Please note: Although we may stop by occasionally, this is not a developer Q&A.

Is the Second Stage Hook No Stuggle Glitch even being looked into?

(If it helps at all, my friends and I solely play on the Xbox One), I recently returned to the game after buying it a year ago and practically not touching it, since then I rejoined just before the Halloween Event and have been playing this game to death ever since, although about a month after the Halloween Event it was becoming apparently obvious of a glitch that would sometimes kill you early in the Second Stage of being hooked, at the time since I was still fairly new I didn’t mind, because odds were I wasn’t going to escape anyway, but after several months now the glitch seems to have only gotten worse, because now you only get 5-15 seconds after being hooked for the second time, before you’re auto-killed. It’s gotten to the point that it’s extremely frustrating because I can’t make it through a game because I get killed before I can be saved, nonetheless it feels like whatever cruel entity is causing this glitch just wants to torment me and others, because it seems if someone is dead bolting in your direction to save you, you won’t die until right before they can pull you off the hook, REALLY infuriating. I’ve seen it happen to others, and it’s often something that gets me mad enough to stop playing Survivor for a little bit. I know it’s not some accidental button press either, because my last few games, I was getting made and decided to test it out, lightly and slowly pressing the button didn’t help, pressing the button at a smooth tempo, didn’t help, mashing the button to all hell? Didn’t help. I really enjoy this game and only started using the Forums late November so I just need to ask, is this glitch being looked at? Is it known about? Maybe something too difficult to just “fix”? I’ve tried addressing it on the Dead by Daylight Twitter a few times to no response, even asking if there was a proper place to report bugs, and I’m honestly at my wit’s end because it’s so infuriating playing survivor now.

Thanks in advance for any help you can give.


  • Mooks
    Mooks Member Posts: 14,890

    This sounds like it could also be a server connection hiccup, WLAN connectivity, wireless controller or even FPS issues on console. But you can still try to report it and give as much info as you can provide on it (eg if you can eliminate some of the above possibility’s, your setup, etc)

    official bug report can be done via this forum: