Trash emblem system

GannTM Member Posts: 10,867
edited December 2020 in Feedback and Suggestions

So I recently played a survivor match as Meg Thomas at Azarov's Resting Place against a Pyramid Head. I lead him on a chase that lasted about 2 gens, another chase at end game that lasted about 20-30 seconds, repaired a gen and a half, and I ESCAPED the trial. Depsite all that, I ended up DEPIPPING. What is this emblem system y'all made BHVR? Obviously that sh*t needs work.

Post edited by Mandy on


  • Stealth
    Stealth Member Posts: 123
    edited December 2020

    Ya it's pretty garbage. If you beat the Killer so bad that he gets no hooks, you are denied altruism and chase and can depip.

  • GannTM
    GannTM Member Posts: 10,867

    I believe this PH did have a few hooks but also has put us in cages a few times. Do the cages even count for altruism points when someone is rescued, because if they don't, that definitely needs to be addressed.

  • Greatamygdala
    Greatamygdala Member Posts: 292

    Any footage of this? and what rank are you?

    I think emblem system is a bit more harsher with emblem points the higher you go but I had a Wraith afk the entire match so I only did generator the entire game then left. Still safety pip, this was an instant depip like a nearly a year ago.

    So I'm guessing this isn't a guaranteed safe pip in red ranks but in lower ranks it is?

  • GannTM
    GannTM Member Posts: 10,867

    I was rank 4 when I played that match, which moved me back down to rank 5. I eventually got back into rank 4 after that, though. And no, I don't have any footage because my PC can't handle DBD by itself that well, can't imagine how bad it would be if I'm recording it lol.

  • Greatamygdala
    Greatamygdala Member Posts: 292

    That explains it. Yeah I do believe emblem system is harder in red ranks now from what I noticed. Seems like I have to do a lot of things now compared to lower ranks. There are times I'm an inch away from getting a pip despite getting some saves, killer interactions and generators this would have been a pip in lower ranks.

  • GannTM
    GannTM Member Posts: 10,867

    Yeah, I guess that's true. I think more points are required in red ranks, I just found it super unfair I depipped from that match that I played well on.

  • HowsMars
    HowsMars Member Posts: 40

    If the game was more balanced the game would have lasted longer offering more blood points to both survivors and the killer, game is survivor sided and its hurts both sides equally. Survivors suffer from loss of points and a generally boring experience with how easy it gets with perks or swf ( especially if combined ).

    If you want to get more points call for a more balanced game so both sides earn points and actually enjoy playing the game.

  • You need pretty much everything to pip in red ranks. Like, a gen or two, a good long chase that you escape, a safe unhook and full heal on someone, break a totem, an escape, and even then you might not haha.

  • Freki
    Freki Member Posts: 1,903

    the requirements for safety pipping and one and two pip ups change as you go up. if you are red rank or purple rank it will be harder to rank up compared to the rest, this is actually a good thing and not a garbage idea. though I agree there needs to be a change in the emblem system I will not call it a garbage emblem system. you didn't do any healing by your account so that emblem would be a 0. one and one half gens at red ranks might be silver thats 2 points, so of 4 emblems you only have 2 points and max points you can get is 10 more and that might be enough for a single pip. your chase points probably were gold (3) or iri (4 points) that gives you 5-6 points and you would have to get an iri in the final emblem to pip up.

  • SaintDorks
    SaintDorks Member Posts: 252

    The Emblem System from all the games I played I can confirm one thing...

    Was not well thought out for Neither Survivor or Killer.

    It is more of a checklist then actually game design.

  • RaSavage42
    RaSavage42 Member Posts: 5,546

    The emblem system has been outdated for awhile now

    The need to improve how scoring goes... and what the game actually wants (though I don't see any of that happening anytime soon)

  • Ryan489x
    Ryan489x Member Posts: 1,469

    I've been keeping my eye out and you get less points for a cage rescue vs a hook rescue. the hook is 1000 and the cage is 500

  • TwinnedHawks8772
    TwinnedHawks8772 Member Posts: 50

    Same thing for killer, Legion is a perfect example of what the emblem system wants to happen so Legions often get high emblems, while characters like plague depip on a 10 minute long game that ended with a 4k. The fact that escaping as a survivor while doing a gen among other things isn't at least a safety pip, and getting a 2k as killer isn't a safety pip either is stupid. The whole emblem system needs to be reworked.

  • Freki
    Freki Member Posts: 1,903

    your points do not equate to emblem progress directly. you will have to look at the emblem points for the scoring events. for instance saving someone from a cage is less in points but it is still an event that progresses both emblems the same as a hook (killer and survivor) as it is the same type of score. the points do not matter, you can get 32K points and still not get 4 iri shards.

  • Ryan489x
    Ryan489x Member Posts: 1,469
    edited December 2020

    The problem is, you have to play the way the dev team wants you too in order to get points, especially if you want adept killers

    So it can hurt the game in some cases.

    • You're playing a team that's very altruistic or they're just being a pain. So you hold them down the best you can and get one or two kills. NOPE because you spent too much time close to a hooked survivor even when you know there was another right around the corner waiting for you to leave. you loose points.
    • You're playing against a killer or with a team that are just not playing well and giving the killer an easy time, or the killer is camping hooks and tunneling really hard, NOPE you stayed away from the killer and your team, did gens and got out. you loose points.
    • In those cases if you walk away as the killer there's a good chance you'd get bullied the whole game., if you go in as survivor knowing what your team is doing will just get you all killed you loose.

    these are just examples. I don't remember why they brought the emblem system in to begin with and sadly I don't remember much without it, For reference I was told that anywhere within 16 meters is considered too close to a hook.

  • Ryan489x
    Ryan489x Member Posts: 1,469

    so why do they even bother with the points then if they don't mean anything anyway. If they're just telling you how many blood points you got that's fine.

  • Freki
    Freki Member Posts: 1,903

    when the game first came out your rank status was determined by the points you got in your categories, this is why there was originally a cap put on the category. there was no emblem system and the match result titles (dead/sac/escape/etc) had no real bearing except on if you got your adept achievement. a 4K was malicious and that's all you needed to get adept on killer, didn't need to have a near perfect game where as survivors just have to escape then and now and they get theirs. These points served two purposes 1) described above, 2) how many blood points you get in the match then they started to look at things and introduced the emblem system which they kept the 2nd purpose for the points (blood points) but relegated the first purpose to the emblem system. this system was tied directly into the results of the match and what happened in them. this allowed to put negatives on the ranking system (staying too close to a hook for instance is a negative to the emblem but not to the points the killer gets)

    so in short the points are there to show you where your points came from that go into your blood web, the emblems show you where your rank came from.

  • Stealth
    Stealth Member Posts: 123

    Someone mentioned you get less points for cage rescues.

  • TimeOutTimmy
    TimeOutTimmy Member Posts: 135

    Unless you're in a game with competent survivors. If each survivor can manage to do a gen, a save, a chase, and some heals... in red ranks it is a de-pip.

  • Ryan489x
    Ryan489x Member Posts: 1,469

    I still think getting a 4K with the three base perks should be an adept for killers since they changed nothing for survivors. They could have a really bad game and do almost nothing and still get the adept. and getting a 4K with some killers using their base perks only isn't easy at all. The emblem system hurt killers more then survivors.

    I do play both sides and it's not easy to get survivor adepts in some cases either.

  • Freki
    Freki Member Posts: 1,903

    Oh I agree with you @Ryan489x !!!! Definitely! the problem is they tied the adept to the 3 perks and getting the "Merciless" status at the end, and when they added the emblems they did not remove the status as they did not have a result that says "4K and 3 unique perks". I agree it hurts the killers more in the long run and thus why it needs an overhaul.

    and yes david adept is hard unless you have a 4 stack looking to get you out OR an afk killer.

  • IronWill
    IronWill Member Posts: 244

    You loose a huge chunck of emblem points every time you get hooked (or in PH's case caged). Even if you manage to escape after being hooked twice in a trial, you will most likely either end up depipping or barely black pipping. Only way to balance this out is by safe unhooking at least two other team mates and healing them fully.

  • SkeletalElite
    SkeletalElite Member Posts: 2,687
    edited December 2020

    Yeah survivor BP and emblems vs PH needs tweaks, cages are effectively hooks but reward WAY less points

  • Rougual
    Rougual Member Posts: 526

    If you slug for the 4k and let everyone bleed out you depip and still "Win" in the eyes of many who consider no escapes a win.

    Matches only take a few minutes and never hooking anyone counters a lot.