Nerf Bastion

KayTwoAyy Member Posts: 1,721
edited December 2020 in Off-topic

I was playing some Winston earlier. Hit some phat static blasts and sent all the kiddies to shock therapy. It was pretty epic for the first 5 seconds, until I realized my opponent was farming ult charge; not even 2 minutes in and they quadruple ulted four gens.

I was down bad.

So I switched to DVa--sacrificing a generator in the process. Next thing I know Soldier 76 is standing on the objective with his ult charge in OT. Thankfully I'm insane at the game, so I DVa Bomb him right before he could use it--throw him down to spawn and suddenly the game snowballs into a hot 4k.

It was pretty rad, I can't lie.

...but overall i'd rate the match a 1 out of 10. It felt like the enemy brought nuclear missiles to a knife fight, and I survived only because my opponent counted their chickens before they hatched.

Post edited by Gay Myers (Luzi) on
