Uncleansable totem on Coldwind - DEACTIVE COLDWIND UNTIL FIXED!!!

I don't make this a post in the bug report forum, as I assume this bug is known. So, during the past weeks I had two games on Coldwind Farm where that OP totem next to the harvester or whatever that thing is called (not a native speaker) became a Hex totem, Ruin in one case and Devour Hope in another one. I am NOT here to complain about losing my games (in fact I didnt, the killer with the Devour Hope totem didn't get his 3rd hook), but about the absolutely annoyance about such a bug .... I know working on a game must be a stressful and hard job, but I cannot get over the fact that this isn't fixed in no time, or that at least the map doesn't get deactivated until the totem spawn spot is fixed. Somebody on my stream even told me that this totem spot has existed for months now, but I dunno if that's true?!
Devs, if it's really so complicated to move a totems a few inches so that one can actually interact with it, why don't you just take out the map off the rotation until it's fixed? How is it possible that this is just accepted by the community? If it was a certain gen or even a hook that one couldn't interact with on a certain map, I'm sure people would get crazy over it. How is a totem any different, esp with thw prominence of Hex totems (and Noed)? Speaking of Noed - I cleansed four totems on that map the other day and couldn't cleanse that one and just thought to myself "If the killer has Noed and this totem turns into it, I'm just gonna leave the match". Luckily they didn't have Noed.
A few days ago, a hero in Overwatch had that bug where they became invincible, practically unkillable. Blizzard reacted within minutes and deactivated the hero until bugs were fixed. Plus, a map has been out of the ranked rotation only because Blizzard noticed a slight increase of connection issues on that particular map. They just registered a problem, couldn't solve it immediately, therefore deactivated the map. What's so hard about that?!? I know DbD is full of bugs and glitches and I don't care about any of them, I don't care about dying because of them because I realize it's not possible for devs to solve everything at once... but this is NOT ACCEPTABLE. It cannot take more than a few minutes to deactivate a map. It's not acceptable that it's possible to be forced into a game where a Hex totem cannot be cleansed.
That's why I want the community to urge the devs to deactive Coldwind Farm or just move the totem spawn as fast as possible!!! Anyone with me?!
You're supposed to make it in the bug report section even if you think it's known.
And a single totem spot is not cause enough to deactivate a map. On the other hand, a map full of fat shaming spots such as the backwater swamp does deserve to be taken out of rotation.
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Half of a generator can't even be worked on in one of the swamp maps, they are full of glitched totems and fat shaming spots. Coldwind is minorly bugged in comparison, we just have to wait!
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Ugh, that uncleanseable harvester totem!
Played a match where a Slinger’s Undying spawned there. We had to cleanse all of his 4 Ruin totems because of that RNG
It should be one of the fixes in the patch following the PTB this week, hopefully🤞🏽
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If they deactivated every map with bugs we’d have no maps to play on
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Yes, it absolutely is! It doesn't matter if it is a gen, a totem or a hook. If it is supposed to be interacted with and you cannot interact with it, it's a reason to deactivate the map. Especially if it is something game changing like that. How can you pretend like it's a small thing? Plus, nobody has any disadvantage if a map is deactivated for a certain time, but everyone does if a Hex totem cannot be interacted with, because it breaks a fundamental gameplay mechanic. If you really think that, you would have to be fine with a gen not being interactable with on a certain map, decreasing the number of gens that can be completed. It's exactly the same thing.
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Yesss, omg seriously!
The Pale Rose gen by the tree next to the big steamboat and the Grim Pantry gen on top of the dock are basically reduced to solo gens, smh
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As @chieften333 said, there are two known fat-shaming spots on Pale Rose, creating infinites for Survivors only.
Map is still not disabled.
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It is not just a random bug. As I said, I'm aware there are a million bugs in the game. I am aware survivors can be flying around like crazy and I still enjoy the game. But the totem is supposed to be interacted with, and if a survivor cannot interact with it, even though it is crucial to do so (e.g. Devour Hope) or else it basically doesn't make sense to play the game, it is something more urgent than a normal bug!
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It's a nightmare!
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This is not comparable to a totem not being cleansable!
The aquivalent for a killer having such a disadvantage would be something like not being able to hit a survivor with a basic attack for a whole game because the game wouldn't register the hit onto that specific survivor or something. "Just hit another survivor then", right? Not so much.
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Wait, is there another totem spot where the spawned totem cannot be interacted with?!
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Pretty sure that the devs disabled Badham in the past because of uncleanseable totem spots.
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But did they disable it for only having one?
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Hello, when you want to report a bug, please check the bug report section (https://forum.deadbydaylight.com/en/categories/bugs) to see if it has been reported already and upvote it, otherwise open a new report following the guidelines.