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Killers, do you believe dbd is survivor sided?

I’ve been having very poop matches recently, and it’s been making me think that this game is slowly becoming survivor sided and the devs are essentially turning a blind eye on killers.

  1. Perks. Yes, there are killer perks that are very good, but most of them have counters. Hex:Ruin, Barbecue and Chili, Thrilling Tremors and NOED all have counters. Let’s have a look at survivor perks that can’t be countered: adrenaline, sprint burst, lithe and don’t get me started on object of obsession. The devs have turned a MASSIVE blind eye on object. People who say “Oh you’re just bad learn how to counter them” are the same people that bring unbreakable and decisive.
  2. Map design. A good majority of maps are heavily survivor sided, including Hawkins, Lery’s , Red Forest and Haddonfield. Most killers get countered by maps like these. I understamd the devs have been attempting to add balance to certain maps such as Macmillan and Autohaven but that isn’t making up for the pure amount of unbalance in other maps.
  3. Gen speeds. Do I even need to go over how quick gen speeds are? And with addons gens can get done in a matter of seconds if everyone is working on one. 45 seconds for 2 people. 2. That is a ridiculously quick time considering that’s cutting 35 seconds without that extra person. They need a nerf, or else they are trying to encourage people to start bringing ruin, but wouldn’t you know! Your totems get done within 30 seconds of the map starting. That leads me into my next point.
  4. Totem spawns. The amount of times I bring ruin undying and undying goes within 1 minute. 30 seconds later, and there goes ruin. Totems are way too obvious and need better spots other than just smacking them in the middle of the map where everyone can see it. At least make it so that survivors kind find totems until after the first minute of the match.
  5. The killers them self. Bhvr have added killers that have very weak map pressure or abilities that are useless, turning killers into a laughing stock. The devs release a killer then ignore them, leaving them to eventually become a meaningless killer with no good perks, or one good perk and two completely awful perks with no use at all. Compare that to survivors with actually all viable perks that can be used including Meg and even Fen Ming. Killers need some love!

So to all you killers, what do you think?



  • ineedsleep
    ineedsleep Member Posts: 24

    I believe they just want to attract more player and get more friends playing, which I understand. But to the point you’re going to neglect killers just to get that attention is saddening to the killer mains.

  • ineedsleep
    ineedsleep Member Posts: 24

    And this isn’t really complimented well by dbd’s awful matchmaking system, pairing new player with rank 1 swf with all 1000+ hours.

  • ineedsleep
    ineedsleep Member Posts: 24

    I guess so. The devs do encourage swf, but the way most players turn out makes me sad

  • Mister_xD
    Mister_xD Member Posts: 7,669

    thats defiitely one of the big problems.

    another one imo would be the gigantic gap between solo survivor teams and SWFs.

    balance wise, the whole existance of SWF is problematic, as you cant just balance around SWFs without absolutely breaking solo, but you also cant balance around solo without having SWFs being absolutely busted.

    yet they also cant just disable one of the two either.

  • valvarez4
    valvarez4 Member Posts: 868
    edited December 2020

    Of course is survivor sided. You only need to see last stats and how kill rate is only about 70%. And this was before undying

  • ineedsleep
    ineedsleep Member Posts: 24

    The gen pressure thing would be helpful, except for the fact I’m a clown main. At this rate I’m going to start bringing distressing with ruin undying he has such poor map pressure. I don’t even really bring devour, but I’m saying in my opinion totem spawns in most cases are either too op or too bad (I’m looking at you lery’s)

  • chieften333
    chieften333 Member Posts: 1,554


  • Axe
    Axe Member Posts: 1,060

    eh imo. it's SWF sided, killer-sided, and solo queue survivor who suffer the most.

  • ineedsleep
    ineedsleep Member Posts: 24

    I was thinking that devs could add separate game modes , so if you want to play solo? There’s a mode for that. Want to play swf? There’s a mode for that. But then the thought of “Who would want to go up against a 4 player swf with 4 toolboxes?” Popped into my head. Queue times would be laughably long.

  • Heartbound
    Heartbound Member Posts: 3,255

    The game is designed for one killer and four solo queue survivors. That's why you have perks that give you select amounts of information.

    Ever since Survive with friends was added that balance has been thrown off and can never be recovered unless they make the killer a lot stronger and give solo players SWF levels of information, which would obviously change the core game.

    ...before SWF was added though people would just lobby hop until they found their friends, so removal would just revert to that. It's not an answer with an easy solution in regards to true balance.

  • ineedsleep
    ineedsleep Member Posts: 24

    Every killer can be played good, that’s a fact. But in some cases it could just be my bad luck. Considering I’ve only had the game since august I suppose there is still a big gap of learning required for me. I’ve gotten insanely good with my bottle hits, but again it’s more the fact I get put with so many swfs it makes my brain go numb. They all know how to counter whatever killer I play, so I guess the only conclusion I have is to try and “git gud” lol

  • sulaiman
    sulaiman Member Posts: 3,219

    And why did you not mention that this includes a) games vs killers where surivors hooksuicide on first hook and b) were red rank killers, even if the survivors were in green ranks? I think this is a vital information to assess the information you have given, why did you keep the rest for yourself?

    Yes, i think dbd is survivor sided. SoloQueue is bad neverthless, because a lot of survivors are just potatoes. I play mostly solo survivor (had played killer up until the mori change, but not now) and the biggest problem is that in solo queue you often have 1-3 ppl allergic to generators.

    I belive a lot of matches with solo survivors are not won by the killer, but rather lost by the survivors.

  • OniWantsYourMacaroni
    OniWantsYourMacaroni Member Posts: 5,944

    If you're looking for good clown advice.Then i'm sure our friendly neighborhood clown main @TheClownIsKing could help you out.

    Also,there is the fact that the clown will receive a rework/buff some time soon so look forward to that :)

  • valvarez4
    valvarez4 Member Posts: 868

    And include too killers that let survivor take the hatch and red rank survivors against killers in green ranks

  • Ryan489x
    Ryan489x Member Posts: 1,467
    edited December 2020

    The game is survivor sided for sure. I play both sides. As another person said it's more SWF sided. If you get a good SWF team you're done right off the bat.

    That's what it feel like.

    There are far more survivor groups that can be very annoying and grief the killer for fun.

    The match making isn't good either you'll get any ranks at any time.

    Just look at any dev stream, it's all nerf Freddy. nerf this nerf that, their mods work overtime on that.

    Post edited by Ryan489x on
  • Mister_xD
    Mister_xD Member Posts: 7,669


    i think the best shot they have is to buff solo survivor to the point where they have the same tools to work with as SWF teams and then balance killer around that.

    and even then, solo teams would still have somewhat of a disadvantage when compared to SWFs (just because its 4 random people versus 4 friends who know each other), so i doubt thats ever going to be balanced properly...

  • DistortedDream
    DistortedDream Member Posts: 672

    In certain situations, yes. Bad match making doesn't help the situation, either.

  • Rareware0192
    Rareware0192 Member Posts: 360

    I’d say DBD is in the most balanced state it’s ever been. That being said, I still think a 4 man optimal SWF wins more matches over a killer who is also playing optimally.

  • TheClownIsKing
    TheClownIsKing Member Posts: 6,278


    What trouble are you having exactly?

    Clown’s pressure comes from fast downs, which means taking advantage of regular slugging so that 1 or 2 survivors are instantly “out of action” frequently throughout the match before chasing another survivor with intent to hook.

  • Yamaoka
    Yamaoka Member Posts: 4,321

    I played survivor with a few friends of mine around 1 month ago. We escaped pretty much every single game except for maybe one or two matches without communication.

    We're all 2017/2018 players and all of us are red ranks both sides so we know just about everything there is to know.

    So yes, it is survivor sided - at least on a high level of play.

    Solo Queue on the other hand is a nightmare pretty often because there's literally red rank survivors with a few days or weeks of experience who only play 1 side so they don't know how to loop or how to counter certain killers.

    On top of that matchmaking makes no sense pretty often. Today I got literal INSTANT lobbies as survivor.

    First game I saw a guy dropping god pallet at 5 gens AFTER taking the hit, then waited at the pallet for the killer to break it trying to blind said killer. During this time that survivor walked backwards until they hit the outer wall of the map and theeeeen the survivor got downed.

    After the match I checked the ranks and they were green ranks and high purples. I'm a red rank player on both sides and the lobby was literally INSTANT so yeah. "Great" matchmaking for solo queue players.

    Long story short:

    1) SWF with good players: Consistent wins, consistent fun - even without communication.

    2) Killer: Consistent wins as long as you go against average solos. Still difficult when you go against DECENT solos - who seem to be rare as good solos get frustrated so they don't play too many matches I guess.

    3) Solo Queue: Consistent death and frustration but sometimes you get a good team and then you typically roll the killer so hard it's not even funny.

    Today I tried OoO as a solo survivor and faced a Myers. My team pumped out the gens so quickly it was crazy and as soon as I lost Myers he rage quit as the 5th gen popped during the chase.

    I'm fairly sure killer gameplay would be hell on earth if all teams were that efficient.

  • Jb94
    Jb94 Member Posts: 209


    In solo queue, if everyone on the team is actually doing what they're supposed to and not farming/hiding/sandbagging the game runs like clockwork.

    Generally this is fine 'cause of the lack of communication in solo- survivors have to make a lot more mistakes, but without coordination they can build up and give the killer an advantage. SWF bascially never have to lose unless they chose to play in a goofy way-the killer doesn't have any control over that though.

  • Twisticles
    Twisticles Member Posts: 17

    The game is very survivor sided if the killer follows the unofficial rule book (No tunnel/proxy/no ed/mori/op addons) etc. Especially in rank1/red rank where almost every survivor either is SWF or runs Ds/unbreak/bt/dh etc a killer can play really well with few mistakes and still lose. Personally it seems like if both sides were to hypothetically play perfectly survivors would win and that should not be the case in an asymmetrical game.

  • EvilJoshy
    EvilJoshy Member Posts: 5,295
    edited December 2020

    Patch 1.9.2

    I will leave it at that. The worse part is it was the people who made this game that thought that was a good idea. They didn't try to nerf something else to counter balance what they did. They flat out reverted that patch. When they completely undo something instead of changing something else to cancel it out. That's when you know they screwed up.

  • bigfootismydad
    bigfootismydad Member Posts: 86

    At issue here is that the devs keep trying to balance all killers the same. That is a big problem as not all killers are equal.

    I think the solution is for them to NOT try to balance every killer the same. Easy killers should be balanced against new solo survivors. Intermediate killers should be balanced against purple/red rank solo survivors. Hard killers should be balanced against SWF.

  • TransverseCaster
    TransverseCaster Member Posts: 543

    YES. Absolutely. Most of the problem is that BHVR is operating the game from the mindset they did when they first made it and slowly making revisions. The player base has turned most of their preconceptions on their head about how loops are run for example, so they've had to rewrite the game around those. They must have been high off their asses when they made Laurie Strode because her perks single handedly broke the game in favor of survivors since she came out.

    It's nice they move totems around, but the concept itself may be dated. There needs to be some benefit when totems are broken to make them worthwhile.

  • Raccoon
    Raccoon Member Posts: 7,693

    Good players know when they're getting herded and when to "tank" the gas to get to a more desirable loop/position.

    But hey, being the best player that only loses (at most) one game a week, you probably knew this.

    Do you have any videos uploaded? - I'd like to see such a player in action.

  • Sluzzy
    Sluzzy Member Posts: 3,130

    All you have to do is look at the killrates for your answer. Never ask an individual main. Proof: Freddy, for example, has almost an 80% killrate and that factors in hatch escapes. If you remove the hatch, he would have almost a 100% winrate.

    Proof: The game is extremely killer sided.

  • Skullgrind
    Skullgrind Member Posts: 118

    If the killer doesn't tunnel or camp yep. Almost always.

  • DeadByCommunity
    DeadByCommunity Member Posts: 157

    Game is swf sided.

  • edgarpoop
    edgarpoop Member Posts: 8,206

    Really not a simple answer. What survivor skill level are we talking about? What killer skill level are we talking about? What killer, perks, maps, SWF vs solo, etc?

    If we're saying a good 4 man SWF with full meta plus purple items, then yes, it's survivor sided unless you're an extremely good Nurse or Spirit.

    The average solo or even average SWF? God no. 90% of players through red ranks approach every loop as if it's their first time seeing it. A decent killer should be 4k'ing average survivors fairly consistently with any killer.

    I can't say the game is survivor sided when I play 20+ hrs per week and lose less than 5 pub matches combined. The game has a steep learning curve for killers and a lot of killers are too quick to write off their own mistakes as balance issues or build issues.

  • freddymybae
    freddymybae Member Posts: 613


  • Huge_Bush
    Huge_Bush Member Posts: 5,287

    I don't think anyone would quit over an OoO nerf. But boy oh boy would the tears and rage flow if DS gets touched.

  • TransverseCaster
    TransverseCaster Member Posts: 543

    If they removed both, they probably would have retained more players. But honestly DS is just so absurd. I purposefully count down and still miscount when so much is going on and they just get off anyways. It's caused me so much frustration that every break I've taken from this game is due to that one perk.

  • GamerGirlFeng
    GamerGirlFeng Member Posts: 277

    Asking this in killer dominated forums.. kinda obvious which answers you're gonna get. Ask the other side and you'll get a different answer.

    Both sides like to believe they're neglected.

  • DemonDaddy
    DemonDaddy Member Posts: 4,167

    Definitely survivor sided. The game heavily penalizes killer mistakes over the ones survivors make.

  • OldHunterLight
    OldHunterLight Member Posts: 3,001

    Currently no, this is the most balanced it has been BUT.

    I only think it is survivor sided when there are smart survivors which from my experience it's rare, it does happen but it is very rare.

    I've been seeing players that play like bots and not even that I've seen bots in dbd mobile that are better in red ranks btw.

    So now I think it is about 60% survivor 40% killer which is better than before when it was around 75% survivor 25% killer.

  • Tsulan
    Tsulan Member Posts: 15,095

    The nerf Pig and buff Nurse stats? Sure! Those look really accurate...

    Anyway, i can´t wait for the new stats. Without moris. Because moris obviously had such a strong impact, that they required a nerf. So the kill stats must be way different now.

  • Huge_Bush
    Huge_Bush Member Posts: 5,287

    No, they would have retained killers, but not survivors. SWF is the money maker for this game. They buy the cosmetics and the dlcs in order to get the meta perks. If DS was nerfed and survivors lost power, especially in endgame, they would quit. The whole purpose of swf is to bully the killer, when they can't, they'll find a different game.