Refunding iridescent shards

Is this possible? I just saved up the 9000 IRIDESCENT SHARDS and then bought the twins with it. Apperently I don't like them at all, so I'd like to refund them and buy deathslinger instead.
So once again, is this possible?
Here's part of their EULA (find it here)
If you can't be asked to read that, it basically says that DBD has "Virtual Goods" (characters/cosmetics) able to be bought with virtual currencies (shards, cells, bloodpoints), all of which have no monetary value. Any purchases made are "non-refundable and non-returnable and are not redeemable for any sum of money or monetary value or virtual currency from BHVR at any time". In lay-mans terms, anything you buy in-store isn't refundable.
AKA no, you can't get a refund.
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[¬⏠¬] They should atleast lower the price for buying characters then or even make them free. I already payed 20 bucks for this game..
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Sorry but we do not make in-game refunds.
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They definitely shouldn’t,are every character free. That would cause a whole bunch of problems
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Lol it's a buisness. We need to to keep the game fresh and updated. If we want to continue playing this game then no these character and cosmetics should not be free. Those of you that can't afford them or that just don't want to buy/support them then just don't. At the same time don't make ridiculous claims like this please and Thank you. Enjoy the game :)
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There are many businesses out there that actually have good refund policies. Especially when it is the company that screws something up. This one doesn't. Why people grandstand for BHVR on it is beyond me.
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Sure there are but we are talking about characters and cosmetics in a game. Pretty straight forward there. And most buisness don't let you return something and buy something else just because oh i took it home, opened it, used it, didn't like it, i think I want to buy this one instead, or you should give me it for FREE which the OP said. The only one I know is walmart that does this but that's all ive seen. As for Dbd you can read the bio of characters, watch videos (YT,Twitch, Etc), forums, all kinds of various ways to find out info on characters before you buy. And 4.49 each is cheap and most can be bought with shards. Cosmetics are obvious. Not sure why a return would be needed. Sounds petty. Like these posts.
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Even for cosmetics in a game there are times where refunds make sense. Example: BHVR changing cosmetic prices one day after releasing them with no announcement. I don't feel OP's claim is a good refund reason but I do feel that situations like that most definitely are. And what happened in those situations? People were not refunded. Because BHVR has a terrible refund policy. It isn't as if it can't be amended. They choose to have one. Another thing that in regards to cosmetics would be amateurish mistakes like clipping, distortions, etc. Those aren't petty reasons. They're legitimate problems with quality control and shady business practices.
As for the "I didn't like it" reason: Amazon is a prime example(No pun intended) of a company that has a good refund policy. Steam allows returns in under 2 hours of playtime. EA allows you to refund within a similar window of time. The bios don't matter for characters. They have no influence whatsoever. You can watch videos but those videos to not express feeling. You don't know if something feels right to you unless you try it. The one thing you can say is that PTB is possible for that. Even then, because the PTB doesn't have the release ready character that is likely not going to be right.
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The bio of a character has the power and active abilities. Everything that character can do in a nutshell that is supposed to make them different from other characters. It's the first thing I looked at when I got the game. I'm not saying Bhvr don't mess up but I believe they do there best to correct what they can. Are there things that still need fixed? Yes! Are there things that have needed fixed for far too long? Yes! A return policy should be towards the bottom. Your also comparing Bhvr/DBD to Amazon/Steam/EA like really? I think there are more pressing issues in this game than a return policy lol. Darkness/color, bugs to killers/perks, maps, sound, hit validation/ auto aim, list goes on. I would also like to shout out my personal vendetta with Bhvr right now with these LIMITED codes they are releasing around the same time in morning/noon time frame (east coast) and the fact that the first shift essential worker has no shot of ever getting these. How about switching things up once in awhile BHVR?
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My point is that the iridescent shards price for characters is way too much. You need like 18 levels for getting 1 character which is the equivalent of playing like 20 hours. FOR 1 CHARACTER OF LIKE THE 20. Then you could get the problem of not liking your purchase. BHVR's answer? "Too bad, better luck next time!". Yes, you can buy it with real money, but why should you if you can get it for free? Having to pay money to get the licensed DLC's i get, but still..
Also this ☝️