DC penality info please

I'd like to know the reset time for dc penality...
I was unlucky enough to have 1 pc freeze, 1 game crash and 1 lost connection in 2 days, and i got a 15 minutes ban the last time.
I don't complain for DC ban, i'm all for them, just i'd like to know, since i suspect to be in line for very long "waiting times":
Does the time reset? How does it work (how much ban time is the 4th one?( i wont even relog back if it is 1hr waiting time)
Anyone can answer? i cecked the news but i only found when it were re-enabled, nothing else
Idk. But my electricity went out on Sunday, by the time I reset the breaker and logged back in, I didn't even see a red DC penalty.
So I just played.
It was so unfortunate too as the game was really great. We had 2 gens left I looped the huntress really well. My team probably died without me though
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I think it resets every 24 hours.
But that may just be one at a time
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We have not made the information of the decay time for DC penalties public as we do not want this information to be abused.
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That information cannot really be abused. Very few will care about the optimal way to DC when suiciding is a thing for such dedicated quitters.
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It can be abused if the DC decay is not simply time based (e.g.: decay 1 step every 24 hours), but partially commitment based (e.g.: additional 1 step decay every 4 games completed).
If the latter were true, survivors could easily throw 4 games in a row to circumvent the DC penalty.
You could say, as you actually already did, that "suiciding on hook is the same thing than DC'ing, it doesn't make sense!".
However, it's absolutely not the same. DC'ing prevents killer from completing their challenges, they steal points, BBQ stacks, Pop tokens, Devour Hope... not to mention the infamous DC tech for the hatch.
Last but not least, DC'ing is the only way to "escape" from a game as a killer.
Everything I said, though, is entirely useless if the DC decay is ONLY time based.
If it's time based, there's no way to abuse the system - in fact it could even take away from the game DCers for a longer time (if the decay is long enough), if they don't want to incur in harsher punishments.
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I know from sad experience that it takes some time to decay. How long, i don't know, but it is definitely more than a few days or matches played (i do around 20 matches per day).
After the 15min ban comes the 30min/60min/3hrs/1day/2days/3days ban if I remember correctly from the incident where Tru3ta1ent was hacked and got that growing timeout one day.
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Once again, anyone trying to dig that deep is clearly so committed to quitting that they would just suicide.
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And your teammates are completely screwed because you cannot do gens or pressure the killer because you quit. Which is the reason the DC penalty exists: it's not for killers getting hooks, it's for fair trials.
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Wow, you are one of the most biased people I have ever seen. You really don't give a crap about anyone but yourself, do you?
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though you are correct it is being abused as it is (no i won't be saying what it is) I personally think it should be random depending on your game play or not playing etc but that's not for me to decide.
it's simple: the first penalty is 5 minutes, the next i think is 10 and the third is 15, after that i think it ramps up and i think 6 is 1 hour? at some point if one instance tick is removed and if you get another dc in the mean time you go right back to the last. for instance if you have 3 instances of dc'ing on the account and you have 15 minutes, then one drops off but you dc again you're back up to 3 and the 15 minute mark. I can't tell you what the time frame is because i don't test it out myself but that is how it's been explained by the devs. personally i think it's on the lenient side but that's my own opinion.
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You literally just said the DC penalties exist for killers to have "fair" trials. Please elaborate on how it's fair that 3 people are default sacrificed because there's no way for them to win any.lre because someone quit.
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So because one person quit, 3 people are dead and you got what most people rightly consider to be a consolation prize, because the team just lost since the goal is to finish the generators so everyone can escape.
Right. That's fair and you're unbiased.
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problem is the dc penalties are too lenient and because of this people dc. if you don't like people dc'ing and you being sac'd by an angry killer that just wants to get points, well find a way to get your points and move on and put social pressure on the ones that do dc! You see right now it's cool and ok to dc because of tunneling, camping, slugging, wrong map offering, first found and downed, hate the killer. make it not cool and ok to do it, keep track of those that dc, and lobby dodge anyone that dc'd with you. Honestly the disconnect penalties should trigger a review of the account and their disconnection rate during the time penalties are active. and exgregious disconnectors should be dropped from playing. once rigorous action is started to be taken for repeat offenders you will see that the issue actually regulates itself and it'll become a non-issue.
his point was that when one dc's the killer goes ahead and stomps on the survivors and sac's them because the killer now is trying to at minimum safety pip so he doesn't loose rank and isn't going to just let people out because someone quit. not because the hatch didn't work or anything like that.
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And yet you still claimed, and I keep coming back to this because it really does show your bias, that it's fair when people suicide instead of DC.
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obviously you didn't read my post
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it's nice if they go easy and let people get points but never required too.. i might say awww man coulda gone easy! but meh it happens.
please show me where you can 100% call it what you do? please show me where in the game the AI can determine the reason behind someone's not struggling or trying to get off the hook? you can't, you can only assume and this is why it's "OK" because there is game mechanics being used not out of match functionality that is being used to EXPLOIT the system.
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Untrue, because they wouldn't be trying to dig that deep in the first place if they just suicide. :P