Crafting system

I personally never use addons, items or offerings of any kind at all, but since the entire system of getting these items is based purely on RNG I feel like there should be some guaranteed option to get certain addons.

In this system, you could destroy items in order to gain components (1 per destroyed item) of a certain color quality. Once you have a certain amount of a component (Let's say 10), you can use it to craft a specific addon/offering of your choosing.

Secondly, you might have a system of upgrading only lower components to higher components. No downgrading component quality. (10 brown = 1 yellow, 10 yellow = 1 green etc.)

A limitation of this would be that you are unable to craft wards. Seeing how protecting a very powerful item or addon build shouldn't be encouraged.

This system isn't in place to replace the blood web as it is still the best and only place to get perks for the character and also random things pretty cheap. However, if you do get the worse end of the deal once in a while with blood web RNG, you can use several of the items you gained to get the item you want.


  • JPLongstreet
    JPLongstreet Member Posts: 6,345

    So many of my Piggy's add-ons are just poopy, and I'd love some method of turning most of them in for the 4 or 5 I might actually use. Even just getting back 10% bloodpoint value would be something, so I can have a healthy stack of Combat Straps going.

    On the survivor side I have butt-loads of Flashlight and Key parts I'll never use as I don't run those items.

  • Saltjar34
    Saltjar34 Member Posts: 766

    I want to get rid of my padded jaws so obviously I agree. Problem is, most of Demo's add-ons are absolutely terrible compared to the Rat Liver so why can't there be a downgrade mechanism? Lifeguard Whistle and Brass Case Lighter are terrible and I'd rather have hundreds of Rat Livers than those things.

  • ZerLukas
    ZerLukas Member Posts: 294

    Any system where you can do something with bad addons/offerings besides using them is welcome in my book.

    Even if it is as boring as an ability to sell them back for 1/10th of the initial price.

  • Mastermind
    Mastermind Member Posts: 111

    This is exactly why no downgrading. Browns and yellow are usually plentiful everywhere so a few runs on the blood web will likely net you these. But you see Iri much less on webs. The purpose is to allow you to create the rarer things while not getting a single bad iri so you can deconstruct it and make a million brown addons that might be better than the iri itself.