Most Survivor Sided Map

Haddonfield or Midwich? I personally hate both LOL
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Haddonfield by a mile.
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Midwich is tolerable, haddonfield is just ugh, esp if they have balanced
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Haddonfield by a long margin. Midwich is by far the smallest map in the game.
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I seriously can't believe that, isn't dead dawg smaller?
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Midwich isn't a particularly unfair map in most scenarios (sans OoO, of course) so Haddonfield should win handily from this pairing.
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Both suck but Haddonfield is much worse.
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It's true. Midwich has an area of 7,264m² after adding both floors. It doesn't fell small bc of the long corridors and walls that block adjacent spaces. To give a perspective, the second smallest is the Coal Tower with 8,448m², the third is Dead Dawg Saloon with 8,704m², and Mother's Dwelling is the biggest with 12,032m².
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Midwich is bad but not for all killers.
Haddonfield is terribad for any killer.
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most of the maps need reworking and some of the features are due to poor map design
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I think the Saloon map feels smaller because most games don't use that big backlot of desert too much and sticks to buildings.
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Haddonfield, with Disturbed Ward as a close second.
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but Midwich has a much worse map design.
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Haddonfield. Can't believe it made it to live in its current state.
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Both sides suffer with Midwich
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Institute. So many windows
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I just want to say, that I love midwich.
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I escape a lot through the gates in Haddonfield. Seems like with Midwich if I escape at all it’s more common to use the hatch. The gates at the school are just too easy to patrol for most killers.
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Dude, I forgot all about that map. Is the window sill broken? Every time I play that map and they run towards the building I just don't even bother.
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Definitely Haddonfield.
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I dont see Midwich beein survivor sided, its a gerbage map for both sides
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depends on the killer, if your vs pro oni or nurse, no map is surv sided maybe haddon/spring just because of that one basement house
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Haddonfield. Midwich is crappy for both sides imo.
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*Laughs in Hag*
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Haddonfield and Disturbed Ward imo. Midwich isn’t really survivor sided, it’s just disorienting and boring to play on. Rotten Fields and Mother’s Dwelling are also up there because of how huge they are.
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Haddenfield, thats not even open for debate
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Dude I'm very surprised disturbed ward isn't fixed yet
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Haddonfield by a large margin. At least Midwich looks good, and the loops aren't strong. Haddonfield and it's infinite fences are just the worst.
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I can’t believe people aren’t mentioning springwood.
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Haddonfield is way worse lol. You also can't forget about disturbed ward.
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Honestly I feel like I escape more on Crotus Prenn Asylum. Mainly the big maps with gens all spread out. Haddonfield I escape or die, usually teammates go pepega.
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Yea no, the most survivor sided map is without doubt the disturbed ward.
The damn place has the strongest main building in the whole game, extreme generator spread, several guaranteed basic tiles right next to eachother, hills to use balanced landing in if you're not at the main building, and it's pretty damn huge too.
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Grim Pantry, probably.
Midwich is the best map in existence for several killers.
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I was gonna say that Springwood is, in my opinion, the most survivor-sided map. Haddonfield has been trash ever since the Balanced Landing nerf and nobody runs it anymore. Killers will catch up fast with the stagger if you hop out of a Haddonfield window.
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Springwood is 5 different maps with very different balance.
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See I felt like that prior to the rework but since the rework I don't really notice much of a difference. :/ I dunno.
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I usually stomp survivors with Trapper on Haddonfield. Sometimes i have trouble against coordinated teams, but I love that map playing both sides.
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Same. Trapper can have some fun on that map but as any other killer. I don't like it.
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Haddonfield. Mother's Dwelling is also AWFUL (Huge size, good pallets and a strong main building with a generator that's difficult to patrol). Disturbed Ward is pretty terrible. Fractured Cowshed is also awful.
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If you turn Midwich into a 3v1 early then it not as much of a headache. No pun intended but if you happen to be running devour and get super hidden totem spawn there’s basically no hope for survivors.
Haddonfeild has two bungalows that you have to physically walk down into in order to hear even a 99% gen. I lost a Badham bungalow gens roughly 5 seconds after walking away because there was literally zero noise. Badham can have pathing that is just nutty strong for survivors (two story house that can chain to an alright pallet with a super safe loop a few meters away and then leading to shack... a survivor can exhaust the car pallet, upper floor pallet, bottom floor windows before even moving over to the setup leading to shack that can potentially chain another path to a house of pain bungalow). if survivors aren’t mindful though there are 3 gen situations I’ve seen happen quite frequently on Badham maps that essentially offers any Killer a checkmate. This isn’t exclusive to Badham but I see it happen from both sides quite often.
Personally I don’t hate farm maps, I just can’t stand staring at corn 90% of the match. Swamp maps are depressing/gloomy regardless of gameplay for me.
I’m indifferent to Coal Tower for example but still suffer from ptsd from a match a long time ago where I swear there were like 30 pallets that all chained flawlessly back to back lol.
I always rant too much.. anyway.. I don’t mind Ormond but I legitimately can’t see scratch marks.. oh and Yamaoka Bamboo can go suck a lemon lol✌️
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Midwich in general isn't survivor sided. A lot of the pallets are unsafe and there are barely any vaults. The long hallways especially for some killers make survivors easy targets, but the resources survivors have on midwich are terrible. The map is generally killer sided as a result since survivor's only good defence are like three good pallets.
I would say Red Forest or Coldwind
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Midwich with Devour is godlike