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Survivors Waiting in the Endgame



  • RaSavage42
    RaSavage42 Member Posts: 5,546

    One way I think can fix this is to start EGC when the gates are powered not opened

    It will make the endgame go quicker (IMO)

    Also perks activate when the gates are powered (except for No One Left Behind) so it makes sense

  • Dennis_van_eijk
    Dennis_van_eijk Member Posts: 1,704


    But if he is face camping the hook than do what must be done, do the gens fast and get out.

    It is exactly what he wants that survivors going and try the rescue.

    Whenever I see a bubba face camping then I leave and do the gens as fast as I can.

    I had 1 time where I was able to pull it off but if I noticed that he was just facing the hook constantly than I would have left.

    He was looking in all directions and we had a pallet to work with.

    It was during egc and I had done enough to pip so I didn't mind tmo die.

    But to my surprise all of us got out.

    But trying it during the match where gens still needs to be done, I wouldn't recommend it because it usually backfires and the match is over

  • ukenicky
    ukenicky Member Posts: 1,352

    If I wait it's usually at the Exit Gates and I only do it if fellow survivors are there with me and we want to heal up for more blood points and let the killer hit us on the way out to give them more blood points as well.

    Of course if the killer takes like, 30-60 seconds and doesn't come around we just leave.

    When I play killer, I hate it when survivors act like they're going to let you get a hit at the exit gate but tbag and deadhard out and then call you slurs in the end game chat for seemingly no reason.

    Like, I definitely feel you there's toxicity out there but the best you can do is never give up and force them out if you don't want any time wasted. I'm more surprised that they'd come all the way back in to find you tbh. Also can't killers open exit gate after all gens are powered? But yeah, survivors wanna be chased! As killer our job is to put on a show to the very end, any time I play killer I'm not the best by any means but I try my best until the last second and even when I'm being nice to survivors, I try to scare them witless and make them uncomfortable bcuz to me, scaring people and making dbd feel like a horror game is what playing killer is all about.