Bloodborne Chapter Idea (SPOILERS AHEAD)

Chapter: Bloodborne Chapter
Killer: The Orphan
Overview: The Orphan is an ascending killer, able to cause great destruction from the cosmos and beyond with his power Mother Kos's Call. At some point, he will evolve and gain powers beyond human comprehension.
His personal perks Messenger's Gift, Augur of The Entity, and A Call Beyond, give him the ability to explore the weaknesses of survivors, making them more vulnerable to his attacks.
Killer Power: Mother Kos's Call – The Orphan can plant five Seeds of Knowledge on the trial grounds by holding the Power button, planting more than five will remove the last one planted. These seeds are invisible for survivors without insight. However, the action to consume a seed is still shown if a survivor steps by it. Consuming a seed makes the survivor gain insight but they will no longer be able to consume other buried seeds, instead, they can mark their locations so other survivors can find them easily.
Once The Orphan has at least one seed planted, he can start to cry by pressing the Active Ability button. This action takes two seconds and he is not able to move while doing it and his aura is shown to all survivors in the map. After The Orphan stops crying, this ability will enter a cooldown and a lightning will strike every seed planted on the trial. The lightning will cause an area effect where every survivor hit will scream revealing their location and also receiving the Oblivious and Hindered status effect. Also, pallets and windows in the area of the lightning will be block by the entity for a period of time. Each seed can be used three time before it breaks leaving a random survivor with insight, given that they don't have it.
Once all survivors have insight The Orphan will evolve and become a true Great One gaining wings and a larger Terror Radius for a limited amount of time. After he loses his wings, The Orphan will return to his normal state and all survivors will lose their insight. As a true Great One, The Orphan can not plant more Seeds of Knowledge, but is able to perform a leap attack.
Special Attack: Leap Attack
Press the Power button to leap into the air. While on the air, The Orphan can perform the leap attack by pressing again the Power button. This attack launches The Orphan at a high speed on the aimed direction, injuring the survivor hit by it. The Orphan can stay in air for one second before it crashes down on the ground stunning him for a short period of time.
Level 30: Messenger's Gift – On this realm, the messengers take a different form. However, they still cherish and serve the Great Ones.
Survivors who scare crows receive the Oblivious status effect for 10/20/30 seconds.
“We are thinking on the basest of planes. What we need, are more eyes.” - Master Willem
Level 35: Augur of The Entity – Your true mother can't reach you in this realm, but The Entity makes a fine caretaker nonetheless.
After a survivor drops a pallet inside your terror radius, the closest window to the dropped pallet will become trapped by The Entity for the next 15 seconds. Vaulting a trapped window will cause the survivor to get hit by The Entity itself, hurting them in one health state. Augur of The Entity has a cooldown of 120/100/80 seconds.
"Ahhh Kos... or some say Kosm. Do you hear our prayers?" - Micolash
Level 40: A Call Beyond – Only those with enough insight are able to make contact with the outer reaches of the cosmos, although such knowledge have consequences.
After hitting a survivor with your basic an attack, this perk is applied to the survivor hit. Survivors with the effect of A Call Beyond causes touched generators to explode and receive a direct penalty of 8% of progression each time they are touched. Additionally, missed Skill Checks done by afflicted survivors result in a 5% extra progression penalty. A Call Beyond lasts for 40/50/60 seconds on each survivor afflicted.
“Master Willem was right. Evolution without courage will be the ruin of our race.” - Unknown Byrgenwerth scholar
Lore: When Mother Kos beached into the shore of a fishing hamlet, the inhabitants praised her as a powerful deity, building their society with her as a goddess. However, her sole existence was too much for the fisherman to bear shaping them into deformed beings that became much more than simple human. The parasites that lurked into her body infected the people who saw that as a blessing from their goddess, letting the infection reach the entire hamlet.
When the word of the strange activities on the village reached the scholars of Byrgenwerth, an investigation was put in charge of it's best hunters. When they finally saw the horrors that took place on the fishing hamlet, a cold massacre was ordered in order to eliminate every existence of th great one on the shore. The inhabitants of the village were brutally killed one by one, having holes carved into their skull in the search for inner eyes. Not even Mother Kos was spared of such bloodshed and her stillborn child was tragically wiped out from existence. Or so the hunters thought.
The wrath of a true great one generated a powerful curse, in which every hunter that became dominated by bloodlust would be put into an eternal realm of nightmare, where they could carry out their hunt forever as punishment for their misdeeds. On the heart of this nightmare, protected by the fair lady of the clocktower, the old fishing hamlet lasted, with the corpse of Mother Kos still beached on it's core. Inside of her, the poor wizened Orphan of Kos still wept in a mix of sadness and anger.
No nightmares can exist forever and then a skilled hunter finally appeared to put The Orphan's cries to rest. Exiting his mother's womb and wielding her placenta as his weapon, the child fought with the hunter ultimately being defeated. With a single strike, his dark existence was free from that plane, returning to the ocean and beyond.
However, The Orphan was still a child. A child that had no understanding of the cosmos. A child that was longing for it's dead mother. So, as he was aimlessly traveling through nothing, a deep fog surrounded him. Whatever was that fog, it embraced The Orphan as a surrogate mother giving it a new purpose. He was now the new toy of The Entity, who dared to use his own kin as a slave for it's cruel purposes.
Survivor: Arianna Morgan (She doesn't have a canon surname, so I took the freedom to give her one)
Overview: Arianna Morgan is a deceptive lady, capable of tricking others and using the circumstances to her team's advantage.
Her personal perks, Betrayal, Mother of a Great One, and Vileblood, makes her able to confuse and the deceive the killer and ultimately create one last opportunity for her to escape.
Level 30: Betrayal – Your life in the streets of Yharnam during the nights of the hunt taught you how to make difficult choices.
When there are only two survivors left in the trial, with you being one them, this perk becomes active. When healing the other injured survivor, press Active Ability button to put the survivor on the dying state. This survivor will have their aura revealed to the killer for the next 30 seconds. After using this perk, you will start sprinting at 150% of your normal speed and also leave no scratch marks behind for 3/4/5 seconds. If the other survivor is sacrificed, they will gain 100% more Bloodpoints for actions in the Altruism Category.
“Beware the lady of the night. I can see it in her eyes.” - Skeptical Man
Level 35: Mother of a Great One – Although dead, your child still protects you and the ones you care for.
At the beginning of the trial, a special extra chest will spawn on the trial. This chest can only be opened by you. After searching this chest, this perk becomes active. When within 8 meters of the killer while not being chased, the chest will emit a Loud Noise notification for them and reduce your Grunts of Pain caused by injuries by 50% for the next 10 seconds. This perk has a cooldown of 160/140/120 seconds. If more than one survivor has this perk, only one special chest will spawn, but opening it will active it for all users.
“And when the Great Ones descend, a womb will be blessed with a child.” - Unknown Byrgenwerth scholar
Level 40: Vileblood – Your blood bears the curse of your ancestors.
After getting hit by the killer's basic attack, your vile blood spills on them causing the killer to not be able to see other survivors auras and blood stains for the next 40/50/60 seconds. While this perk is active, you gain the Broken status effect. This perk has a cooldown of 90 seconds.
“Fear the old blood.” - Master Willem
Lore: Since Arianna was a child, her parents would tell her to be a Vileblood. This word had little meaning for her, even though others called her blood cursed and unholy, forbidding her to interact with the sacred nuns of the Healing Church of Yharnam.
Growing up as an outcast in Yharnam was difficult, but soon she learned that her blood which was called vile had similar properties to the special blood used in blood ministration. After her parents died, she started working as woman of pleasure, offering her tainted blood to her clients, as it was everything she could give. In Yharnam, blood is more addictive than any drug and Arianna's was the most powerful, as it was forbidden. For that special trait, she managed to get enough coin to live a comfortable life which was everything she wanted in that cursed city.
Eventually, a different night of the hunt came. This night started as many others, but it took much longer than a few hours. Soon the incense of her house that would keep the beasts away started to fade and her time of safety grew short. Luckily, when Arianna was falling into desperation, a mysterious hunter knocked at her door, whispering of a safe place not far from her home. Sneaking through the corpse filled streets, the woman managed to find a safe haven inside of Oedon Chapel.
At that place, Arianna would still be look with eyes disapproval by the other survivors. A skeptical man, a grumpy old woman and a prideful nun. However, she could not allow herself to care for such trivialities, as this was simply a momentary shelter. At that place, she patiently waited keeping company to good dweller of the chapel, as he was the only one that wouldn't judge her for the blood that runs in her veins.
Unfortunately, the dawn never came. Instead, the sky gained life with strange colors and the moon became crimson red. With no logical explanation, Arianna felt something in her womb. An uneasy feeling happened to her, as the pain in her body would become more unbearable with each hour. When she felt something coming out of her insides, the woman crawled to a secret passage of the chapel, where no one could see her.
Sitting on a chair on the sewer, Arianna gave birth to something. An abomination that she could not comprehend. With the hands on her head, she tried to convince herself that none of that was real, but a terrible nightmare. While she could not even put her mind on place, that same mysterious hunter came back to her. With a simple swing, her newborn baby was killed, releasing a horrendous screech that hit her brain like a bullet. She fainted.
The next thing she remembers is waking up at the sound of crackling fire with a mysterious dark fog surrounding slowly fading away. She finds herself at a campfire, with people with strange clothes that don't look down on her. Maybe, everything that she experienced on that night was indeed a nightmare and this is now just another trial of the same dream.
With that in mind, Arianna decided to put an end to this nightmare. She must survive at all cost in order to finally see the daylight again and be able to forget these memories that are beyond her understanding.
Map: Fishing Hamlet – Yharnam Outskirts
Lore: Once a prosperous village, this place decayed with the influence of Mother Kos. With it's inhabitants becoming disgusting beasts, a massacre was done leaving only fish like corpses behind. For long kept as secret by a fair lady, once it was accessed by a hunter in the nightmare, the true horrors of this place came loose. The stench of rotten shellfish and shellpeople impregnates the air, making it unlivable for any living being, and the chanting of the priests still haunts the houses, hiding every manner of curses and rituals. The beach where the Great One's body lies still holds the wrath of all beings killed that day, although The Entity made it lose it's true meaning profaning this sanctuary for it's purposes.