New Ideas: Trapper

The Trapper (Evan MacMillan) is one of the oldest killers in the game and is generally thought of as the poster child for Dead by Daylight overall. With that being stated even with the upcoming changes to their power itself why does the killer still feel so weak. I believe that it is a combination of many things but his power is now very outdated for DBD compared to his other two original compatriots. Also the fact that his original perks have nothing to do with his power in anyway (although I believe that is almost all killers if not all killers pretty much). So I just wanted to voice a couple of interesting changes to his base kit that could be used to make him more devious overall.

  1. Have stepping in a bear trap actually hinder the survivor for either a set time limit or until being healed.
  2. Have bear traps spawn from the killer himself so that it reduces the set up time at least a little (and makes him more monstrous instead of more human).
  3. Spicy Idea for an pink add-on: Traps become invisible to any detection except maps, perks and the killer themselves.

Just listing some of the changes off the top of my head and would love any improvements or further ways to tweak this power so he becomes a poster killer instead of a poster child.