This is fair I think

  1. Transferring the same Hex multiple times can get out of hand: Hexes are meant to be strong perks that can be destroyed, and having to destroy the same Hex four times can be a bit much.

Ok so basically we can conclude that BHVR doesn't think about the other side, they only think what is best for survivors that's why Ruin, Pop, Undying, Thanatophobia, Moris got nerfed, and more to come. I believe that BHVR should really start nerfing perks for both sides to make it fair. I and many others probably think playing against 4 unbreakables and 4 DS's is also a bit much but don't listen to me I guess.


  • theman43
    theman43 Member Posts: 40

    (fart sound)

  • StibbityStabbity
    StibbityStabbity Member Posts: 1,839

    Fair and balanced aren't the same thing in this regard. You can't balance the game around trading buffs and nerfs. A game needs to be balanced by the intent of the mechanics, how powerful they should, the impact of those mechanics on the game, etc. Trading buffs/nerfs doesn't do that.

    THAT SAID, I totally get the sentiment. Balancing for DBD seems to be a one sided show lately. It's never a great idea to balance one side at a time, as it upsets the power either side has until one is far stronger than the other. That's not a good thing and can seriously hurt the player base.

  • ALostPuppy
    ALostPuppy Member Posts: 3,398

    And that's why Clown and Wraith are getting buffed, getting a hook counter and iron maiden getting a buff..

    But yeah no you're totally right, they don't care at ALL about the other side. These darn developers not caring about killers. Idk if you've noticed, but maybe the reason why they're nerfing the dumb killer perks is so they can make changes to killer mechanics, so the killer has more of a chance to win with their power and not rely on Undying as their only win condition?

  • ukenicky
    ukenicky Member Posts: 1,352

    Try running devour hope + undying.

    We're so obsessed with slowdown, maybe we should instead be obsessed with killing the survivors before all gens get done.

  • Mister_Holdout
    Mister_Holdout Member Posts: 3,144

    I picked a bad time to take a three month break lol. The Ruin + Undying combo seems really awesome.

    That said, the Undying nerf should have only been reduced to two transfers. I don't think two transfers is unreasonable.

  • rats00
    rats00 Member Posts: 194

    Wraith buff isn't that amazing. Most survivors I face just stare at the gens until SC goes off. Seriously I have never had problems sneaking up on a survivor as is.

    Clown remains to be seen.

    The above two also would only count if you played those characters. Killers aren't just skins, they play differently. So if you dont use them it doesn't apply to you.

    A hook counter is not a buff. I don't know how it could be considered one.

    Iron maiden is good.

    So... I mean undying got a pretty hard nerf and iron maiden got an okay flat buff.

    Seriously you're both making far, far to much of this. Though it is funny to think of future posts trying to argue hook counter to op plz fix. Maybe killers should have to hook everyone once before it activates.

  • EvanSnowWolf
    EvanSnowWolf Member Posts: 1,583

    It actually SHOULDN'T be "fair and balanced".

    Killer perks need to be much, MUCH stronger than Survivor perks. Four times stronger, in fact.

    A Survivor Team brings SIXTEEN (16) perks to the game.

    A Killer Team brings FOUR (4) perks to the game.

    So when Survivors do something like cleanse a Devour Hope, it is not the same thing as a Survivor losing one of their perks because of the 4:1 disparity. That Killer just lost 25% of his entire loadout to a single cleanse.

  • ALostPuppy
    ALostPuppy Member Posts: 3,398
    edited January 2021

    I don't like the Wraith buff either. I always wanted them to buff his movement speed because without windstorm he is atrocious, him being invisible past 24m doesn't do anything for me.

    But I'm only saying this because OP's statement is objectively not true and people need to stop saying such dumb things like this. "the devs don't care about the other role" can the people who genuinely think this is true take a step back and think long and hard about that statement. If they truly didn't care, this game would be dead and 75% of the killers in this game would be unplayable or have never received any kind of changes or buffs. Yes, they're very slow with certain changes and we get maybe 3 quality of life updates every year, but to say they don't care is ridiculous

  • rats00
    rats00 Member Posts: 194

    Your post doesn't help. Trying to disprove a side through exaggeration and deceit just makes you look foolish at best and a liar at worst.

  • Diet_Boi
    Diet_Boi Member Posts: 69

    Yea because people run Iron Maiden and Wraith and Clown buff is to good I guess. 😂

  • Nosferatu3145
    Nosferatu3145 Member Posts: 542

    As a retired Sally Slugson, this. If everyone is bleeding on the ground, no one is doing gens. The BPS you gain at the end of the match is around 20k, but well... priorities

  • SoShiny
    SoShiny Member Posts: 30

    All fine and dandy, but devour hope is awful if you want to get any kind of mileage out of your BP offerings. Because they have long since made it clear that killing survivors will hurt your BP.

  • Freki
    Freki Member Posts: 1,903

    hell i believe right now devour requires the survivors to be on death hook to kill. so even if you get 5 tokens early you can't kill them till you get each on second hook and by then they've found every totem on the map many times.

  • MrGrizzly
    MrGrizzly Member Posts: 143

    I was thinking that too... the new undying isn't necessarily a nerf for killers, it opens up for more builds like actually being able to do fun stuff like using lullaby and not losing it in 2 seconds, devour obviously for more "sweatier" builds, but finally you don't lose it immediately after it's found.

    Sure but BBQ usually makes up for it, and people seem to usually complain about losing a game than about not getting alot of BP. Ruin delays a game so indeed does give more BP, but devour now can let you win games faster. Giving devour a 2nd life is huge.

    The old ruin undying worked so good because of how long it can last, but now that it only basically has 2 lives, its viability and longevity decreases after a long amount of time, which what ruin undying does, delay a game.

    It's a good change to the meta imo, sure not the most loved and DS/UB could use some change too.. but atleast it isn't just a nerf, but a rework. (Yes aura reading is gone but that part was necessary, it needed to go, TOTH was basically a weaker version so..)