Console unfairness to killers that needs addressing
Good morning
I have been debating posting this for awhile.
This is in no way a dig or anything like that. Just a game issue that needs looking into.
I have seen playing as survivor that pc survivors can move while I am still in my loading animations even work on gens while I'm still waiting on my character to be able to move.
This puts console killers at a huge disadvantage straight away especially if going against a full pc team.
They can move work on gens etc before the killer loads in this is extremely unfair and should be discussed and am surprised no one has mentioned this or brought this up?!
Feel like I'm going crazy or the only one that is seeing this go on or something lol
Anyway would love if any other people have also seen this happening.
get some videos of this in the mp4 format, put it on youtube and submit a ticket through the support team, OR go to the feedback/suggestion/bug section and let them see it and perhaps they can then address it.
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Yeah I will do! this seems bizzar that no one else has brought this up but thank you probably is the better way to hopefully bring light to the issue I'm seeing.
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it can be either because of two facts:
-Your internet isn't as fast as the rest of players
-You take longer to load because of your console software or much data usage in the hard disk
also, how do you know they're from PC and not ps4, xbox or switch? they might load faster than you too
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as @Angelicus23 says there are other reasons but if the devs can some how duplicate your issue they'll work for it, and if not you've learned that they still try :) and you are very welcome, reporting issues is a very valid thing to do no matter the issue be it an exploit or be it a bug or other issue. :) good luck!
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How do I know they are on pc? because of the names the people have its very clear to see a pc name compared to console.
I think it's probably just a console issue or a me issue but I have extremely good Internet so always at 30 to 40 ping.
Thanks for your input tho as no one is commented to say they have experienced it also seems like just an issue I am experiencing which is good!
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The name Hex: Devour Ass generally tips me off that its a PC player.
This isn't the only disadvantage Console Killer's have when playing against PC Survivors either. Honestly, to me, this isn't comparable to Survivors literally getting more info/time to react when compared to the Killer, but hey, if it gets fixed that's a start.
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π Lol yep normally you can tell.
Going to do some survivor games get the issue recorded and to the bug report and summit all the things.
I'm just happy to see tho it's only me that has seen this happening!
Console killers have already so much to deal with this ontop would be just more unfair why I thought about asking first to find out if other players have seen this happening.
But will do as my fellow pig lover suggested and hopefully its just an issue I solely experience.
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Oni is SO difficult on console. I miss every time when I attack them with his special ability.
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I've not noticed with the killers but when I'm survivor + with console survivors + I'm on pc I usually get moving about 5-10 seconds before they do (time which I spend crouched in front of them usually)
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If I play SWF with Mrs JawsIsTheNextKiller (in the same room), my PC's load bar fills up quicker and then "waits" for her PS4 to load up. We both start the game within 1 second of eachother and can move at roughly the same time.
Those survivors that don't move immediately might just be finishing typing their post on the forums like I am right now.
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Yeah a lot of the time with survivors they alt+tab or do something on their phone or get up and do something because loading + queue times are so long in this game (especially on PS4/XBONE), and they may not get back to the game immediately, but players shouldn't actually load in faster than you. The game has a system that makes it so that it won't let the game start until everyone has loaded. If for some reason that isn't working, it's probably a bug rather than anything intended. (That or the survivors are cheating, but if it's happening repeatedly I doubt it's that.)
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This game is simply optimized horribly for console, I heard it's even worse on the switch...
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Yesterday I play a match as a killer on xbox one x. I push the pause button to see the names to discover who is my obsession just by reading 2 names of the 4, right after I quit the menu and I could walk freely right before the spin animation ended. Hope it works...
Its horrible for switch, but nowadays we dont know exactly if they have improved it.
I just came back yesterday from a break of 2 patches to play other videogames. Dbd feels so much better and smoother, the camera analog feels responsive, I played with Twins, Billy, Deathslinger, Oni and PH. This night I will play some Blight hoping to play the smoothest experience. But in fact, is more optimized nowadays.
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Switch is the slowest console, definitely not Switch. I can guarantee almost every single switch players has crossplay off.
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Totally off topic but how does one become a member of your church!?
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Good to know its not the case of people not moving I have seen in a few games pc players moving while I am still in animation of coming in as a survivor. Also I normally play with a friend that has seen this also. Hoping its just a Internet thing doesn't happen all the time.
Wishing you and your lady a merry Xmas π·π so sweet you play together!
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Boop the snoot
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Praise be πππ
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Update: After playing and getting beated to deat in Dark Souls Remastered, I decided to play DBD and play my main roll, killer. Anyway, Blight on consoles feels smoother, it still has fps drops but is more manageable, since I play with a rush playstyle I often bonk into the wall in my 2nd rush, probably because I move too far the analog. I was able to peform a lot of downs that require moving your body while on rush and attacking. If they get rid of the fps drops then it would be so much acceptable.
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What you've been experiencing could be just a bug that your teammates knew.
I know that recently there was a bug where you could move do things during the intro "cutscene" if you paused by pressing esc and unpausing, not sure if it was patched, but it definitely was a thing.