Unhooking Invulnerability


I mean, looking at this right now seems to be promising. But I still feel like it should be a little bit extended or compensated a tiny bit more. Of course I don't want this to be a thing that Hooks gave survivors an invincibility but something that would help everyone not to farm on the hook. Thus savior can do his job by saving but when the Killer immediately goes for the person who's being unhooked seems to be upsetting most of the time. (As a matter that there are annoying moments to even succeed these achievements by having a Killer not playing fairly). Also to mention that Killers will keep on doing this because the game doesn't have any restrictions about this and this is pretty abusing as it is right now and even before.
Long story short: Give this something that would prevent from both sides getting hurt.


  • iceman2kx
    iceman2kx Member Posts: 462

    Yea, use borrowed time. It's not that hard of a concept. If a killer wants to tunnel you, sorry about your bad luck, you're dead.

  • feffrey
    feffrey Member Posts: 886
    doesn't matter you still will get tunneled 
  • MegaWaffle
    MegaWaffle Member Posts: 4,172

    I don't use exhaustion perks so I'm not sure if the new hook change has been released or not but you can use DH or SB to escape that hit right after invulnerability now. There is of course still the BT effect that will help you too, but ultimately there will still be a chase sequence if someone wishes to tunnel you so you will still need to keep that up.

    If they eventually find a way to slow the game down by giving survivors more then just generators to do I can easily see tunneling becoming less of a thing, especially if there becomes some sort of incentive not to tunnel (like a small extra BP sort of how survivors are rewarded for "safe unhook").

    Either way we can only wait and see.

  • White_Owl
    White_Owl Member Posts: 3,786

    Dude, the new mechanic allowed me to unhook myself with Deliverance against a rev-camping Billy, take a hit while invincible and reach the exit that was in front of the hook. It was amazing, but only because I did the unhook with the right timing after patiently waiting for an opening. It shouldn't be the standard.

  • [Deleted User]

    How long does invincibility last and what perk is it that offers this? Just so I know whats going on.

  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675

    @Legacy_Zealot said:
    How long does invincibility last and what perk is it that offers this? Just so I know whats going on.

    It's supposed to last until the player has control of their character, but it's bugged right now. It's a base mechanic; no perk required.

  • yeet
    yeet Member Posts: 1,832

    @Legacy_Zealot said:
    How long does invincibility last and what perk is it that offers this? Just so I know whats going on.

    it seems to last for serveral seconds after they unhook themselves

  • Wolf74
    Wolf74 Member Posts: 2,959

    @Razorkiller said:
    Also to mention that Killers will keep on doing this because the game doesn't have any restrictions about this and this is pretty abusing as it is right now and even before.

    So in a nutshell, you want killer to play stupid?
    They should go for the target that needs 2 hits to get downed and give a free safe unhook score plus a free heal up to the other target, that the killer could have downed in 1 hit?
    Why should a killer do that?
    Just to please the survivor? Survivor have it already to easy and you want even more?

  • Giche
    Giche Member Posts: 753

    @Orion said:
    It's supposed to last until the player has control of their character, but it's bugged right now. It's a base mechanic; no perk required.

    @yeet said:
    it seems to last for serveral seconds after they unhook themselves

    In case you haven't noticed :

    They shadow buffed it.
    And wait, to see if enough peoples will complain about it.

    If not, there's chances they keep it.

  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675

    @Giche said:
    In case you haven't noticed :

    They shadow buffed it.
    And wait, to see if enough peoples will complain about it.

    If not, there's chances they keep it.

    Wrong. It's bugged. It only happens during self-unhooks, likely because of the different animation. During normal unhooks, it works just fine.

  • Giche
    Giche Member Posts: 753

    @Orion said:

    Wrong. It's bugged. It only happens during self-unhooks, likely because of the different animation. During normal unhooks, it works just fine.

    That's a lot of "bug" hindering killer this patch.

    Knowing the past, and also the rampant complaints about "respect mah 4% :'o " , i don't trust them anymore for this kind of "details".

  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675

    @Giche said:

    @Orion said:

    Wrong. It's bugged. It only happens during self-unhooks, likely because of the different animation. During normal unhooks, it works just fine.

    That's a lot of "bug" hindering killer this patch.

    Knowing the past, and also the rampant complaints about "respect mah 4% :'o " , i don't trust them anymore for this kind of "details".

    Given their propensity to introduce bugs, thanks largely to spaghetti code, I'd sooner believe it's a bug than an intentional buff.

  • DeadByFlashlight
    DeadByFlashlight Member Posts: 1,642

    @Razorkiller said:
    I mean, looking at this right now seems to be promising. But I still feel like it should be a little bit extended or compensated a tiny bit more. Of course I don't want this to be a thing that Hooks gave survivors an invincibility but something that would help everyone not to farm on the hook. Thus savior can do his job by saving but when the Killer immediately goes for the person who's being unhooked seems to be upsetting most of the time. (As a matter that there are annoying moments to even succeed these achievements by having a Killer not playing fairly). Also to mention that Killers will keep on doing this because the game doesn't have any restrictions about this and this is pretty abusing as it is right now and even before.
    Long story short: Give this something that would prevent from both sides getting hurt.

    Its the survivors decision whether they farm each other, not the killers.

    I really dont get why the killer is punished for that now

  • xxaggieboyxx
    xxaggieboyxx Member Posts: 498

    yeah the hitboxes are also broken for the unhooked. i saw someone running for the save so i chainsaw over there and go specifically to the right to hit the unhooker but i still hit the unhooked and they get away because of the way this works. its kinda dumb(at least the hitbox thing)

  • Razorkiller
    Razorkiller Member Posts: 4

    Hook Invulnerability doesn't work at all against Huntress's hatchets...

    She's basically the only Killer right now (assumingly) that can ignore this system.

  • Boss
    Boss Member Posts: 13,614

    Make unsave unhooks apply the Exposed Status Effect to the unhooker for like 5 seconds.

    Hey, it would certainly help remove the incentive. 😋