Killer Concept: The Blade

Appearance: A tall man with an animal skull as a mask (the animal could depend on the cosmetics), as well as a long tattered cloak.
Speed: 115% (4.6m/s)
Terror Radius: 32 meters
Height: Tall
Ability: Of Blood and War
This power charges by hitting survivors. After every hit, the power can be used for 5 seconds. This caps at 4 charges.
Clicking m2 will consume 1 charge and make the Blade run forwards at 140% speed. He can turn while running, but slows down by 10% when not running straight forwards. Holding m2 will consume another charge after the 5 seconds, so the Blade doesn't slow down in between uses. The power cannot be cancelled during the 5 seconds it is active. After this ends, the Blade will be slowed to 110% (4.4 m/s) speed for the next 10 seconds.
If at 4 charges, holding CTRL for 3 seconds will consume all charges. While holding CTRL, the Blade's speed is decreased to 50%. This will give the Blade the ability to teleport to unbroken totems for 30 seconds, as well as increasing his speed to 120%. The primary ability can still be used while this is active, but it will now insta-down Survivors, as well as make the Blade move at 150% for the duration of the power. While the secondary ability is active, the primary ability causes no slowdown.
Add-ons would have effects such as:
- Increasing the speed the Blade runs at
- Decreasing the slow-down period
- Decreasing the time it takes to activate the second ability
- Increasing duration of one of the abilities
- Increasing vaulting speed during the primary ability
- Applying status effects upon being hit while an ability is being used
Warlord - For every 10 seconds the Killer is in a chase, they gain 1 Token. For every 60 seconds the Killer isn't in a chase, they lose 1 Token. For every Token Warlord has, the Killer moves 1.5% faster. This maxes out at 2/4/6 Tokens. (Tier 3 only) When at 6 Tokens, basic attacks inflict the Broken status affect. After downing a Survivor while at 6 Tokens, all Tokens are lost.
This does not stack.
Bloody Grounds - For every Survivor that is injured, regressing generators that were manually damaged regress 10/15/20% faster. If 4 Survivors are injured, 1 random generator is closed off and cannot be worked on.
Hex: Where Heroes Lie - While this Hex is active, if a Survivor unhooks another Survivor, they are inflicted with the Broken status affect for 60/80/100 seconds. If the unhooker was healthy, they will also be injured. The Survivor that breaks this Totem heals Survivors 25% slower for the rest of the match.
Thank you for reading this! Feedback would be heavily appreciated!
Edited to nerf Warlord and Bloody Grounds, as well as make Hex: Where Heroes Lie easier to read.
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I like this quite a bit. The earlier perk is way too powerful, i would maybe change out the Insta-down for giving them broken or something similar.
The power is great until you get the the "consume all charges part". I have a few questions:
-if you consume all charges, that means you have to hit someone during the 30 seconds to get new ones, correct?
-if you use a token while in ultimate mode, do yoi get the 110% speed slowdown after?
-there's no token cap? Seems like it could make the game really broken if you stockpiled.
If you want to hear my suggested change: make it where the tokens cap at 4. instead of gaining a token when you hit someone, you extend the power by 10 seconds and the survivor hit is hindered for 10 seconds.
If you don't like the power extending option, instead, gaining and using tokens while in ultimate mode gives you an insta-down dash attack or something more creative
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I'll definitely change the first perk to do that, thanks for the feedback!
On the power, I'll definitely fill all that out. I'm not sure I understand the suggested change, though, are you saying it starts with 4 tokens?
The other suggestion does seem pretty cool, though, thank you!
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No, im just saying you have a maximum token count of 4, and when you do the hold ctrl for 3 seconds to consume all tokens ability, you don't get more tokens for hitti g survivors during. instead, when you hit survivors during the 30 second period, you gain 10 more seconds of your power and they are hindered for 10 seconds. The alternative is that when you hit someone during the 30 second power, you still gain a token, and if you use it during the 30 second time frame, you get an Insta-down attack or something like that
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Sorry for such a late reply, but thanks for clarifying!
I do prefer the second idea, and it will be implemented asap. Thanks again for your help
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No problem, I have done about a half dozen of these and like helping people work out their mechanics. Check out the posts under my profile if you wanna see my work!