So Bubba...
I said A to S but go off.
I'd say he's comfortably an A tier killer but what do I know.
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This is interesting observation with pallets. I frequently have the opposite experience where I am not respecting a pallet while using chainsaw and I get stunned with no pallet break. I try to time my arrival to the pallet just after it falls so I break it ASAP and if I'm too early I lose the saw and eat the stun.
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#1, red ranks mean nothing. We have people at red ranks that can't even run shack. #2, Bubba is b tier at best. He gets stomped on by competent players fairly easily. Even as a competent solo player, I have no issue with him on a personal skill level. The only time I die to a Bubba is if I make a mistake, or if my teammates get stomped on by him.
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Bubba can jam his saw up his butt!
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Yea, you're very wrong and only someone with very few hours thinks like you do about Bubba. He's definitely fine as is. That's all.
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I'm not, but you keep on telling yourself that.
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Lmao imagine staying less than 10 meters from each survivor when playing against bubba. Stay close to windows and throw pallets, stay away from other survivors.
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I hate when people ask questions, y'know? It's just like.. Y'know? Man, people just don't understand bubba, y'know? Tried talking on the forums about how Tofu doesn't go against good survivors, and it just doesn't go good, y'know?
No offense to Tofu, but he really doesn't go against good survivors. Potato survivors. I cannot watch his content. Every two seconds is yknow. The guy has a point.
You said Speed Limiter should be base kit. That would make him even worse than Clown. VERY worse.
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Bubba himself is fine since he lacks map wide mobility and windows are a hard counter to his power. However, some of his addons are a bit nuts though.
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So.. Get this. If someone is getting camped as a meme build to face camp.. Did you know that you can do gens, too? 3 people are doing gens.
He's a meme killer because people tend to play him as a face camper.
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I also said that he would need to have other changes to his kit to make it work. His ability to instadown groups with 1 shot is incredibly powerful and it is too rewarding for how little skill is involved. Removing the 1 shot, but maybe granting an additional token or other changes could make him a more interestingly designed killer.
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Oni can down everyone in 20s dose that mean he is as strong as bubba
No because oni can't get to them all in time and bubba is less likely to do so your complaining about bubba but oni can do than and more
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Survivor main has been spotted.
Seriously though, Windows counter him so much. The fact that you're asking for the worst addon in the game to be base kit is the dumbest thing I've heard to fix a killer. This isn't fixing.
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He's an "easy" killer for a reason. The counter to him is just tight loops and getting the timing right for pallet stuns. Of coarse, this requires skill. I got obliterated by Bubba until I started to loop tough loops that have the tiniest particles to get stuck on, identifying convenient windows, and getting used to his speed curve so I could calculate a precise pallet drop.
Other than the instadown, his other strength is causing a pallet market crash. This is why timing pallet stuns is good against Bubbas; or, you could identify and memorize windows and loops, although that takes more game knowledge. If you run out of pallets early, which is common for him if you get two megs and a blendette in your lobby, not only are you helpless against a killer who can afford to be an m1 killer, but you are down one counter to his chainsaw, being pallet stuns. He's easy to play well, but if you get decent survivors who are veterans of his terror, he can get absolutely demolished.
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Rank 1 with Blight and Spirit. 5000 lethal rush hits, which is in the top 30 total lethal rush hits for any blight. But going after a user when they bring up a point you don't like is called Ad Hominem and it's not a valid argument, try another.
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Fun, interesting gameplay.
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lmao dude posted a whole screenshot.
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Lmao, that screenshot moots your whole point.
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Honestly, it's just dumb though.
If anyone thinks that speed limiter should be a thing, you're braindead. Still think he's a survivor main lol
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Yeah, I don't get how this guy is suggesting with a straight face that speed limiter should be default. Bubba is already meh, and making his chainsaw not insta-down would literally kill him. He would have no power.
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So is dismissing someone as a survivor main.
Bubba needs a full Rework, the entire reason he's so pitiful in every other category is just so he can have his brain dead power. He's the only killer with an on command 1-hit with no need to put in any forethought: even Billy has to think ahead because he only get one shot.
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Ok say I'm playing on cold wind which doesn't usually have that many cats depending on which one you play on and he is quite literally across the world from where I am then even if I do drop the pallet or vault the window he still gets bs hits
That's more with any one but there was a teleporting bubba that I played against he was lagging so bad that I would vault into him when he was behind me.
Finally bubba op
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Survivors: "DS,BT and all my second chance perks are balanced you need to "git gud""
Also Survivors:" Let me explain to you why Bubba, bamboozle and BBQ are OP"
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Lol so true !
I watched some of his yt vids and every time i ask myself how he can find this 0 brain survivors, almost no gens ever pop until 3min+, in my games, there are always 2 gens done by the time i find and finish my 1rst chase and hook (1m30 max)
I saw the vidéo he talks about, guys were litteraly running in straight line in middle of nowhere, funny to watch but not representative of high skill.
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Bubba isn't overpowered, but he is very poorly designed. Because when you group up with three other survivors in a small confined area he can punish you, and isn't that just the worst game design I've ever seen
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I hate Leatherface and run SB quite a bit solely cause of him. Doing a gen in a dead zone? Killer is Bubba? You're match might be over right there as he revs his saw at your hook and smacks you around. I don't think there is any changes they could do to him that wouldn't destroy him though.
Freddy, Leatherface, Spirit, Plague, and Doc. My personal "eww" list.