Should the idea "kickstarting a generator" for base kit regression be implemented?

Yords Member Posts: 5,781
edited January 2021 in Off-topic

I remember reading a post or two about "kickstarting" a generator after the killer kicks it so if you can tell me who has made a post regarding this topic before I will add their names to the post to give them credit.

So this is a super easy and simple change to kicking generators that should be base kit for all killers. Every time a killer kicks a generator, a survivor has to "kickstart" a generator for 5 seconds before they can begin repairing it. They could then get a more difficult skill check right at the end just for good measure. This would solve the problem of survivors clicking m1 to repair a gen for .01 seconds and making it stop regressing in a chase or right before they save someone off-hook. It could even have a new little animation for the action.

The reason kicking a generator is kind of pointless on its own is because survivors can just undo it in your face so easily. There are few times where you can do this and get a good chunk of regression out of a generator.

Edit: Maybe the kickstart animation can be 2-3 seconds and overcharge could be changed to make the kickstart have 2 hard skill checks.

Should the idea "kickstarting a generator" for base kit regression be implemented? 8 votes

AvilgusZoldyarfakeDragonMasterDarrenYordsQwQw[Deleted User] 7 votes
No (explain plz)
Bwsted 1 vote
Post edited by Yords on


  • Bwsted
    Bwsted Member Posts: 3,452
    No (explain plz)

    Too much potential for hostage builds. Many killers could just select a cluster of 3 gens and set the tent there from the beginning and drag out the game.

    Gens are the killer's secondary objective to attain their primary objective. The primary objective is to kill survivors. It's not the other way around. That order should never be reversed and there should not be basekit abilities to stall the games like that. To slow down is ok, but not to stall. Base regression and generator damaging are fine like that for a reason.

    I don't understand what is that irks people so much about tapping gens. Or, maybe I do. It's they're taking issue with the fact that what they did can be undone faster. But that sentiment is misguided. In reality, one shouldn't kick a generator unless they have a very good reason to. If the gen gets tapped immediately, it was a bad time investment not because regression got stopped, but because you should have chased immediately, not wasted time kicking. It's not the fact that gEn tApPiNg iS oP that dooms you in that case. It's the bad decision making. The tapping, if anything, gives you a chance because the survivors lingers around instead of making more distance. That's also one of the reasons why I don't even use pop anymore. The pressure I get from chasing and downing is far greater than wasting time kicking with pop in many instances.

  • Avilgus
    Avilgus Member Posts: 1,261

    Yes but 2s seems ok instead of 5s.

  • Yords
    Yords Member Posts: 5,781

    I don't think the hostage situation would happen often though, I have played this game for 1700+ hours and I have never seen a killer solely fixated on dragging out the game in any way.

    You gotta admit, it is pretty dumb how survivors don't even have to restart the repair animation to get rid of the regression. Also, a common situation that happens is you kick a gen that will get good regression, but once leaving the area a survivor will eventually loop you back to it and reset it once they get there.

    It is a small change that I think would be a nice thing to have in the game. The amount of progress on generators you can get sometimes is actually not bad. It does definitely help you especially when you need a little bit of regression. As a little bonus, it would also help you defend both a hook and a gen better since the survivor can't waste any time when going for a save especially if you are sort of guarding both which is not a bad idea.