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Why are item durabilities really low now?

Ok, so. I have been gone for 9 months, I lost my xbox back in March of this year, and I got another Xbox for Xmas, I re-installed the game and started playing again and now a Worn-Out Tools has 16 charges. Why?

Best Answer

  • Mooks
    Mooks Member Posts: 14,709
    Answer ✓

    It’s only toolboxes and not Medkits or other items.

    They were changed to be ‚more strategic‘ in use for repairs: you gotta time it right to get best use out of it eg only use it at the end of a gen which helps against certain killers with tinkerer etc. and while they are used up very fast the repair speed is increasing higher than before I think.

    Sabotaging was also reworked, you can sabo within a very short time but can’t interrupt it yourself and won’t get skillchecks. It doesn’t use as much charges from the toolboxes for compensation to the lowered charges.
