Adrenaline Vs Bitter Murmur

JCZ Member Posts: 57

so as we all know adrenaline is obviously a much better perk than bitter murmur so I'm just wondering why the devs decided to nerf bitter murmer when the hatch is closed and not adrenaline, Bitter murmur used to be applied after closing the hatch and you can see the survivors for a limited time, which is counterable by hiding in a locker, adrenaline however has no counter to it, so why does adrenaline still work after hatch is closed but not bitter murmur?


  • RepostRiposte
    RepostRiposte Member Posts: 793

    killer perks 2 op pls nerf bee-ache-vr

  • danielmaster87
    danielmaster87 Member Posts: 9,109

    This is a more general statement, but the devs need to be more proactive in their perk changes. Every patch, there should be a few perks from both sides that get small change like a numbers tweak, and then ones that get more comprehensive changes. It's my suggestion since I'm always scrolling through pages and pages of useless perks like Bitter Murmur, just to find the few useful/OP perks like Adrenaline. A grind fix isn't enough. If a perk is going to be in the game, it needs to be useful. If it's useless, you buff it. If it's too useful, you nerf it.

    I would nerf Adrenaline to not work with closing the hatch, or activate at all if you're already exhausted. And for Bitter Murmur, I'd go with your suggestion because it would have at least some niche use, otherwise it's exclusively a Huntress perk.

  • TheClownIsKing
    TheClownIsKing Member Posts: 6,278

    It’s the conditions.

    Adrenaline activates once the gates are powered.

    Bitter Murmur only activates each time a generator is repaired.

    Closing the hatch powers the gates. It doesn’t count as “all gens are repaired”

  • C3Tooth
    C3Tooth Member Posts: 8,266
    edited January 2021

    Bitter murmur "rewards" Killer by giving aura everytime a Gen done (which is good play from survivors)

    5 Gen, 5 rewards.

    Adrenaline rewards a single time, after they make a good play (5 Gen done).

    I think its fair. Bitter murmur certainly work really good with Noed. Adrenaline can not combined with other perk.

    Though yes, they should not get "rewards" with hatch closing.