Randomly kicked from games ("disconnected from host")


I have a question to you guys, because this has been happening far too often for me.

Do you guys just get randomly kicked from a game?

Like, had you pipped in the round or safetied you'll keep your rank, and you get to keep your item, but you lose bloodpoints and- annoyingly- you get a penalty for it.

It'll say "Disconnected from host" and you'll be able to see the killer's entire loadout, as well as not being able to chat; it's like the game is over but it's still going for everyone else.

It's happened to me as killer and as survivor, and the frequency is just increasing at this point. To the point where I don't disconnect, at all, of my own accord and I'll be up to a 30 minute penalty because of how frequently it's happening.

Now, naturally, I'd consider this a me problem about my internet, but the thing is; it isn't. Because when I stream this game my stream remains fine (which, by the way, it happened to me live, here's the clip:

Poor foolish me thinking it was DBD crashing and would be a rare occurance).

Is this happening to anyone else? Because it's genuinely tempting me to uninstall since I can't play more than 4 rounds without this bullshit happening.

And yes, I'm writing this off the back of a game and yes I'm really ######### angry about it all.

If this is a server-side issue, then please excuse me French but BHVR fix your ######### servers, please.

