Psa for all noed haters:



  • CJ48
    CJ48 Member Posts: 16

    Doing gens as quickly as possible is the survivors objective, I know the killers is to kill, but bad killers shouldn’t get rewarded with a 1 hit kill. At low ranks the perk makes sense but if you’re between purple and red ranks and need NOED for almost all your games you should uninstall 😂. Noed should only be for grey-yellow ranks imo.

  • Asqueado
    Asqueado Member Posts: 64

    Nope, genrush is not the objective and that thinking is the biggest mistake of survivors.

    Your main objective is survive and escape, that means save team mates, clean totems to avoid perks like Ruin, Hope Devour, Noed and repair gens, also waste killer time if you are good at looping. If survivors focus just on 1 task, is their mistake if at the end, the killer runs noed and for not doing things on the right way.

    So nope friend, you are absolutely wrong

  • The_Bootie_Gorgon
    The_Bootie_Gorgon Member Posts: 2,340

    Doing 5 gens doesn't equal escaping...

  • NightWolfsFury
    NightWolfsFury Member Posts: 220

    I honestly think a way NOED could be reworked is a token system, like Devour.

    As you can see, most people dislike that it rewards poor play/unearned kills, but if they did a token system, that would change.

    1 hook could do nothing, 2 hooks give a small speed boost for it, 3 hooks give the full speed boost, and then 4+ hooks give the exposed status effect.

    This makes it more of an "I need some help during end game" than something like, "I'm playing poorly and can't get a hook. Let me have this perk do the job for me."

    It honestly only seems like bad killers tend to run NOED. I rarely run into good killers who have it. Not dating it doesn't happen, but it is usually the killers who aren't all that good.

    Regardless, I don't really find NOED a problem and couldn't really care less if it ever did get changed.

  • Tricks
    Tricks Member Posts: 957

    My Survivors always take Small Game, here are some problems I run in to with it:

    • You never know how many totems have been broken because unlike generators there is no tally as to how many are left to be completed. So you don't know weather its time to stop doing bones because you've done 4 and a team mate has done the 5th one so its almost always a guessing game or a matter of luck as to weather or not you complete them all or not.
    • And by then you've almost always wasted the entire match looking for the last set of bones when its already been done or just cant be found.
    • If you've 'done bones' its again almost always at the cost of everything else in the match because if you stop doing bones they don't get done before egc begins so by the time it comes to leave your team mates are either already dead because you couldn't spare the time to rescue / heal them or do gens and you end up with less bp at the end for it.
    • Its effectiveness vs bones is GREATLY diminished when your up against Freddy, Trapper or Hag because you get a LOT of false positives with bone locations wasting far more time than usual because you spend most of your time searching for bones that end up being a trap of some sort.


    • Doing bones needs a MUCH greater reward. Say 5k bp per bone pile then everyone would be climbing over each other to get them.

  • whammigobambam
    whammigobambam Member Posts: 1,201

    Why waste his breath trying? Why not just run it himself?

  • ChurchofPig
    ChurchofPig Member Posts: 2,763

    I do not think 5k is a good number, but I do like the idea of awarding more. Currently you get like 1000 for a dull and 1500 for a hex. I say increase that to 2k a dull and 2.5k a hex. (That might still be much cuz that's 10k with no hexes on the map, you still get 5k if you get all totems with no hexes currently)

  • JimbusCrimbus
    JimbusCrimbus Member Posts: 1,060

    I see a lot of "rewards the killer for x thing they didn't deserve" in this thread.

    Firstly - that same logic would apply if I said "It punishes survivors for not doing bones" - which it does, by the devs own words.

    Secondly - Imagine saying that about a killer perk that isn't even in the killer meta, when survivor meta perks, literally almost all of them, are "rewards for things you didn't earn". Decisive Strike, Dead Hard (literally all exhaustion perks other than head on), Unbreakable, Power Struggle etc. IMAGINE using the "rewards the killer for so and so" argument, when the reality is what I just said. Consider your argument destroyed.

    At least NOED has a counter - it's called doing bones LONG before it ever procs. There's MULTIPLE perks and items to help you do this. DS? No counter. Not tunneling isn't a counter, because they usually run right to a generator. Slugging isn't a counter because Unbreakable exists, which has no counter itself. The one perk killers used to have to counter DS? They nerfed it for the specific purpose of making it not work with DS. A dead hard for distance (learn what this is before you reply saying "just bait it out" like a typical bot) has zero counters, and basically acts as a push-button pallet/vault vacuum. I could go on.

    Not to mention that if a killer manages to get more than a single kill/hook with NOED, the survivors were trash to begin with.

  • StardustSpeedway
    StardustSpeedway Member Posts: 882

    I swear I must be one of the few people that loves going against NOED. it's so intense trying to go for the save or hunting the totem. I wish more perks offered this type of intensity.

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