How To Be A Well Mannered Killer?



  • Hex_UrbanEvasion
    Hex_UrbanEvasion Member Posts: 200

    This is good guidelines. It allows for full gameplay without "kneeling to the survivors" or being a total sweatlord.

    I'll add, as a personal rule, if someone is clearly doing dumb unhooks to farm or sandbagging other players, and I come across them unhooking or doing literally anything with another survivor, I'll target them first. I've been the person "that surv" has used for whatever weird thing he's doing, and it ain't fun. I will ignore easier targets if I can punish someone for sabotaging teammates.

  • Patrick1088
    Patrick1088 Member Posts: 628

    I was playing survivor and this happened while I was playing as Elodie.

    I didn't do anything to either killer. I dont teabag, or wait at exit gates. They caught me and just camped and attacked after not seeing me the whole game.

    To make things worse, I'm running Kindred so my teammates see the killer camping and refuse to help. I had a match last night against a Freddy and I think I was matched with a SWF. Didnt see Freddy all match, got my first hook after 5th gen was done. Then I see the gates open and all 3 of my teammates are in the exit gate teabagging as my first hook becomes my death hook. It wasn't even a good Freddy (no dream snares set and I think he had 1 hit besides me the whole match). Freddy camped and attacked the whole time I was on hook while my teammates did nothing in the exit gates.

  • MrPeanutbutter
    MrPeanutbutter Member Posts: 1,586

    This. If you play killer you just have to get used to the fact that some survivor players will only feel like it was a fair game if you let them heal, do two gens, down and hook every other survivor before you go after them again. This will never change

  • whammigobambam
    whammigobambam Member Posts: 1,201

    Face camping and hacking away at someone on the hook is generally frowned upon and don't be surprised if survivors retaliate with all the bm they've come to master just for this one chance you've provided them cut loose.

    Tunnelling is also a challenge most survivors have faced one time or another and will do everything and use everything they can to survive it. So I don't recommend targeting one specific person, instead..

    Target the gens and you'll be surprised at how survivors will turn on each other more because they never pressure the gens at a coordinated pace and will have their gripes with one another instead of you.

    If a swf with comms is involved all manners are off the table go ham and have no shame in your play.

  • blue4zion
    blue4zion Member Posts: 2,773

    Sounds like you did tunnel that one survivor to death for the most part, but the only thing wrong with that is itll leave sour tastes in some mouths.

    However, play completely how you want. I watched HybridPanda videos and often he's a "nice" killer which rubbed off on me so certain things like survivors sandbaging, or bugged windows screwing a survivor, etc I don't like to take advantage of. I also like to spread the pain so I'll always swap targets.

  • dezzmont
    dezzmont Member Posts: 481

    My rule of thumb is that if its an attempt to win the game within the systems the game gives you, its kosher.

    If its something done outside of that scope, its not.

    What complicates this is things we would consider OOCly unsportsmanlike are deliberately tools in the killer's kit. Hook camping, for example, was an intentional feature of the game, as is tunneling, because they wanted part of survivor gameplay to be a battle to control your altruistic impulses and channel them healthily rather than going mad and rushing to aid others and getting both of you killed, because that emulates a horror movie better. They dialed back on that a bit (On launch trapper was allowed to trap the unhook spot making a safe unhook literally impossible without alerting trapper it was about to happen!) but its still a key part of the game: The killer wants to get into the player's heads.

    Heck, a few killers, Pig coming to mind, have 'Makes the game psychologically unpleasant and conceals what the right thing to do is' as part of their core kit.

    So for me its stuff like not being pointlessly a jerk when it won't help, but not begrudging either side for being a bit mean in game. A survivor shouldn't sit and teabag near the gate wasting everyone's time, but teabagging after landing a stun is an attempt to influence a killer's behavior because getting the killer to over-commit to chases or do things like rage-camp is an important mechanical tool that lets the survivors control match tempo better. Likewise pretending to tilt or being a bit sassy as a killer and showing a bit of disrespect mid match is fine, but don't pretend to give someone hatch and, again, just waste time while the game is already over.

    Also, don't abuse bugs obviously.

    Other than that? DBD is a 'full contact' game. Point at the killer after they wiff a hit when you get a good vault. Repeatedly slug the weakest player to make it the survivor's job to waste time healing them because you know they aren't going to be on a gen no matter what. Pop that instaheal juuuuust at the worst time for the killer. Ect. But understand its a game, and the other person is a person, and don't be a dick after its over. Being competitive is cool. Being a whiney/abusive/toxic jerk in chat isn't. Holding the game hostage by blocking the survivor's ability to move and never downing them isn't. End the game efficiently once its clearly over, give away hatch if you want but your not obligated too, and then drop a GG in the chat and maybe chat about how the game went like a gentleperson.

    'Would it be ok in the FGC' (And DBD is popular in the FGC because it has a lot in common with the fighting game dynamic) is a good standard. The FGC allows a LOT of stuff that exists to shake your opponent's head space, heck entire genres of characters exist basically to say 'I disrespect you and will attempt to embarrass you in this match,' but you have to be classy outside of those scenarios and you can't do nonsense that actively distrupts the core mechanics of the game like rapid pausing or berating your opponent after the match. Likewise, don't be a scrub and complain something is OP because you don't WANT to counter it.

    Be classy and competitive, don't be a twat about it though.

  • lupo_grigio
    lupo_grigio Member Posts: 126
  • HeckaYeah
    HeckaYeah Member Posts: 187

    In SWF games we make it a big deal to purposely save, heal, and take hits for solo survivors. We all solo survive when we can't play together and know how terrible it is when you're left. Admittedly, sometimes it does backfire BUT more often than not it works in our favor- a healthy survivor is a strong survivor. If you save, I'll save and as cheesy as it sounds we'll survive better that way. We're not all self- preserving. Don't let the bad games get you down, yes there are loads but there are positive people out here, too :)

  • HeckaYeah
    HeckaYeah Member Posts: 187

    Personally, to other survivors, I will say hi , ask for heals, or say thank you by doing "ups and downs". To a killer this could look like "sandbagging" but we have limited interactions so it's the best we have. It's quite common and personally I don't fine it too disrespectful unless they don't return the gesture- then I stop and discontinue the behavior with that player.

    Now, not to be confused with, say, t-baging behind the killer whilst you're on the hook, t-baging a survivor while they're on the hook or t-baging a slug or at the gate (you the the drift, add any other ill manners you'd like here).

    There's are my thoughts and opinions, but I hope that it clarifies some of the thoughts behind the actions :)