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Back off! Survivor challenge. Help please!

As Jane I used “head on” and I stunned the killer three times with it. I also stunned them with the pallets twice but it didn’t count. Is that because it was the hillbilly and he chainsawed my pallets as I dropped them? I cannot for the life of me finish this tome and this challenge is the reason why! Tips are appreciated. I just started playing this game this year so I’m still technically a newbie but I play every night for hours.

Best Answer

  • TripleSteal
    TripleSteal Member Posts: 1,298
    Answer ✓

    When you pallet stun billy, the pallet doesn't get destroyed as his saw is cancelled the moment pallet is dropped. If he destroyed the pallets, it means he was not stunned by them in the first place. Taking these two stuns out, only 3 instances remain which is not enough.

    I haven't encountered or read about any major bugs with this challenge, just keep doing whatever you are doing, and eventually you'll complete it. DS, head on, q&q and probably IW will help you to increase the odds of success.