Scratch Marks Make No Sense

For instance, a survivor runs through a door and you'll have scratch marks going left, right, and forward. It takes a second to see just where they went, giving the survivor even more distance. I suspect BHVR won't do a thing about this, but it's pretty bad. Even big streamers get confused by them and say how dumb they are.
Can we please get them narrowed a bit?
In some tight areas like that it can be a little confusing, but you should be looking ahead for the continued trail/listening to footsteps and breathing to help keep track.
Edit: something else I'd like to say is when it comes to perks, I feel using a slot or two to cover your personal weaknesses is a good idea. If you really struggle, you should use Predator more for the narrowed scratchmarks. Pretty much a straight line to them.
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I'd love to look ahead, but they're so damn hard to see in this new grass, if you see them at all.
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I was wondering that too. I've seeing some survivors who consistently spawned scratch marks with patches missing in between. And I mean, I saw that as I had eyes on them running. So, I know they didn't try to urban evade or some other shenanigans.
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I've seen the exact same, scratch marks disappearing just feet away while watching them run.
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Scratch marks bugs a lot on stairs, that make chasing survivors on The game map confusing sometimes.
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If you think this isn’t done on purpose (killer point of view on scratch marks) just equip Fixated and look how vibrant and continuous the scratches are. The devs distort and lessen the visibility from the killer POV.
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What wisdom?
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Yeah, I kinda hope they will visually update scratchmarks as well. It doesn't fit 100% well on updated maps especially.
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It would be nice if they brought back how scratch marks were from a couple years ago. They broke somehow after a patch and it's never been the same since. At least I thought they broke, but maybe it was done on purpose. :}
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It's a bug that hinders killer so they won't touch it until there's a killer shortage. I'm still waiting for them to fix the bugs introduced to Nurse since her rework.
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If I had a nickel for every time a hit didn't connect right in the back of their head, I'd have $400
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I think too a lot of the PC players have realized if they do that weird little wiggle walk in those tight corridors, the scratch marks will appear (so even if they don't actually go down the hallway, it leaves just enough scratch marks in that direction that it LOOKS like they could have gone that way since the wall is cutting the killers viewpoint off).
You see players do the wiggle walk a lot when they vault through a window and the killer is starting their animation to walk over the window for I imagine the same reason. It takes the survivor half a second to do the wiggle but those scratchmarks might be enough to confuse the killer into either killing a few more seconds or make them lose you completely.
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The worst part is when scratch marks just dissapear when a survivor goes around a sharp corner. I know at least 1 place in pig's map that consistently has that issue. I've also had issues where scratch marks lag so they don't appear behind a survivor for a couple seconds and make it really confusing when you're going around a bunch of tight corners in a row. And I'm pretty sure predator wouldn't help because it's not the scratch marks being too wide, it's that they're just not even appearing.
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It definitely hinders killers, but it still doesn't stop me from getting my 3+ kill average. Maybe it was too easy to track so they fixed it, or maybe they introduced new geometry to the map to cause it. One thing for sure- I definitely don't take a stance that devs don't look out for killers because, overall, they have made the killer role a LOT easier since then.
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Well killer's job is getting easier but many forget it was absolutely hell before. I still would not call killer easy. It's gotten better but I still think survivor is easier. Unless playing with randoms, then it sucks.
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Well, I wouldn't call it hell to play before. Maybe hella fun. I put in the bulk of my hours before 2018 with 1k in Billy alone, and I was averaging 3+k back then too. This was when I was slugging everyone to ######### and getting my 500 consecutive kill streak with him. Those were fun times. If I considered it hell, I would've quit a long time ago.
And I don't know why you brought up survivor. To me they're different games. I was talking about how devs made changes to make playing killer easier, because you insinuated that devs don't try to make that part of the game better-- and I don't find that true at all.
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Yeah I've had times where scratch marks went in directions that made no sense, or just stopped out in an open area altogether with no sign of a survivor anywhere.
Scratch marks are still tough to see on Ormond.
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Yeah I’ve lost a couple Survivors recently because the scratch marks just vanish out of nowhere and then randomly pick back up. It’s mainly on the new maps but one time it was on Father Campbell’s Chapel. None of them had Dance With Me equipped.
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All they need to tell you is that someone was there. Such entitled thinking that you should just get everything handed to you as a killer. Might as well ask them “BHVR can you just let me see through walls? Can I just look at them and then they’ll just fall over and die?”
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I'm impressed when they somehow wind up on the ceiling.
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You were obviously chasing Spider-Man.
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Quoted for truth. Too many players think the devs are survivor-sided. That is ridiculous.
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*Cries in Blight's PoV*
At least his PoV is getting buffed...
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I'm talking when the game first came out. When stacking exhaustion perks were a thing, infinites, syringes, BNPs and stuff. It wasn't fun for killer in those days. They call them the dark times for a reason.
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You can piss right off with that "entitled thinking" nonsense. Scratch marks indicate where the survivor is going, not just where they've been. Picture this: You're chasing someone through woods and they turn left, will branches on the right be broken? Of course not. Don't be dense.
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Is that the point? Scratch marks aren’t supposed to directly lead you to the survivor without any thought into it, otherwise the devs may as well have replaced scratch marks with arrows.
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Oh come on dude, that was 4 years ago. Yeah I was there and it was ######### against survivors that exploited the problems. Still here tho and that's why I know it's gotten a lot better. They fixed all that #########.
I don't understand what that has to do with the scratch mark problem, because the only reason why I brought up "back then" in the first place is because there was a bug (or purposely introduced) around 2018 that made it harder to track the scratch marks. I can't even remember if it was fixed/changed and I got used to it.
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When playing survivor I try to do this on purpose to throw killers off my trail. Run one way, then backtrack another. Maybe even run loops around objects a couple of times before casually walking away.
It might be survivors doing this on purpose more than the scratches looking like a mess on their own.
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