What tactics do you have in mind with the Clown's upcoming speed bottles?

Been thinking a little about the speedy bottles and what they can be used for. One particular thought I had:
"baby agitation": Since the speed bottle has a delay before it turns yellow you could always throw one speed bottle at a downed survivor before picking them up. As soon as they're on your shoulder the cloud will turn yellow giving you a baby version of Agitation. That seems like a low risk tactic that could help you get back to a critical generator in time.
What do you think about the tactic and do you already have some plays in mind that you are gonna try?
Also keep in mind the speed boost may be affected by addons possibly making certain plays more viable (i.e. more speed, more speed duration etc).
Would be a great idea if it wasn't for the activation delay.
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I can only think of using antidote for fast travel across map, or baby agitation.
I dont think use antidote on loop, wall will have anyuse. Just spam all tonic on those place and it already guarantee a hit.
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Probably use Antidote bottles to speed up the walk in-between exit gates
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Pretty much this. People have been saying speed+regular tonics on loops but it's too much micro and all you do is risk giving them a speed boost.
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I wonder.
The speed bottle works on both the Clown and survivors. If the Clown has the increased speed and walks into a purple cloud, will he lose the speed buff? If so, does the Clown also slow down if he enters the purple cloud without the speed buff?
Is this really a nerf to the Clown?!
idk, fun thought
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if possible, be the fasted clown in the west
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Through speed bottle in an open area then negate it with a slow bottle when a survivor gets close
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Use the gas spread, zoning and objects to lock survivors on an ungassed area while you get the buff, then push them towards it to trick them into thinking they can get it to but in their greed they forget that
1) You're a 125ms killer
2) Even with the gas you're still faster than them.
Basically, use greed and pretend you're a potato to get them away from pallets. Or set it up as such but loop them as a 125 killer if they don't fall for it.
Edit: Also, antidoting up an area and lobbing a slowdown right after it. Don't know how it's gonna work transitioning from Hasted to Hindered, if it's instant or if they have to spend a second in the gas *after* the Hasted effect is taken away, but in the least it can be used to trick greedy survivors.
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that's why you throw the sonic tonic at them first, due to the delay in it turning yellow they wont be able to benefit from it but you will then afterward you use the tonic.
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The best tactic to use them both is at regular loops
simply throw the antidote as you approach the loop slightly before the pallet so it's area of effect is not at the loop then throw the tonic at the better part of the loop and push the survivor that way. you do not want to throw it too soon otherwise the survivor will be able to get the speed boost.
Due to the difference in speed you will be able to hit the survivor before they can even get one loop in.
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I feel it's gonna be just more of the same clown.
On certain loops, if they camp the dropped pallet, you can give yourself bloolust 2 on demand by dropping the antidote at yourself and get the hit.
Outside that, I see it mostly used to catch up between tiles. Throw antidote at the survivor and tonic in front of them. They don't get the speed boost due to activation delay but you do.
Outside that, the interaction is still gonna be to force a pallet drop, imho. We can picture scenarios where you throw antidote on the side where they're approaching the pallet and tonic on the other. Even the other way around might work. That might cut down that one single loop they might get otherwise and force them to drop immediately. Although, that can already be accomplished with the tonic by forcing them through the cloud and doubling back.
We shall see how using antidote for map pressure works out, because you still gonna share your bottles between map pressure and anti loop. The net benefit is unclear to me at this point, even factoring in the faster reload.
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You could throw it slightly in front of you in a chase to grant yourself the boost, since the survivor must move towards you in order to gain the boost. This won't work at tight loops, however. Other than that, I think map mobility is a more consistent use.