It isn’t just latency that causes questionable hits

xenotimebong Member Posts: 2,803
edited December 2020 in General Discussions

So I played a match of survivor earlier, and saw that I was facing a Twitch streamer. I watched the match back because it’s kind of fun to spectate the “other side”, only to notice that the extremely questionable hit I saw on my screen halfway through the match was also pretty questionable on the killer’s:

(Sorry for the cropping, but I didn’t want to include any identifying info of the streamer.)

I’m sorry but how are hits like this okay? The killer is a considerable distance away even taking into account the lunge (I play a lot of killer and this kind of distance is almost always a whiff in my experience), and the full attack animation plays before it actually connects.

This hit clearly isn’t a latency issue because I can’t possibly be CLOSER to the killer than I appear on their screen. This is an issue with attack hotboxes, or so it seems to me. And it goes both ways - everyone has had situations where your attack is stopped short or pulled towards an inanimate object, for example.

Sorry for the wall of text but apparently this is an issue that frustrates me :)


  • Boss
    Boss Member Posts: 13,614

    I'm probably going to be the only one saying this, but the distance looks actually within range, albeit it barely is.

    And the delay of the hit actually happening is something i get quite a lot myself as Wraith with distant hits like that.

    I'm not saying it ISN'T an actual issue, but this doesn't convince me.