Devs its time to fix Ghost Face reveal.


Its seriously time to look more at GF reveal mechanic devs. The 3 in 1 killer is already strong enough with a decent skill cap. His power should reflect that skill cap. The design is nice and the laziness of folding 3 characters (pig, Myers, wraith) can be overlooked but the reveal power system is such trash its laughable.

There is no reason a survivor should have to have their camera facing the sky to start the reveal process let alone being able to stare straight at GF and not get any buildup while he stalks you in plain sight or somehow can stalk around loops while you watch him stalk.

The fix is easy, lower the visual plane to activate the reveal. Lock it to a survivors basic height visuals. That way if they crouch behind terrain the plane lowers making it impossible to start the reveal over terrain while crouched.

Before any GF mains complain I main killer and GF is boring broken. You already get a visual indicator of the survivors positions when they start revealing so this fix is absolutely necessary.


  • GrimReaperJr1232
    GrimReaperJr1232 Member Posts: 1,658

    The issue is the reveal mechanic is very poorly coded.

    You need to see 25% of Ghosty's model but only within the "reveal zone" of the survivor's camera. The issue? It's determined by your *canera* meaning ANY hitbox, including your own, can cover Ghosty's enough and cancel the reveal. Most of the "reveal zone" is at the center of your camera, where your model will be covering most of it.

  • gibblywibblywoo
    gibblywibblywoo Member Posts: 3,772

    Another thing is peeking. Sometimes enough of his shoulder is exposed that you can reveal him before his stalk buffer ends. Other times you just can't.