius to [b]0m[/b] until you move or act again, which
gradually increases the terror radius from [b]0m[/b] to the regular terror radius.
[]Make no noise when reappearing.
]Unlocks the ability to [b]grab[/b] survivors performing an action while cloaked.
[]Considerabley increases The Wraith's reappearance time.
]Slightly increases visibility while cloaked.
[i]"Stay still and watch the fog. Don't move, don't blink and for god's sake don't breathe." - Benedict Baker's Journal[/i]

[b]"Blink" - Spirit[/b]
The Kratin symbol, representing quick passing, ominously glows on the body of the Bell.
[]Tremendously decreases the The Wraith's dissappearance time.
]Unlocks the ability to [b]phase[/b] through objects while cloaked.
[*]Slightly reduces The Wraith's movement speed while cloaked.
[i]"I blinked my eyes, and then it was gone. I took one more breath as it came lunging at me through the rubble." - Unknown, Notes[/i]

[h1]The Cannibal[/h1]
[b]Gory Oil Sludge[/b]
A mix of oil, blood, and other fluids.
[]Chainsaw dash [b]does not stop[/b] until you are stunned, you cancel the chainsaw dash, or until you break a barricade.
]You may press [b]M1[/b] to cancel the chainsaw dash.
[]Tremendously increases the charge time of the chainsaw.
]Tremendously increases the object stun penalty.
[*]During the object stun, move at [b]50%[/b] your normal speed.
[i]"My family's always been in meat" - Nubbins Sawyer[/i]

[h1]The Nurse[/h1]
[b]Sally's Last Breath[/b]
The last breath of Sally Smithson, taken by The Entity before she descended into insanity.
[]On a [b]successful hit[/b], suffer no fatigue time penalty and gain a [b]30%[/b] decrease on the attack cooldown.
]Considerabley increases the fatigue time penalty.
[*]Slightly reduces your movement speed during the fatigue time penalty.
[i]"As life breathes back into her, she only thirsts for it more."[/i]

[h1]The Doctor[/h1]
[b]Entity's Spark[/b]
A tempered variant of Carter's Spark. It crackles with black lightning.
[]Survivors in Madness 3 are affected with the [b]Exposed[b] status effect.
]Considerably increases the [b]Shake It Off[/b] duration.
[]Tremendously increases range of Shock Therapy attack. Does not stack with other range increasing addons.
]Moderatley increases the charge time of the Shock Therapy attack.
[*]Moderatley increases the cooldown in between Shock Therapy attacks.
[i]"Increase the amperage! I'm close to a breakthrough, I'm sure of it!"- Herman Carter[/i]

[h1]The Hillbilly[/h1]
[b]Skeletal Chain[/b]
The bones of Mr. and Mrs. Thompson, grinded into chain fittings.
[]Chainsaw [b]remains lethal[/b] after cancellation.
]Canceling the chainsaw triggers a [b]Chainsaw Lunge[/b] which instantly puts a survivor into the [b]dying state[/b].
[]The [b]Chainsaw Lunge[/b] behaves like a regular attack lunge, this lunge can break barricades.
]Considerabley increases the cooldown of the Chainsaw.
[*]Tremendously increases the object stun time penalty.
[i]"It's disgusting.. you call that thing our son? Lock it up before anyone sees it." - Mr. Thompson[/i]

[h1]The Hag[/h1]
[b]Iridescent Mark[/b]
The shimmering mark of the Hag, imbued by the fog itself. The mark burns and reverberates with the Entity's power.
[]Attacks performed after teleporting to a trap automatically put a survivor into the [b]dying state[/b].
]Decreases the amount of traps you may have active on the map to [b]6[/b].
[]Moderatley increases the visibility of the trap.
]You [b]do not[/b] suffer a lunge penalty after teleporting to a trap.
[i]"It bears a burning upon contact, for it is the mark of death."[/i]

[h1] The Trapper [/h1]
[b]Black Fog[/b]
A condensed cloud of the fog, cyrstalizing when in contact with an object. It bends light to it's user's will.
[]Renders all set traps [b]Invisible[/b].
]Tremendously increases escape difficulty.
[]Tremendoulsy increases Sabotage difficulty and time.
]Moderatley increases Trap Setting Time.
[]Moderatley decreases the [b]bleeding frequency[/b] of Trapped Victims.
]Set trap auras are still visible to The Trapper.
[i]"Because in this world, just because you can't see it, doesn't mean it can't kill you."[/i]

[b]Iridescent Jaws[/b]
These Bear Trap jaws are moulded from The Fog itself. The Entity's trace shimmering within inspires visions of helpless victims. Perhaps, with these being so close to The Entity's touch, there can be a slight break from tradition.
[] Your Bear Traps now act as sacrificial hooks, and will contribute to summoning The Entity whilst a Survivor is trapped in one.
] Escaping Bear Traps now works identically to as if the Survivor was attempting to escape from a Sacrificial Hook.
[] Your Bear Traps can never immediately advance to the final Hook state- They must always wait for the Survivor to progress through the 2nd Hook state before The Entity can consume them.
] You may remove Survivors from their Bear Traps and move them to a Sacrifical Hook, as normal. Hooking a survivor previously caught in a Bear Trap continues from the progression on the Bear Trap and does not progress to the next phase automatically.
[] Trapping a Survivor in your Bear Trap counts for perks and offering effects identically to if you had hooked that Survivor.
]Gain [b]200%[/b] more bloodpoints in the [b]Devioussness[/b] category.
[*]Trumps all other add-ons.
[i]"If you are ever so unfortunate as to feel these unnatural jaws holding you in place, resist the urge to look down- Or worse, up." - Benedict Baker's Journal[/i]

[b]Pocket Void[/b]
A black bag with a scent of rotting flesh. It seems to have no limit in storage potential.
[]You start the trial with [b]all traps[/b] in hand.
]Allows the transportation of [b]all traps[/b] in hand.
"Gaze into the void, belongings of the fallen float about."

[h1]The Nightmare[/h1]
[b]Void Ember[/b]
The essence of the Dream World, materialized as an ember. The fabric of reality bends in it's presence.
[]During the dream transition, the terror radius is reduced to [b]0m[/b].
]Successful Attacks put survivors into an [b]Endurance[/b] state for 25 seconds, after which they are put into the [b]dying state[/b].
[]Moderatley increases the terror radius.
]Slightly increases the dream transition. Time to fall asleep increased by [b]1[/b] second.
[i]"There are many wonders to behold in the dream, and many terrors to experience in the nightmare."[/i]

[i]"Gifts from the fog?"[/i]

[b]Death Antidote[/b]
A long narrow syringe, containing a strange, glowing, black liquid within. Taking it fills you with life.
[]Disables the ability to heal yourself or others with the medkit.
]Replaces the [b]healing[/b] action with the [b]Inject[/b] action.
[]Upon injection, revive from the dying state and gain [b]Endurance[/b] for 15 seconds.
]Takes 5 seconds to [b]Inject[/b].
[]Expends the medkit upon use.
]May only be used on yourself.
[i]"It's odd, for the first time in the eternity I've spent here.. I get to feel something other than pain." - Unknown, Notes[/i]

[b]Iridescent Sawblade[/b]
A glass-like saw blade moulded from the fog itself. It was originally purposed for deeds of evil. The blade is warm and reverberates with the Entity's power.
[]Any hooks sabotaged with this add-on will be [b]permanently[/b] destroyed.
]Considerabley increases sabotage speed.
[]Moderatley reduces sabotage skillcheck success zones.
]Reduces the toolbox's charges by [b]20%[/b].
[i]"A new object has formed out of the dark mist, a saw with a seemingly dark power flowing from within, but it seems to wield great power in the right hands. Is this our fighting chance?" - Benedict Baker's Journal[/i]

[i][h1]New Offerings[/h1][/i]
[i]"New tributes to the fog."[/i]

[h1]Both Sides[/h1]

[b]Broken Lever - Ultra-Rare[/b]
[]Adds 1 additional exit to the trial.

[b]Box Of Scraps - Rare[/b]
[*]You start the trial with 3 Rusty Parts in hand.

[b]Shiny Scrap - Very Rare[/b]
[]You start the trial with 1 Rusty Part in hand.
]You can't pick up additional Rusty Parts.
[*]The Rusty Part will [b]not lose charges[/b].

[b]Shroud Of Death - Very Rare[/b]
[*]All survivors spawn within [b]32 metres[/b] of you.
[i]"Death is inevitable, and the fog pulls it closer."[/i]

[i][h1]Offering Removals & Changes[/h1][/i]
-All 25% and 50% bonus bloodpoint offerings for one category removed.

-All 75% bonus bloodpoint offerings for one category increased to 100%. Bumped down rarity from Rare to Uncommon.

-Survivor Pudding rarity bumped up from Uncommon to Rare.

-Escape! Cake rarity bumped up from Uncommon to Rare.

-Map offerings now guarantee the map. If multiple map offerings are offered, one is randomly chosen to be burnt and the others are returned to their owners and not burnt.

-Cypress Memento Mori now allows you to kill the last survivor by your hand whether or not they are healthy, injured, or dying. This means you can just grab the last survivor even at full health to kill them.

[h1]Update Status:[/h1] [b]Incomplete[/b]

[b]Entity's Spark:[/b] by [MT4] FaZe Entity
[b]Black Fog:[/b] by TWiXT
[b]Iridescent Jaws:[/b] by lexilogo
[b]Void Ember:[/b] by [MT4]FaZe Entity
[b]Death Antidote:[/b] by IamTheSpy!
[b]Iridescent Sawblade:[/b] by IamTheSpy!
[b]Broken Lever:[/b] by IamTheSpy!
[b]Shroud Of Death:[/b] by IamTheSpy!

[h1]Biggest Contributer:[/h1] [MT4] FaZe Entity

Yes, this is a FAN-MADE update. Hopefully the developers may take a look at it?

Also, you may or may not remember this from the original Steam discussions post. You can always take a good ol' look at the old forums and see it.

Post edited by FuelSauce on


  • jn5480
    jn5480 Member Posts: 20
    edited June 2018

    Definitely agree with some of these changes which will actually make some perks useful for once - like Deja Vu.

    I feel like a lot of the killer changes (such as the black trail) will be too overpowered however, or just not fun for survivors to play. This coupled with a lot of the other changes to core gameplay such as finding rusted parts will essentially lengthen the game at the cost of player enjoyment. (I do like the concept of rusted parts actually. I think they should start with a few - maybe just enough to repair a generator by themselves?)
    I too believe that killers at the moment are a bit under-powered with the issue of pallet looping, however just reading those Freddy changes, I can imagine how strong of a character he will be - to the point of making the game unplayable for survivors.

    The aim of developers currently should be at promoting the core essence of the game - repairing generators and evading/escaping the killer by providing perks that can make this faster, more reliable and/or risk-vs-reward style gameplay. This can be done by adding universal perks or adjusting the current ones as this fan update has demonstrated - with some adjustments to make it fairer.

    From a killer standpoint, it is still seen up in higher ranks that killers are looped for hours up to the point of 5 generators being done. Other games, the killer easily gets 4k's due to poor choices from survivors. By making the killer more consistent - through even changing base pallet breaking speeds or tweaking how blood-lust works, this would make it a lot more fun to play as the killer.

    In summary, both survivors and killers deserve buffs in certain areas, however I personally feel like survivor buffs should be more effective than killer buffs, however a killer buff should eliminate a survivor's buff. For example: Dance with me making survivor vault through windows a good way of losing the killer, however the clown's window blocking perk would trump this.

    These are just my ideas and by no means am I correct.

    I appreciate you posting this here :)

    Post edited by jn5480 on
  • PigNRun
    PigNRun Member Posts: 2,428
    A really enjoyable read, honestly. Props for the Black Trail idea.

    Also, by "Shake It Off" you mean "Snap out of It"? Just checking.
  • FuelSauce
    FuelSauce Member Posts: 125

    @jn5480 said:
    Definitely agree with some of these changes which will actually make some perks useful for once - like Deja Vu.

    I feel like a lot of the killer changes (such as the black trail) will be too overpowered however, or just not fun for survivors to play. This coupled with a lot of the other changes to core gameplay such as finding rusted parts will essentially lengthen the game at the cost of player enjoyment. (I do like the concept of rusted parts actually. I think they should start with a few - maybe just enough to repair a generator by themselves?)
    I too believe that killers at the moment are a bit under-powered with the issue of pallet looping, however just reading those Freddy changes, I can imagine how strong of a character he will be - to the point of making the game unplayable for survivors.

    The aim of developers currently should be at promoting the core essence of the game - repairing generators and evading/escaping the killer by providing perks that can make this faster, more reliable and/or risk-vs-reward style gameplay. This can be done by adding universal perks or adjusting the current ones as this fan update has demonstrated - with some adjustments to make it fairer.

    From a killer standpoint, it is still seen up in higher ranks that killers are looped for hours up to the point of 5 generators being done. Other games, the killer easily gets 4k's due to poor choices from survivors. By making the killer more consistent - through even changing base pallet breaking speeds or tweaking how blood-lust works, this would make it a lot more fun to play as the killer.

    In summary, both survivors and killers deserve buffs in certain areas, however I personally feel like survivor buffs should be more effective than killer buffs, however a killer buff should eliminate a survivor's buff. For example: Dance with me making survivor vault through windows a good way of losing the killer, however the clown's window blocking perk would trump this.

    These are just my ideas and by no means am I correct.

    I appreciate you posting this here :)

    Thanks for the feedback man. I wrote this thread months ago, I just re-posted it here. As you can see it still has a bunch of HTML codes there that didn't seem to translate well into this forum. I'll have to get that fixed. As for your comments. The Black Trail thing was a concept in this thread before the clown was introduced. Now that he's here, it may be subject to change or even be removed (key word: may). Also, the killer changes are also older, back before killers got some nice buffs, (such as hatch closing). Things in this thread will change.

  • FuelSauce
    FuelSauce Member Posts: 125

    @PigNRun said:
    A really enjoyable read, honestly. Props for the Black Trail idea.

    Also, by "Shake It Off" you mean "Snap out of It"? Just checking.

    This was back before they changed that typo for and add on with said phrase. I always thought it meant the duration of you not being able to interact with anything. By "shake it off" I mean the amount of time a survivor is stunned.