Perk Ideas 2

Stomp out: When a survivor is cleansing a totem or a hex, instead of cleansing normally, the survivor stomps out the totem quickly destroying it. Stomp out has a cool down of 120/90/60 seconds.
Stomp out triggers the exhausted status effect for 60/45/30 seconds after use.
Dead Man Walking: When a survivor takes a hit in the injured state, instead of entering the dying state, the survivor absorbs the hit but suffers from deepwound, broken, and exhausted status effects.
Dead Man Walking can only be triggered once per match if activated by a survivor.
Brute Force: Upon collapse the killer can shut the exit gates and keep them closed for 25/30/35 seconds pausing the collapse timer.
Brute Force has a cooldown of 90/60/45 seconds.
Hex: Hell Bent: You become obsessed with never letting anyone escape, for every obsession sacraficed, a new survivor is marked as the obsession. Sacraficing an obsession grants you a token for up to 3 tokens.
Each token granted gives the killer a 5/10/15 percent speed increase and a 5/10/15 percent missed basic attack recovery speed.
Stomp out is a definite no because it removes a killers ability to defend it
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Wouldn't it be an optional fix to killers that create builds just for totem camping? Primarily hags.
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Don't be BHVR and only fix game-wide problems with a single perk.
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So true it hurts.
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Stomp Out 100% isn't okay. The cooldown is useless to the point of it being almost insulting, and the exhaustion is so non-punishing that it might as well be on a separate timer like Quick and Quiet. You can also activate this while exhausted, by the way, which should not be the case for an exhaustion perk.
Dead Man Walking is... no. The same with Carpenter, imagine this on all 4 Survivors. All of them have an extra life. Also, by the time they take to hits, all Survivors with an exhaustion perk would have used it. Sprint Burst? Used at the start of a chase. Lithe? Used at the start of a chase. Head On? Used out of a chase. Dead Hard? Used in a chase, but while injured and already acts as a second life as is. With Dead Hard and Dead Man Walking, a Survivor takes 4 hits to down. Four. This can be on every Survivor. Also, you didn't even say how long the effects last.
Brute Force is just Blood Warden but better and more degenerate. No.
Hex: Hell Bent is a Hex perk. If this wasn't a Hex, I'd have a problem with every word in it. But since it is, I'd say this is fine.