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Bar b que and chill - is it OP?

I think this perk has been discussed quite a bit, But here’s a common denominator with killers, most use it. Might as well assume. Forces survivors to use Kindred which only slightly offsets as at least it can giveaway the perk may be used. When you play watch how many killers use it. I will attest it’s most. Needs to be tweaked. There’s your sign, force killers to use some degree of skill and cunning. Not hook and then hone in on the next kill, hook, wash repeat...



  • scottymo
    scottymo Member Posts: 74

    Let’s stay on the topic and not attack the commenter. That’s just a lazy and poor substitute for an actual argument or counter point. Its also hinges on trolling.

    Healthy is an understatement. It’s in most killers toolkits. Interesting how you sidestepped my point about the high number of killers that use that perk. I cannot pin down a stand out survivor perk that I see we’ll say 75% using like bbq. Love to see the game data on that perk and the percentage of matches it shows up. Bet EYE popping...

  • Klakky
    Klakky Member Posts: 444

    U can't get 8 stacks when there's 4 survivors, u get 1 token per survivors first hook only

  • Tsulan
    Tsulan Member Posts: 15,095

    First and second hook. Only applies if someone else has been hook between those 2 hooks.

  • Axe
    Axe Member Posts: 1,060

    Hide behind gens, inside locker, distortion, off the record.

    This perk has a lot of counters and it's just a 4-second aura. That's about it

  • scottymo
    scottymo Member Posts: 74

    Are you new at forums? Let’s stay on the topic not the commenters. Petty and weaksauce substitute in place of any substance. So about BBQ... Nowhere near the only thread about this...

  • scottymo
    scottymo Member Posts: 74

    How about you comment on the topic. Seems to be hard. Seems to offer more than bonus points if most are using it. Out of lol their perk combinations, this one seems to show up A LOT. Geeee all for the bonus... that’s it, it’s barely viable. Why waste a perk slot for a measly BP bonus, disagree.

  • 6yXJI0
    6yXJI0 Member Posts: 589

    Even if it would't have Aura, i would still use it. And i wouldn't use it for just aura, without bloodpoints.

  • Aven_Fallen
    Aven_Fallen Member Posts: 16,047
    edited January 2021

    Only because a Perk is used often does not mean that it has to be nerfed. This was ONE point when reworking Ruin, but not the sole reason for the rework. Most players run BBQ for the Double BPs and not for the Aura Read. If they would move the Double BPs to Thrilling Tremors for example, most players would use Thrilling Tremors.

    If they would remove the Aura Reading from BBQ and double BPs would be the only effect, most current bBQ-Users would still use the Perk I guess.

    The only problem I have with BBQ is that it should encourage to go for different Survivors, but it really does not do a good Job on that. You can camp and tunnel 1 Survivor out of the game and still get your 4 Stacks of BBQ. Like if you promise a kid some sweats for being a good kid, but give the sweats anyway when it does not behave.

    But I dont see any reasonable solution for that, and even if I would think about a solution which would truely encourage the Killer to not tunnel or camp while not being abuseable by Survivors, it would probably too complicated to waste time on that. So it is whatever.

  • JHondo
    JHondo Member Posts: 1,174

    Exactly! There's so many better tracking perks or combos of gen perks that could be used that BBQ with only auras is pointless. BBQ with in the bonus BP would still be one of the most used killer perks. Unless the Rank Reset BP actually massively helps reduce the grind.

  • Warcrafter4
    Warcrafter4 Member Posts: 2,917

    Yep and how many killers use it ironically proves its mainly used for the BP as BBQ's aura reveal is near useless on killers like Trapper/Hag as they are set up killers who can't realistically use the aura reveal to any real advantage most of the time due to needing to rebuild/adjust their traps.

    Mind you there's more killers were the aura reveal is nearly useless on like Deathslinger/Clown due to being too slow and with limited effective range on their projectile.

  • Aquamarine
    Aquamarine Member Posts: 207

    BBQ literally needs skill, it does nothing if you can't hook survivors. It's very healthy for the game, discourages camping and leaves survivors ways to counter it. If killer sees your aura, you are far from them and have a lot of time to get away and hide.

  • scottymo
    scottymo Member Posts: 74

    It’s for bonus BP this why so many use a whole perk slot for it. Check. I don’t agree with this. Seems like a waste of slot if supposedly that’s all it’s good for. Seem ONi, demo, nurse, ... use it very effectively.

  • sulaiman
    sulaiman Member Posts: 3,219
    edited January 2021

    Well, since i keep stats again after the mori change, i can say that in my last 45 games BBQ was present in 9 games.

    At least to me its far from overused. And while i know that its a small sample size, i do actually have stats of my games, and dont have to depend on me feeling its too many.

  • Warcrafter4
    Warcrafter4 Member Posts: 2,917

    I am sorry but Demo...Seriously?

    They are a set up killer who generally speaking won't have portals set up near where most revealed survivors due to how slow it is for demo to set those up along with how easily they are destroyed.

    Plus if they are close enough to an active portal(Aka ones that survivors can see and interact with) you can hold shred to see them anyways.

  • scottymo
    scottymo Member Posts: 74

    love to see the whole data on this perk. One person said they don’t see it much. Ok. Not on this end. Usually surprised when it’s not present, that’s usually because they have more viable perk for their killer instead. I think there’s more going on here than bonus BP. If it wasn’t an effective perk I don’t think the BP would be worth the slot. Being able to have an idea where multiple survivors are outside a modest radius from a hook certainly has to offer some value. Certainly kindred is useful, the survivor comparable to bbq, except BBq also gets bonus BP...

  • Aneurysm
    Aneurysm Member Posts: 5,270

    "Not hook and then hone in on the next kill, hook, wash repeat..."

    That is exactly what you have to do though, killers are generally pressed for time.

  • Splinterverse
    Splinterverse Member Posts: 445

    As a survivor main, I have no problem with the perk especially since it counters camping.

    What I have a problem with is survivors who have not figured out that 90% of killers run it. So they sit there on a generator while a post-hook Billy flies across the map and insta-downs them. SMH.

  • GoodBoyKaru
    GoodBoyKaru Member Posts: 22,742

    But then I wouldnt have the excuse of stacks to farm my swf mates off of the hook when it's just funny to hear them get angry as they get tunneled D:

  • CaulDrohn
    CaulDrohn Member Posts: 1,594
    edited January 2021

    Sure BBQ can be get really oppressive with high mobility killers, but apart from that the aura being shown (if any) is often neglectable, or there are other perks working better, if it wasn't for the bonus BP. E.g. if you want to find survivors working on a gen, Thrilling Tremors or Tinkerer work way better than BBQ (and being even more oppressive with high mobility killers as well). If you want to be relatively sure that no surv is near, IF will tell you. With BBQ you can only be sure if you see all other survivors auras. Which rarely happens.

    BBQ can even work against the killer, luring the player away from the hook just bc there is a survivor shown across the map, when it would be wiser to stay in the area (bc of high profile gens or whatever). This effect is even incresed with BBQ+POP.

    Long story short, most seasoned killers will only equip it bc of the bonus BP, let me assure you that (being an experienced killer myself).

    Edit: Currently, I'm using up my cakes and BPS on my PH so I can prestige him. I have NO BBQ on him, which is sad bc of the missed BP. But it does not hurt my performance in killing at all, seeing no auras after a hook.

  • C3Tooth
    C3Tooth Member Posts: 8,266

    When I started playing this game as Survivor main, I also find BBQ is annoying. But when I started playing Killer, its far from what I thought.

    To my thought, BBQ is OP to many (newbie?) survivors because it can constantly putting pressure on survivors. As 1 on hook, killer can immediately find another survivor to chase, and for new survivors they barely make chase 30sec long. Which cause hook after hook.

    Rancor is more dangerous. Completely ignore a survivor, to 1 hit kill in end game.

    Bitter murmur + Noed is more dangerous. All then done, 1 survivor go do right away

    Nurse calling is more dangerous. You can not heal

  • Tsulan
    Tsulan Member Posts: 15,095

    That would be an option. But they´d have to test it first. What happens with SC? Would you get stacks for healing yourself?

  • Zarathos
    Zarathos Member Posts: 1,911
    edited January 2021

    Here a thought say you change bbq and take off the 100% bp gain effect. Do it for about 4-5days. See if its run at all. Bbq is literally a bloodpoint boost thats it. The aura read is rarely ever useful since it super easy to counter via lockers or just sticking within the the massive 40 meters. In most cases a killer cant reach the survivor in time to make the aura read worthwhile unless the survivor stands still.

    I have turned to running thrilling tremors alongside bbq just because of how unreliable it is. I guarantee you if wglf stack could build up more naturally its use rate would skyrocket. The bp grind is horrendous in dbd bbq makes the killer role, (a role that relies heavily on perks to slowdown the game and snowball) more accessible as the grind is dramatically reduced i have taken chases to secure my fourth stack of bbq over killing another player just for the bp. Why would you want to change that?

  • OniWantsYourMacaroni
    OniWantsYourMacaroni Member Posts: 5,944

    Nope,you would only get stacks for healing other survivors.It would stay in line with the overall altruism/protect your team theme

  • Tsulan
    Tsulan Member Posts: 15,095
  • druggedpug69
    druggedpug69 Member Posts: 155


  • burt0r
    burt0r Member Posts: 4,152

    Fun fact, those four little stacks work as my personal in-game goal by now since playing for the win or 3/4k gets way too stressful in higher ranks for a casual player.

  • 2LuvRias
    2LuvRias Member Posts: 352

    No, it's not op, it's 100% counterable.

    Survivor main btw

  • Komodo16
    Komodo16 Member Posts: 1,488

    Ds is used almost every match. Bbq is not bad. Just go behind a gen or in a locker. When I was new I thought the same

  • Volcz
    Volcz Member Posts: 1,170

    Of course not, you're just unaware.

  • scottymo
    scottymo Member Posts: 74

    nothing said is “bait” or trolling. Commenting on other posters instead of staying on topic is however textbook trolling. Seems like a huge waste of a supposed useless perk slot for some BP. Point is it is far from useless. Use kindred and you can see the killer scan and hone in on someone. Yeah hillbilly finds bbq useless fo sho, pft!

  • TragicSolitude
    TragicSolitude Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 7,135

    You know what happens when I play a killer that doesn't have BBQ unlocked yet? Hooking feels pointless. The number of times I slug survivors to death just because I don't have BBQ... Talking to other players, I'm not the only one who feels that way. Yeah, you don't want to nerf that perk.

    BBQ is healthy for the game. You want killers to hook survivors, and then you want killers to leave the hook. That's what BBQ promotes.

  • scottymo
    scottymo Member Posts: 74

    Well at least you’re not trying to sell it’s useless except for the BP. A good team can beat a camper, gen gen gen. Ok so one maybe becomes the sacrificial lamb, can realistically get 3+ gens while someone is camped especially if the other 3 are roving from gen to gen. Not buying it’s only good for the BP, gee you can see where all the other survivors are just by hooking someone. Hmm yeah umm useless, riiiiight.