Getting some fun teammates in solo que

Now in solo que I'm not getting exclusively bad teammates, I'm getting t-bagging junkies who do everything in their power to make the killer miserable, and then when they get hooked they dc or kill themselves on hook.
So now I can't laugh at ridiculously bad plays anymore or be aggravated when I die on first hook 5 minutes into the game cause the Meg thinks that crouching makes them invisible, I can just be upset that I wasted my free time playing a match that would be over in less time than it took to que into it in the first place.
And before you ask, no, it's not all console players, got a good chunk of PC ######### too.
This happening to anyone else?
Randoms are just getting worse for this game. You gotta get discord or something and find a group. You'll never make it in solo queue anymore unless you are in high rank
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Funny thing is I am in high rank, the matchmaking sucks regardless of rank
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It's been pretty miserable as a solo queue lately. It's been a lot of rainbow ranks in the matches I'm playing and have constantly died on my first hook despite having Kindred! Usually just suicide on hook when I see nothing is being done.
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Solo q Player here! And I play Red Ranks!
Honestly when I see what you describe(teammates being useless and or [BAD WORD] to the Killer, Or if we get snowballed to death with no chance at escape) I'll go in to a plan B.
I make it my goal to Atleast Safety pip instead of trying to escape. It's a last ditch effort if we can't come back. So it dosent happen frequently, however over the past while I've had to resort to it more and more due to suicides and DC's, honestly it would be best to just resort to playing with a SWF
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This is why randoms are getting worse and worse XD
If nobody played swf solo q would be easier.
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I have seen bad survivors in high rank but it is a lot less common with crossplay now. Sounds like you got some bad luck