tips for Ghostface and killer in general?

I play this game for 2 years but I've only started to play killer recently. im rank 11 because I've been doing challenges but not really leveling up the killers, until now. Ghostface was the most fun and appealing to me so I started playing him, but in every game everyone escapes. this happens mostly because I'm ass at killer and Ghostface, but also because I get at least 2 rank 1s every game running op meta perks like object of obsession, ds, unbreakable, borrowed time, soul guard, etc... and bringing map offerings like autohaven and stuff like that. the rest are usually red ranks too, occasionally i get green ranks here and there. I just need some tips because I'm NEVER able to use my power correctly. i never get anyone exposed. they always end up finding me or just straight up revealing me even if i hide behind something shortly after the revelation procedure started. i just end up being an "m1 killer" with occasional jumpscare hits. it's really frustrating because in theory he's really fun, and i have had some fun games when i was like rank 13 and didn't get any red ranks in my games, so I know his potential, im just lacking in knowing how to play and what to do. i play on ps4 so the framerate is terrible too & that doesn't help i guess. 

i was just wondering if anyone experienced on him or killers in general could give me a solid build, a few tips to help with the usage of his power and maybe advice on how to deal with loops (I'll watch videos on those too). thank you!! 


  • mynameisaaaaa
    mynameisaaaaa Member Posts: 22

    marking survivors can be difficult. first of all, the best add-ons on ghostface are the power recovery add-ons since they can bring back your power in 16 seconds instead of 30.

    now what i always do as ghostface is that i use a strategic approach instead of heading towards the gen the survivors are working on in a straight line. if you come from unexpected sides, you can get a free hit and sometimes you might have time to mark them. i also like to go to the top of a building to start stalking survivors, since they won't expect me to be there.

    in chases, once you get used to his leaning, you can activate your stealth and lean on a tree in the middle of a chase to mark them in 2.5 seconds. if you don't completely mark them, there is still a stalk progress that you can see on the player's icon. a good way to use ghostface's power is to make their stalk progress to 99% and once you find them again you can instantly mark them and get an insta down.

    by the way, hitting a survivor will remove all stalk progress on them, so if they are 99, do not hit them.

    when it comes to looping, you can either play as an m1 killer or use his power to hide your red stain. this works especially well at T L walls. something i like to do but requires more experience is to crouch at the loop so the survivors can't see which side you will come from if the loop has tall enough walls. this can make them drop the pallet early or give you a free hit. don't forget that when you crouch you still have a red stain so consider using your power as well or moonwalk to hide your red stain.

    perks i like to use on him are corrupt intervention to prevent gens from flying at the start, nurse's calling (which is in my opinion the best perk on ghostface) so that i can see injured survivors healing that are unaware i'm nearby since i have no terror radius, thrilling tremors to block gens and know which generators are being worked on so i can prepare to find my next target and my last perk slot is whispers. this gives you an indicator of when a survivor is within range of revealing you, so you can crouch and creep up on them since you know they are nearby.

    if you prefer hitting them by surprise instead of marking them, consider using save the best for last. works like a charm.

    hope this helped!

  • LiunUK
    LiunUK Member Posts: 944

    if you crouch in medium grass on the old maps (not the new grass on the rework maps) the survivors can't reveal you unless they are behind you