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Let's talk about Unbreakable

ukenicky Member Posts: 1,352

Okay so I notice a lot of Killers absolutely detest this perk and tend to lump it in with Decisive Strike. I get it, I don't like it either when I'm playing Killer and people pick themselves up after I slug them but it's usually just something I deal with and expect when I'm slugging (All the more reason to be swift).

What I don't understand is why it's so despised as, in my opinion which may be bad since I'm still relatively new to the game so bear with me, it's one of only two perks (The other being Soul Guard which has a condition for its self pickup) that allow survivors to counter slugging on their own. I know there are other perks such as We're Gonna Live Forever which helps counter slugging but those are more like perks which require a teammate to help.

Is Unbreakable despised because of pairing it with DS for a guaranteed second chance? Or is it just hated in general for being a powerful once per trial effect? I could ask the same of Deliverance like sometimes I just notice streamers with the utmost disdain for these second chance perks and I understand if you're going for a perfect 4k you want to kill everyone and show no mercy but the extremes people go to of saying things like Unbreakable and Deliverance are unfair second chances confuses me as.. That's kind of what they were designed to be as an entire perk slot you dedicate to running it?

I can understand the hate on DS as it is abused more as a free second chance / invuln than it is a genuine anti tunnel perk and I get why killers do everything in their power to work around that but just curious about other second chance perks and whether people think they are healthy for the game and if you DON'T think they're okay, what do you think survivors should do instead? What other kinds of perks should behavior add to help them that killers would be more okay with?

Sorry for the wall of text lol I just really wanted to get this out there as a survivor who doesn't even have a single meta perk it befuddles me when I'm playing with my friends who have more meta perks and killers flip out on them in end game chat for all running Unbreakable like, if slugging is a valid strategy isn't bringing a perk to counter it also allowed for survivors? .-.


  • tactic
    tactic Member Posts: 356
    edited December 2020

    I hate DS more as it’s often exploited, but if I hate Unbreakable it’s either because someone used it to reset the entire game after I went on a slugging spree, or they use it to get up after I hook the only other alive survivor to try and get the hatch.

    it’s a difficult position, I don’t mind one guy having it, but when multiple do it sucks because you can’t take a single down for granted.

  • OldHunterLight
    OldHunterLight Member Posts: 3,001

    I don't hate DS when people are actually being tunneled.

    I don't hate unbreakable since slugging is really effective.

    I hate both combined since for some reason DS users tend to use it offensively instead of an anti tunnel perk.

    But unbreakable I keep saying that it is the strongest survivor perk out there since it allows so many things to happen.

    But the last part is what I disagree with you, think of it like this if a survivor is allowed to use strong perks isn't the killer too? Like when undying came out, the first killer I got it was with Freddy who is already a strong killer and my bp farming killer, I got flipped, insulted, death threats for using it, do you think that is fair?

    It's one of those things like if one side has strong stuff then the other side can use strong stuff as well and not complain.

    Sorry if the last part didn't made sense.

  • tonyischill
    tonyischill Member Posts: 53

    I think it puts killers in an unfavorable position especially when there's 1-2 gens left or if EGC is active. When I play killer in the higher ranks and I see there's an obsession, I automatically assume people have DS. Therefore, I will usually slug the person who got unhooked in order to wait out the timer. Now if you throw in DS + Unbreakable it kinda makes it a lose-lose situation since slugging the person to avoid DS instead allows them to pick themselves up. Either way you lose map pressure but it is still winnable as killer

  • MadLordJack
    MadLordJack Member Posts: 8,814

    Unbreakable sucks because it exists to solve a problem (3-4 person slugfest) but screws over the nicest possible way killers have of winning against teams that aren't allergic to gens (1-2 person snowballs). It also has the lovely, fair and welcome effect of making someone practically untouchable by slapping on DS completly for free and allowing them to do whatever they want for an entire minute and completly get away with it.

    I don't begrudge anyone for running it, I just hate DS/UB and I hate that there is no basekit defence against slugfest just because UB exists and the excuse is "RuN UnBrEaKaBlE."

    Also, nothing will ever stop me from running DS with No Mither. Come at me, killer.

  • ChurchofPig
    ChurchofPig Member Posts: 2,763

    Alone, Unbreakable is fine. I think it's the pairing with Decisive so survivors use it as a minute of invincibility. Get slugged? Pick themselves up. Get picked up? Decisive. Alone it's a perfectly fine perk and doesn't need to be changed. I think it makes matches more interesting as killer when someone has Unbreakable.

  • ChurchofPig
    ChurchofPig Member Posts: 2,763

    No one will stop you. They'll just expect the ds or have bad timing and pick you up anyways.

  • ukenicky
    ukenicky Member Posts: 1,352

    So I guess the question is how do we have second chance perks done right so that they're not abusable by survivors?

  • Saltjar34
    Saltjar34 Member Posts: 766

    Deliverance. It makes you cannot be healed and be tunneled easily and if you were hooked first the perk doesn't work

    Same for Power Struggle. It capitalizes on the killer's avoidable mistake by punishing them severely.

  • Mister_xD
    Mister_xD Member Posts: 7,669

    i dont mind the perk at all.

    the only time i would is when the person in question is also running Decisive Strike, has been freshly unhooked and basically forces themselves on me.

    but thats not a problem with UB, thats a problem with DS and the mindset of said person.