Thoughts on Twins?

It's been a couple of weeks since the Twins came out, and I was wondering what everyone was thinking about them. Personally, I don't think they're in a great spot for the following reasons.

  • Victor can't climb through windows, so maps like Haddonfield and Treatment Theater are very difficult to play as.
  • If Victor is crushed or the survivor being chased finds a loop which Victor can't land a hit at, which do exist, Charlotte has to walk over or the survivor needs to be abandoned which is a massive waste of time.
  • Victor doesn't remain on survivors long enough for him to be any real threat. You will rarely trap someone inside the map during EGC, and you will rarely hit an oblivious survivor. I mean they do take damage so I guess it doesn't matter, but I don't think I've ever gotten a hit on a survivor with Victor on their back.
  • The Twins waste a ton of time as killer. Anytime a survivor is Downed as Victor, you still have to walk over to them as Charlotte, so a lot of the time you are covering the same ground twice. That's time survivors can be getting the downed survivor up or working on generators.
  • As a killer they are strongest when Camping, Slugging, and three genning. Victor's pounce down incentivizes hitting multiple injured survivors in a row and leaving them slugged. Usually as Charlotte you can't find them, which isn't not fun. If you hook a survivor who has been downed by Victor, you will usually hook the survivor near Victor because that's the closest hook. Sometimes you will want to get Victor out as soon as possible, leaving Charlotte next to the hook. Finally, the worst is the three gen strat on the Twins. Leave Charlotte next to one gen and have Victor patrol the other two, or do the opposite. It's very strong, and I don't think something like this fun for the survivors at all. If survivors smash through the first four gens, but then hit the Charlotte-Victor Three gen it seems like it would be a very bad time.

That's about it for actual problems with their power. Now I just want to list annoying things:

  • A lot of the camera movements on the Twins are visually Jarring. Namely Victor leaving Charlotte and Victor Being crushed cause the camera to move in unnatural and uncontrolled ways that make me feel like I'm playing oblivion.
  • Does Charlottes view have to be locked forwardwhen waking up? I mean I guess there is probably a reason, but I don't see it. It just feels bad.
  • Victor can't move through Charlotte. I understand she's an obstacle for survivors, but I feel like he should just be able to move through her.
  • Theres this weird black mist that sometimes hovers in front of Charlottes face while sleeping. pretty sure it's a bug.

Well I'm done complaining what are your thoughts?


  • AhoyWolf
    AhoyWolf Member Posts: 4,099

    I don't really like them, their design is great, but the gameplay... not so much.

    They were advertised as 2 Killers that can cooperate, but it feels more like a 1 Killer that is split into two halves, one does the chases and the fun stuff, and the second one is there just to take out the trash.

    Victor also isn't that fun if you think about it (at least for me), you use his pounce most likely at a very close distance, making it basically a normal m1, if you try to do some fancy stuff like range pounces, if you miss goodbye pressure. Also he is really fast, so you literally don't even need to try to actually pounce with him, just get really close and charge up your "m1" pounce.

  • GodDamn_Angela
    GodDamn_Angela Member Posts: 2,213
    edited December 2020

    Buggy af.

  • Blueberry
    Blueberry Member Posts: 13,590

    Even if we ignore all the ridiculous amount of bugs involved with them and just look at them in terms of balance/fun, they've been extremely disappointing to me. They're probably the weakest killer they've ever released. They've just got counter play, on top of counter play, on top of counter play stacked on them to unnecessary levels. They also have the same issues Plague has where the survivors have control of their power. This is not good design for balance or simply fun reasons.

    The hold time on lockers isn't even remotely long enough, like literally needs to be doubled.

    Why is there a global notification for them switching between each other? There shouldn't be a notification at all, much less global. I feel like a toddler on survivor having my hand held. How about the game just expect me to be cognizant of my surroundings and watching for a Victor coming? Is that really so difficult?

    On that topic, why is Victor so loud? What's the point of no TR on him if he's so loud with his noises that it's essentially a pseudo TR anyway? Defeats the entire point.

    Victor should be able to be recalled instantly, there's no reason survivors should have control of him. His aura also should be shown instantly as well.

    While a survivor is holding Victor Charlotte should gain some kind of increased strength, be that increased move speed or Undetectable. This is to make the survivor actually scared and want to get Victor off.

    Victor unkickable after a successful hit. He should only be getting punished for a failed attack.

  • edgarpoop
    edgarpoop Member Posts: 8,246

    Awful. Not fun and really weak. They're only effective vs bad or out of position survivors.

    Their biggest issue is efficiency. It takes them way too long to do anything. You down someone with Victor, then have to switch and walk over to the slug. Or you latch with Victor and have to chase as a powerless M1 killer.

    You can injure multiple targets, but you have to actually hook survivors at some point. Gens are being done while you're "applying pressure". Injuries aren't pressure against good players. I've seen Twins do this and 3 gens are done before they've hooked anyone. Gr8 pressure m8.

    I guess they can camp. But just play Hag at that point.

  • WishIcouldmain
    WishIcouldmain Member Posts: 4,082

    A,B,C,D,E,F tiers I'd put them in D maybe C tier.

  • crowbarman
    crowbarman Member Posts: 499

    With Twins the early game is hard going until you get some survivors injured at the Red rank. You jump on someone's back, great. You can't see where they go, the switch takes forever back to Charlotte. So you go off and look for someone else. If they are smart, the original survivors heals.

    The process of latching on, switching and getting over for the hook is tedious. Later, when injuries are abound, the game picks up.

    The SWF teams that focus on healing pretty much win all of their matches, and I am rank 2 with 100+ hours on Twins. If they aren't focused on healing constantly then it's an easy 4k.

  • xEa
    xEa Member Posts: 4,105

    I hate the twins.