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BIG Help Needed, Desperate Freddy Main Here

If you've seen the other thread about playing Freddy, this thread is a development to that. I admitted to sucking, was told I sucked, and now I've identified what the problems are. But now I need people with solutions. The first thing is the build, I'm running: Oppression, Pop Goes the Weasel, Devour Hope, Barbecue and Chili.

Now I've been facing loads of teams so I need a build that counters SWFs. I'm thinking of taking out Devour Hope and Oppression can go if you have a better combo idea. Or Pop can go if you think Ruin is viable.

The second thing-and this is *huge*- is that I don't know how to win shacks quickly. Whenever I play survivor teams they ALL just run over to shack and loop the crap out of it until they've used the pallet and the window has sealed itself off. I can't just ignore it because everyone now just heals if I leave them alone for half a minute so I can't have a safe zone like that where teams are basically indestructible. Do I have to play Trapper to win shacks or is it possible as Freddy? (don't bullshit me about "oh just juke once" either,I've tried jukes in every different way)

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  • Member Posts: 3,306

    I mean.

    As Freddy, a snare in front of the window on the outside cuts shack time down tremendously, and extra snares in the doorways would make it a deathtrap real quick unless you're playing pallet Freddy for some reason. Besides snares, learning to mindgame the shack is an extremely useful killer skill i'd recommend developing, there's plenty of good videos that explain it in far more depth than I could. Scott's video about how to run all generic tiles in particular's one i'd recommend.

    If you REALLY wanna sweat to win, you can run ruin/undying. Devour Hope's a good one, but it's subject to luck, so it might be one worth switching out for a more reliable perk if you haven't been hitting at least the Exposed threshhold very often.

    Other than that, just hone your skills. Not much else to it.

  • Member Posts: 3,275

    My everyday build with Freddy is Barbecue, Pop, Discordance, and Whispers. Tinkerer might make a good substitute for Discordance -- pretty much any perk Freddy can leverage for gen visibility synergizes well with his teleport.

    With shack, I try to catch survivors at the window by heading to the doorway and then backing up/moonwalking, and a lot of time they will hop out the window and I will be there to greet them. Also, throw snares down all over the shack as you loop. It will cut them off, slow them down, and erode their distance advantage. You should generally just be throwing down snares willy-nilly, constantly.

  • Member Posts: 6,278

    Don’t use Oppression on Freddy unless you pair it with Wool shirt or Dress add ons so that extra regression is applied to the gen. Or go even more nasty by adding in Huntress Lullaby. If you’re going to use a perk like Oppression which also gives survivors the opportunity to wake up, then you may as well get extra regression out of the failed skill checks.

  • Member Posts: 543

    As far as snares go, the reason I haven't been snaring shack so much is because it's time consuming. But maybe you're right and snaring at least the window tiles will make them think twice or get in their heads. So from now on while running that loop I will simply snare as I chase. That would at least give a slight edge in my favor and it's something I haven't been doing.

    Regarding the mindgames and tiles, I know all of the other tile sets and I've seen videos on how to run both shack and tiles. I've not seen Scott's, but really the only thing I need help with is shack. Every other tile is easy to master and I can fold each one in about twenty seconds including breaking the mandatory pallet, which isn't terrible.

    I do want to sweat. I suppose I'd take off DH for Ruin and perhaps oppression for Undying?

    Thank you for your feedback!

  • Member Posts: 3,306

    No prob.

    And what I usually see Freddies doing is readying the snare as they round the corner outside or moonwalk to snare the window as they pass, so they don't lose any distance-- it should be a cinch once you do it a couple times.

    I mostly recommended Scott's video 'cause part of it was dedicated solely to mindgaming the Shack and accounting for most of everything a survivor could do against you there.

  • Member Posts: 543

    " If you’re going to use a perk like Oppression which also gives survivors the opportunity to wake up, then you may as well get extra regression out of the failed skill checks."

    I haven't considered this. I'm actually losing value by taking them out of the dream world and merely getting an alert in return. Or they just win the check and nothing happens. I'll take it off. It made more sense on my Ghostface but now I see it's not worthwhile.

    This sounds great. I'll do that. I can't use whispers because it's hard for me to focus on, so I may opt for Discordance or Tinkerer. I did run Tinkerer for awhile and it was amazing. I also had luck with Dark Devotion and Tinkerer as well. Now that you mention it, I may take off DH and Oppression for these two.

    Thanks guys :)

  • Member Posts: 2,803

    For the shack, place a snare just before the window, on the inside. Chase them around and as they enter the shack and prepare to vault the window out, moonwalk into the shack. If they’re paying attention they’ll hesitate inside when they don’t see your red light, then your snare will force them to medium vault which will get you a hit. Either that or they’ll go to the pallet and you’ll get it down early.

  • Member Posts: 3,275

    Whispers takes a little bit of practice, but it's great. Remember that it's an up-or-down notification -- either a survivor is in the radius, or they aren't. It's useful for knowing where NOT to go, since a lot of times you can just go in the vicinity of a generator to confirm that no one is there, and then move on. I have a hard time playing without it.

    Spies from the Shadows is an excellent alternative to Whispers, too.

  • Member Posts: 543

    Game One: Enter lobby, it's Autohaven. Face another OoO. The Object runs to me, proving that this is a SWF. I DC after a minute of loops. They talk mad ######### in the after chat and confirm they're a SWF.

    ...Am I really expected to play games like this? I'm going to go ahead and uninstall again. Maybe I'll get excited after the next few updates. Or they just nerf Freddy and I never come back. We'll see.

  • Member Posts: 5,270

    If you keep getting OoO (which screws freddy hard) put on blindness addons. Once they're asleep and they trigger a snare or pallet you'll see their aura at all times, but they won't see yours.

  • Member Posts: 543

    The funny thing is when I brought up "oh, another OoO" they said "YOURE A FREDDY!" like I somehow countered that. Like #########? And OoO doesn't have a minimum limit so they just watch me the entire chase. I'm kinda done man. There's no salvaging the experience. I'm playing for nostalgia at this point.

  • Member Posts: 6,278

    Don’t use Dark Devotion on Freddy as you wont get great value from it. It doesn’t transfer the Lullaby, only the TR. So the Obsession, now being asleep after getting hit, isn’t going to suffer any confusion because they won’t be hearing a TR, and will know if Freddy is close or far by the Lullaby.

    And only awake survivors will be confused by the Obsession, and an be snuck up onto. But just say 2 survivors are on a gen that you’re sneaking up onto, if one is awake but one is asleep, your cover is already blown. The awake survivor is already going to know why the other survivor just bolted.

  • Member Posts: 2,446

    I can't give any recommendations for using snares at shack, but I can for running shack as a 115 M1 killer.

    From my experience, fast vaulting out the window is the most powerful way to use shack. So, don't let them do that if possible.

    If they enter from the pallet, what usually works is to walk up to the pallet like you're going in and then go around outside. They'll either camp the pallet which is a win for you, or vault the window. When you come around the corner they'll usually either abandon shack or turn around and medium vault which you can get a hit at. If they go back around to the door, you should be able to follow and get a hit before they can use the window or pallet.

    If they enter from the door, they'll probably go for the window. If you are already in shack before they vault, I usually go to the window and double vault. They can't see me do that until they have re-entered shack. Then follow them outside and they can either medium vault the window which you can hit or drop the pallet. Do be aware of fake vaults if you're in that position.

    Now if you aren't in shack before they vault out the window, don't go in. Show your light at the door then moonwalk up the side of shack. With some luck they'll bump into you at the corner.

  • Member Posts: 1,352

    In scenarios like this, forget about the results of the match. Instead, think about the grand scheme of your skill and take the game to get better. Focus on getting better at chases and map pressure. Eventually you will get good enough to properly contest good swfs, but for now you need to work on your fundamentals.

    Here's a combo I've been playing around with lately: Pop, Surge, and Surveillance. Very good gen stability, and very good knowledge from Surveillance. Your fourth perk should probably be something like Sloppy Butcher (to delay healing), Enduring (easier chases and slightly more time efficiency), or BBQ (if you want the bloodpoints or are struggling to find out where to go). I do not think BBQ is as effective as the other two as Freddy, and I personally prefer Thrilling Tremors over BBQ when I am not too concerned for my BP count. BBQ also holds your hand a bit and you will get better faster if you learn how to predict survivors' movements and positions without aura reading perks.

  • Member Posts: 543

    That may have helped during the terminal part of the chase, a good idea.

    Huh, weird. It seemed like it was working. Maybe the survivors were just bad in those early test matches.

    Not bad ideas but all gambles. They all gamble that a survivor won't predict or just wait for visual confirmations while spacing moderately.

    There is no contesting SWFs, end of story. If they make lots of mistakes and I play real scummy then maybe, but that's not fun at that point.

    I've already uninstalled the game, I just wanted to say that I appreciate everyone getting back to me!

  • Member Posts: 1,352

    There is contesting swf, I do it all the time. And don't be afraid to play scummy because they sure as hell aren't giving you that privilege.

    I hope you have a good break from the game! Spelunky 2 and Terraria have been keeping my attention lately and you might like them too

  • Member Posts: 2,446

    They are gambles, but I find they usually work. To be honest, the entirety of the Killer role is a mix of taking gambles to catch the Survivors off guard and playing in such a way to get the Survivors to play the way you want them to.

    That second thing is why I am currently running Trail of Torment on Legion. Everyone knows that healing against Legion is a terrible idea. However if that Legion suddenly becomes undetectable, well... still being injured is a huge liability.

  • Member Posts: 57

    I 100% understand the urge to uninstall, I think a lot of us have been at that point but I wouldn’t give up. I’m a pretty new killer (only 75 hours playtime mostly with Freddy) and so far Freddy is the only killer I know well enough to get into the red ranks with. The previous advice about placing snares is good for shack. I’m not sure if someone has mentioned this, but the shack looses a lot of potential once the pallet is removed so getting survivors to drop the pallet is a really good play, even if it means taking a hit. I like to place snares on either the opposite side of the pallet or right before the pallet so I can either get a hit when they attempt to drop the pallet, or buy some time to catch up to them after they drop the pallet. This only works if they are asleep, but chances are they will be since many survivors don’t wake up enough when facing Freddy.

    The other Freddy advice I can give you involves the build. Ruin + Undying is great on Freddy and will help a lot against SWF teams, especially with additional slow-down addons. The other two perks I consider essential with learning Freddy (especially when playing against good teams) are BBQ and corrupt intervention. Corrupt will help you get that vital first hook that you can then snowball from with BBQ. After that first hook the game becomes a race between you and the survivors that Freddy can likely win thanks to reduced gen speeds and the fact that survivors will be spending time trying to find and cleanse totems.

    I hope this helps and encourages you to give the game another chance.

  • Member Posts: 636

    Undying, Ruin, Tinkerer and Sloppy is a solid build on Freddy, He and a handful of survivors can benefit from Undying + Ruin combo. In my eyes Tinkerer is a god tier perk on Freddy, you get a notification? Teleport or bait (Mix it up). Sloppy is for the slow down, sometimes it’s best to abandon a chase, as long as you hit the survivor, you’ve given them a hard choice of wasting time on healing or risk staying injured. Freddy has anti loop so it’s best not to stay injured.

  • Member Posts: 1,704

    Personally I like my build which let's you continue the chase faster.

    I'm using pop, bbq, save the best for last and franklins.

    Franklins can be changed for something else as I use it only when I see keys or other items.

    Usually I got thanatophobia or brutal for franklins.

    Safe the best for last is fun the more stacks you gain.

    You hit and almost immediately continue to chase.

    Even during unhooks it is strong as the usually don't get the chance to unhook.

    I even had the last survivor t bagging the hatch as she was full health.

    She didn't realise I used that perk and had 8 stacks.

    She regret it immediately as she was downed and picked up before the hatch opened 😂

    As add ons u personally like fake pallets more so I use that with a slowdown when in dreamworld.

    Winning killer shack is up to the survivor.

    They have to miss read your move or you have 2 options.

    1 brute force it and try to get them to drop the god pallet.

    2 just leave them and go for a different survivor.

    What I personally do and it works pretty well is to fake the red stain.

    If the run in they usually go for the window.

    Approach the door and turn around but continue to the door walking backwards.

    It will sometimes (not always) mess them up a bit especially when they ran in on the pallet side.

    Sometimes I vault the window when they vault the window out and then back in.

    If you see them run out immediately vault again.

    Sometimes they don't expect you vaulting back in and are half way in the shack giving you a hit or down.

    It's a bit of trial and error at the killer shack.

    See what works and what doesn't against which survivor and take advantage of that.

    Same at other loops like a jungle gym, faking your red stain can do wonders and give you a hit and make them drop the pallet

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