For some that just bought the game

So someone in my family bought dbd, because they saw how much I've been playing it over the years. He asks me alot of questions about the game and I've never been good at answering questions that are clear lol. I thought maybe the forums would help me with some of the questions he has about the game.

What survivor is really good to start with?

What's the basic lore of this game?

How do I know what killer is good?

(He got demogorgon because of the show he started watching, I told him demo is good killer to play as. But if anyone has tips for demogorgon I'd love to hear them.)

And his last question was how do you decide what survivor to play as?

Any other tips to give him would also be cool dude. Thank you


  • NomiNomad
    NomiNomad Member Posts: 3,178
    1. Depends on what he has. A lot of them have very strong perks, Meg and Laurie for example. Probably the best to start off with... Meg or Claudette. Meg has Sprint Burst, Adrenaline, and Quick and Quiet which are all solid perks. Caudette can heal herself, which a lot of newer players like.
    2. The basic lore is a bit harder to explain, but I'll be as brief as possible. The Entity steals the Killers and The Survivor's to play games for it, so that it can feed. Each 'game' is called a trial, and each survivor sacrificed is more food for the entity. The Survivor's have no memory of the previous trials (as far as I know) that they've been in. Death doesn't mean anything - if you escape or die, you wake up at the campfire. Some of the killers have been tortured to perform for the Entity, like Nurse and Wraith, and some like their job. Ghostface and Legion are good examples.
    3. Good killers typically have either good map mobility - Billy, Oni, Nurse, Blight - Or good chase potential. Nurse, Blight, Spirit. The bad ones don't have much of either. Some of them have very good chase potential, Clown and Doctor are good examples, but no mobility. Some of them, like Trapper and sometimes Wraith, have neither.
    4. Whatever he likes. Some survivor's are quieter and smaller than others (Ace is very quiet while someone like Steve is very loud) but the choice of a survivor doesn't matter as much as the choice of killer.

    For a killer specific tip, I'd tell him to start with a killer like Wraith or Legion. They're both M1 killers and will teach him the basics of chase potential faster than someone like Deathslinger or Huntress. Have him watch guides on how to loop effectively, which loops he can mindgame or which ones he should just hold W on.

    As Survivor, tell him to always be vigilant. The last thing you want is a Bubba sneaking up on you. Learn how to loop, don't camp or pre-throw pallets if you can avoid it. Learn how to chain loops together, which ones are safe, which ones aren't.

    Speaking of Bubba, if he plays a lot of killer, tell him to get Leatherface. BBQ & Chili is one of the only ways to even slightly combat the heavy grind this game has.

  • Hyd
    Hyd Member Posts: 379

    As a new player of 2 months myself, DBD is definitely a bit overwhelming to learn. The pile of perks, add-ons, offerings and Killer Powers is a lot to take in and I believe people when they say they didn't really begin to understand all aspects of the game "proficiently" until they'd passed 100, 200 or 300+ hours in the game.

    I'm 2 months in and still very noobish. I definitely still don't know what all the status effects are, or what they do, and definitely don't have their icons memorized. It's's a lot, so your friend will need to come to terms with this, and just accept that it'll be a learning process but with that said, I've still been having fun the entire time.

    What Survivor to choose? Definitely one that will bolster typical noobie player weaknesses. Noobie's will be crappy at looping most likely, so I think Kate Denson might be a good choice with her Windows of Opportunity perk. Another of hers, Dance with Me, could be good for wiggling free from the Killer when they're inevitably downed and caught. This general strategy of choosing characters and/or perks that bolster your weaknesses is also just a very good general rule of thumb to follow, especially as a solo.

    As for a good Killer, I think starting with a more basic killer is the way to go. Demo is good but takes more planning and strategy to be effective, things that a noobie player isn't going to know much about until they've played more and more. That said, I think The Doctor would be a great starting Killer, as he is quite forgiving to noobies while also still being quite effective and causing issues for survivors even when you're not chasing them.

    Hope this helps :)

  • chieften333
    chieften333 Member Posts: 1,554

    1. The survivor he starts with depends on how he wants to play. Stealth suits jake and nea, Support is dwight, healing is claudette. Personally he should read up on their perks and decide what playstyle he wants for himself.

    2. An eldritch entity has kidnapped people from the multiverse to have them play out a game of cat and mouse to feed on their suffering. It chooses some to be the victims, and others to be the killers. Most of the time it corrupts the killers in the real world so they perform heinous acts. These acts scar the locations they are performed in, allowing the entity to influence the area and pull any unfortunate people who wander in, into it's realms. The game takes place inside the entity because it's a living dimension.

    3. Generally killers who have some sort of mobility are best. The best killer is nurse, but she takes LOTS of practice to get used to. Spirt, blight, and freddy are among the upper tier killers. But play whichever ones suit your taste. Even if you choose a weaker killer you can make it work against most teams if you get good with them.

    An important tip for them would be that dead by daylight can be a frustrating game to play. It requires experience that you have to earn yourself without a tutorial ( because the tutorial is so bare bones ). That, and the toxicity from both ends can be downright infuriating sometimes.

    If they stick with the game, they will earn the experience required to do decent in most matches. So in short, stick with the game, it gets better.

  • ALostPuppy
    ALostPuppy Member Posts: 3,398

    People have already answered every question except the Demo one. Bronx has a good Demo guide. He's not exactly a difficult killer to play but he does require quite a bit of knowledge and perks that you won't yet have as a new player (map and tile knowledge, portal spots, zoning survivors, perks like corrupt to help you set up in the early game etc.)

    For more generic guides, here:

  • GannTM
    GannTM Member Posts: 10,867

    Personally, I think the survivor he should be invested in to start is David King. He has We’re Gonna Live Forever which is great for bloodpoint farming. New players will need to get as much bloodpoints as they can. It will help him in the long run. David is free too which makes it better.

    For killer, if he’s interested in putting time into DBD, he should consider buying Leatherface so he can get BBQ and Chili, because of bloodpoints.

    As a new player, he shouldn’t worry about which killers are strong. Nurse and Spirit are the two strongest killers in the game but new players will struggle to use them. If he doesn’t want to pay money on DLCs, Wraith will be an amazing choice. While he’s not a strong killer, he’s very beginner friendly. Hillbilly can be a good choice. Although, Billy’s saw can be hard to use at first, he still has great mobility which will help out new players.