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What is the Game Design purpose of the exit gates?

JasonS Member Posts: 100
edited January 2021 in General Discussions

Usually the killer is in chase when the last generator activates. In the time it takes him to down a survivor and hook them, the gates are progressed far enough that they will be 99%'ed by the time the killer gets there.

This basically forces hook camping in the end game, which isn't fun for anybody involved. The alternative is the killer leaves the hook voluntarily just because they'd rather not sit there for a full 2 minutes doing nothing.

I just don't see how this is fun or interesting. Especially not for the killer, who is forced to chose between being a jerk or losing a kill (or more). Its Lose-Lose either way. All the while the emblem system is deducting you points for defending the only objective you have left on the map.


  • lowiq
    lowiq Member Posts: 436

    In my opinion, it's the killer's last chance. Just like the hatch is the survivor's last chance.

  • Doing_gens_wbu
    Doing_gens_wbu Member Posts: 61

    What Iowiq said. It slows the game down enough to where you may still benefit from survivors. Whether they are too hasty and catch them off guard, or the secure the last hook. Ie. Imagine getting a gate to 99% completely heathy. You could take 1 hit and still manage to escape, lets say you even have dead hard as well, then boom. You get hit with NOED and now survivors need to make a choice whether to open (risking blood warden) or stick around.

    Hook camping is only acceptable if it's the only hook you have endgame, if they loop you around a hook or if you hook them near the objectives. There is no shame hooking next to a three gen patrolling that's the survivors fault for 3 genning themselves and for not running BT or DS. While doing so on the last hook doesn't feel that good you do what you have to do. Face camping when there are objectives to protect and forcing survivors in a unfair position just to tunnel or trade to keep camping. Yeah that's terrible and it's not fun.

    Do emblems need fixing? Somewhat. But with my experience if you do good on gen pressure you can still get iri to gold by prolonging the game long enough. The point of the emblem, imo, is to encourage you to play a specific way.

  • Father_Dark
    Father_Dark Member Posts: 84

    It honestly depends on how many survivors are left and where they are in relation to each other. If you are unlucky as a killer and 2 people are working on that last gen, one should get off it before it pops and go stand by the gate. I've done this, I've seen it done, and I've experienced it as a killer. If there is only 1 left and I've closed the hatch, I've chased down the last one before they could get it open. As a killer, it's nice when the exit gates are close together. If they are on opposite sides of the map, I just cringe and go check one, then the other and typically, by the time I've checked the 2nd one, the first one opens and they leave before I can get back to them. It all depends on the Gods of RNG and how much favor if you have with them.