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Still able to leave with Victor attached- ECG
-Player had Victor attached, ECG timer ran out, she auto-removes Victor and leaves.
-Attach Victor, stand by exit zone and wait for ECG to trigger.
Bug or exploit
After fixing survivors escaping after being downed at the exit gates with victor attached, it worked fine for a week or so. The barrier gave enough time to recover and pick up the survivor.
Now the barrier still stops the escape for the set time (5 seconds or so) but there is no option to pick up the survivor. So you just stand over them helplessly waiting.
Occurs on every map, every match. One note is that it may be specific to the corners of the gates as every survivor with victor attached seems to run to the edge of the gate as soon as you approach (usually the left side from my experience).
Please fix this. I am one of the few embracing the unique style the twins offer. But many weaknesses make it embarrassing to experiment with them as you get heckled for these losses. The Exit gate stoppage was so great because you could punish those waiting to BM you at the gate. Now they still escape causing further humiliation.