Alien chapter my idea

Karen_with_baby Member Posts: 3
edited January 2021 in Creations

Map: NOSTROMO Space Station

Killer: Alien

silent killer: u can run on walls and ceillings you move 2x faster and your red stain disapear but you've still got terror radius. If u attack survivor from ceilling or wall the survivor will get hemorrhage status effect until he heal

Parasite: Once per trial u can lay the egg in survivor that is in dying state. After second hook the 6 minutes timer starts when survivor wont escape during that time he dies. timers stops when survivor is in chase and the whole abillity deactivates when u down that survivor.


"fifth passenger": when generator is repaired your terror radius is decreising by 2/2.5/3 m up to maximum 10/12.5/15m

"accident": the endgame colapse start when exit gates rech 70/60/50%

"HEX: Chaser": After losing survivor the aura of the closest survivor (except that one u lost) is shown for u for 3/4/5seconds

Survivor: Elen Riply


the art of survival: the window blocks after 4 quick voults also it unblock 2/3/4 seconds faster

supervisor: u've got nofication when survivor miss skillcheck or quickly vault window/pallet. U can see it from 64/96/128m

enginer: when u start trial your item level up (for example you're taking lvl2 med kit so your med kit on start of the trial will be lvl 3) also your item has 15/20/25% more charges

oh and sorry for my English :D

Post edited by Karen_with_baby on


  • ClowShadow
    ClowShadow Member Posts: 1

    Good morning, afternoon, evening, I think it is a magnificent idea to bring the theme of Alíen into the game since we are having themes that lately do not give (fear or mitigate scares in the game), I support this idea 100%, the thing is That the developers see it and analyze it and do not rule it out but take it into account in the future as a possible DLC, Seeing how the last theme that they took out going a lot to those who say Dead By Daylight 2077 or Dead by Daylight POP, A totally change of course would be great, returning to the category of the game (Horror / Suspense) ...