Blight's 180 flick

You can do 180 ability lunge flicks with Blight. Its a kinda advanced trick that most Blight mains can do, but it looks like its just a bug, not intended. And you can't do it with low mouse sens. Impossible.
Do you think this Flick should stay or must be patched as a bug?
Flicks can be tricky to do, but it should stay. I did pick up on the fact after his release I was finding out those flicks they are very useful, because a lot of survivors underestimate you, because most blights don't know how to do the flicks, and a simple right or left turn usually gets them. It's all about skill cap, and that's why blight is one of the highest skilled ceiling killers in the game.
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It's not a bug. It's the same thing for Oni, it's just that Blight has a generous flick since his lunge actually has no collision which makes him slide through the environment for some nasty hits.
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It's immediately obvious whether you're playing against a console Blight or PC Blight based on the hits they land.
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How does one do the flicks? I’m on switch and have been trying to figure it out.
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Must be nice to have a mouse B(
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I picked up on this on his release and done it two times total, And started running backwards. Can't repeat it though. Or are we talking about flicks on lunge attack?
I'm confused.
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Yes they should. It is a skill cap and it separates good blights from great blight.
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Is there a video tutorial on how to do this?
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Step 1 be on pc
Step 2 use high sensitivity or break your wrist
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So it’s impossible on console?
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No there isnt because most youtubers dont even know about Japanese flick. AlI can tell you is watch ascensionwho on twitch, join the discord and ask around even the guy himself because hes friendly.
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You raise your sensitivity.
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yea, however you get more consistent turns so theres that
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Why is it called "japanese flick"?
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I'm pretty sure the guy that was doing flicks was japanese and ascension started calling it the japanese flick.
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You can get some nasty ass angles with those flicks, but you can also overdo it and miss a survivor that didn't move as much as you thought they were moving.
Quite the advanced move on Blight imo. It should definitely stay. If it goes away, Blight will immediately be so much weaker and so much easier to juke...
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At this point they should've allowed kb and mouse support for console
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I thought xbox supported m&kb? Or is it game restricted?
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As far as I know the game won't allow you to use kb&m, but it should have been allowed with the crossplay update.
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I hope they leave it, but they seem to really dislike high skill cap killers in recent years. They thought Billy needed an overheat. Deep, mechanical, and powerful killers that require a significant time investment but are ultimately rewarding? Nah bro. Dream snares. Much interesting. Much fun. Incredibly interactive for all parties.
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You mean you didn't also want to see billy less and freddy more? I'm starting to consider offing myself on hook every time I go against a non-freddy now. I just think where are the dream snares? The slowdown addons? The subtle beauty of the dreamworld itself? The thrill of working on a gen knowing he has tinkerer and pop? Where is the thrilling gameplay that I crave so dearly?