Jeepers Creepers - could changes make change? (Discussion)

55timballoons Unconfirmed, Member Posts: 54
edited January 2021 in Off-topic

Alright so I know lots of you when you hear this name are thinking of one word, controversial and yes I am aware of the events with the director being a pedophile however I do not think we should blame the franchise itself and put that aside. One thing I can agree with however is people not wanting anything new or anything in general from the franchise as long as the same director gets that money. So I’ve been thinking lately if even just the concept of the past behind the film will hurt the franchise as a whole, why not the director just sell this franchise and if this does occur could this change things? Indeed the credit would still go to the person who created the movie at the beginning and end of the movie however he would not get the money so what would all of you think about this setting up a clean slate and fresh start for a rebooted prequel for the 3rd film and sequel that includes the first and second movie but excludes the original 3rd then a 4th finale later down the road? After this or whatever they do with the movie this is a big question that all of you loyal DBD fans can truly answer. Ignoring the Deathslinger and his similarities the DeathSlinger and Creeper are for the most part entirely different besides having ranged weapons and both having similar clothing. so what would you all think of a licensed Jeepers Creepers chapter as a promotional tie in to its fresh sequels?


  • 55timballoons
    55timballoons Unconfirmed, Member Posts: 54

    feel free to give a fully opened opinion, it can be harsh for informing but all that matters is you giving a valid opinion.