Perk Ideas 2


Stomp out: When a survivor is cleansing a totem or a hex, instead of cleansing normally, the survivor stomps out the totem quickly destroying it. Stomp out has a cool down of 120/90/60 seconds.

Stomp out triggers the exhausted status effect for 60/45/30 seconds after use.

Dead Man Walking: When a survivor takes a hit in the injured state, instead of entering the dying state, the survivor absorbs the hit but suffers from deepwound, broken, and exhausted status effects.

Dead Man Walking can only be triggered once per match if activated by a survivor.


Brute Force: Upon collapse the killer can shut the exit gates and keep them closed for 25/30/35 seconds pausing the collapse timer.

Brute Force has a cooldown of 90/60/45 seconds.

Hex: Hell Bent: You become obsessed with never letting anyone escape, for every obsession sacraficed, a new survivor is marked as the obsession. Sacraficing an obsession grants you a token for up to 3 tokens.

Each token granted gives the killer a 5/10/15 percent speed increase and a 5/10/15 percent missed basic attack recovery speed.
