What would happen if SWF was removed for a month?
All the (probably bad) killer mains jn here that say: "I would immediately go and play killer if that happened". Have fun waiting in queue for 30+ min for a match and then you would probably still bring the strongest builds possible to slaughter 4 randoms - cause that will show em, right? Git gut.
I am currently rank 1 on both survivor and killer (only solo/sometimes duo and killer I play Ghostface so something far from an high mobility/top rated killer). The amount of SWAT teams I face, I can count on one hand. If I face them, I will try the chance to improve my gameplay and make it as difficult as possible for them to win insead of comming here, wanting SWF to be removed.
All the killer who complain the game is too hard are most likely just bad. I don't play killer often and I am still rank 1 so any "killer main" should easly get there - whenever facing SWF or solos.
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as much as i want to say it'd make the game healthier, the main reason SWF is busted is because of 3rd party software, not being able to queue with friends, so all it'd do is ruin the game
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I'm not saying the killers aren't entitled for straight up quitting the game, but I think they have way more reason to than survivors. It's a 1v4, so you would think that the killer is powerful enough to justify it being a 1v4. But the point remains: if you keep the killer role as stressful as it is, less people are gonna play killer and you'll have a lopsided role ratio.
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SWF is fine, in and of itself.
Its the 3rd party voice comms they use, that are a problem.
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"The killer needs 4 survivors, so it’s simple logic. Whether you like it or not survivors are the biggest share of the player base, and half of them play with friends."
That share relies on the much smaller Killer ratio, or they and their SWF will have no matches to play.
So as "important" as the SWF factor is, its SIMPLER to keep the 4:1 ratio of KILLERS satisfied, so that the matches populate quickly for those 4 SWF players.
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Going back to the old school days of DBD when SWF didn't exist and caused 90% of the issues that exist today, good idea but will cause many problems.