When DEVS will fight against cheaters????

Recently got match against Freddie with cheats I guess, cuz no addons but from aura reading perks was only nurse calling but the thing is as soon he was hooking someone he was seen where you are. And this is not first time when I facing against cheaters. Same thing was against huntress...
Your example lacks a bit contextual information which could be explained by guesses/random stuff. Emphasis on "could".
On topic: It´s really a shame that hackers can do whatever they want in DBD until someone happens to record them doing it, and then takes the 20 steps it takes to submit a ticket with the evidence to customer support. I find it insulting that as a customer, the burden of persecuting hackers is on ME instead of BHVR. If you told this to an outsider, I reckon they wouldn´t believe it, because it sounds riddiculous.
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One up ya wounded survivors that use no medkits with the purple extra hit add on and no perks to take a extra hit and suddenly when you cut them off at the gate they have a extra hit on them
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Yeah, it's not even fun, most of games has more easily cheaters report
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Im running perk set where I can't heal myself and had no medkit but instead of that he still was seen my aura somehow??? Killer had only nurse
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From they way you're describing it, it could be BBQ and Chili. Knowing where you are after hooking someone sounds exactly like BBQ and Chili, and is common on Huntress builds
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If you assume someone is cheating or hacking, please report them in the game. Read the game rules for more information though to avoid false reporting: https://forum.deadbydaylight.com/en/kb/articles/139-game-rules
Please always make sure 100% they are not running perks and/or add ons that could be causing the situation you thought may have been cheating. If this is the case, don't report them - if you genuinely think they have been cheating in any shape or form and you have checked all the factors, report them to make sure and send additional evidence to support. More information listed in the game rules.