would skill base matchmaking really work? what's different from last MMR?


hey girls, and guys. my first post here, but i wanted to hear what ppl's thoughts were on the new matchmaking system.

I get a feeling that the new system will be a fail on arrival.


The amount of top tier survivors are insane compare to the miniscule amount of top tier killers.

If MMR is true, u gonna get hordes of skilled survivors just hanging around lobbies waiting for a killer of similar skill set.

If time and queue takes priority, than u will have a mix of jumbo players.

and how will SWF teams going to be matched? low skill survivors teamed with high skill survivors.

I really don't think a rank 20 survivor should be matched against a high rank killer. no matter what the system 'thinks' the rank 20 survivor's skill is. this is what happened last time, where you got low experienced survivors who somehow gets matched with high skill killers and got stomped.

i myself at the time, played killer and got matched with potatoes. the game got so boring real fast. i even brought a mori as insurance cuz i thought i would be facing against bully swf team.

i think our skills should be matched with our rank, and our rank should be matched with opponents of similar ranks.

the other issue is PC players should just play with PC players as they have a technical edge that no consoles can match. ps4 and xbox is similar in nature and nintendo players should be matched with nintendo players as nintendo is a joke of a system to be playing dbd on. i'm not trying to bash the system, but the game itself is not optimized well with consoles.