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What do you wanna see in 2021?

Lukeishness Member Posts: 27
edited December 2020 in Ask the Community

Simple question, What are you hoping gets added in 2021?

I really hope we either get a custom game overhaul or an unranked mode, I'm tired of having to constantly sweat for kills.

Best Answers

  • TripleSteal
    TripleSteal Member Posts: 1,298
    Answer ✓

    Small qol improvements like disabling last second item switching, displaying character icons in post-game tab, adding proper spectator camera for killers; also bug fixes, optimisation and so on.

  • THHE_SttEve
    THHE_SttEve Member Posts: 4
    Answer ✓

    I wanna see chat added to dbd mobile

  • ChurchofPig
    ChurchofPig Member Posts: 2,763
    Answer ✓

    Same and because of the icons of adepts we know they have icons so you can tell who everyone was playing. (If I understood that correctly) Along with improvements with disabling last second item switching, I feel they also need to lock the survivor when you ready up (same as killer). Also a rework to totem spawns and keys (but keys we know are happening).

  • Boosted_Dwight
    Boosted_Dwight Member Posts: 3,059
    Answer ✓
    • Key rework
    • Ds rework
    • Solo survivor support ( make use of the status hud)
    • Map reworks for Haddonfield and Disturbed Ward
    • More priority towards optimization
    • Better events
    • Grind reduction
    • Color blind features (more accessibly in general)
    • A new way to earn shards
    • A daily challenge rework
    • A fix for Matchmaking issues
    • A reason to give props
    • More interesting rewards and items in the rift/archives (seriously every battlepass I've seen is cooler than the rift)
    • Archives change so you can select multiple challenges at once

    I have more but it's getting too long 😅

  • SnakeSound222
    SnakeSound222 Member Posts: 4,467
    edited January 2021 Answer ✓
    • Nemesis and Jill as playable characters with their OG skins being free
    • Turning Killer Adepts a 4k while also getting around Sony's stupid requirements
    • Coldwind rework
    • More Bloodhunts
    • Survivor lock in lobby (no more quickswitching at 6 seconds)
    • Custom game so you can test things without having to go into a public match or find a friend