The idea for solving the problem with the Hatch (interesting for Developers)

PLAVT Member Posts: 79
Dear developers of the game. I have a great idea for you to solve the problem of the killer versus the survivor on the hatch. I've been playing the game for almost a year and a half, constantly at the first rank for killer and survivor, so I see the wrong balance of power on both sides. Now to solve this problem. When there is one survivor and the killer, and the hatch is open, the game is delayed for 30 minutes or more, because no one wants to lose or give up. I suggest we reconsider the killer in this case. Remove his ability to pull out of the hatch by the scruff. But add to it the ability to automatically block the hatch within a radius of 2-5 meters, no more. I.e. when the hatch is in the range killers (2-5 meters, the distance at your discretion. the main goal is not to make it big), the hatch automatically closes for the survivor. This opportunity will give the shooter to choose between the search for survivors or to stand by the hatch, thereby to give the survivors the ability to start the generator, Procera the killer to look for survivors. The survivor will be able to lure the killer and escape in silence without fear that he will be pulled by the scruff. It will also protect the killers from toxic survivors who like to Crouch constantly on the hatch. He like to play for the killer, don't see the point in its ability to grab the collar, in this case will automatically lock the hatch from the radius of the killer (2-5 meters). Try to test this feature via PTB on PC. I am sure it will be the best solution for both sides.


  • OrionQc24
    OrionQc24 Member Posts: 283
    edited September 2018
    You do realize by playing rank one you are basically playing with a VERY small percentage of the player base ? Meaning that what you see happening ingame and what a rank 15 see happening aren't at all similar. Nothing against your idea btw, it seems interesting just saying...
    PLAVT Member Posts: 79
    OrionQc24 said:
    You do realize by playing rank one you are basically playing with a VERY small percentage of the player base ? Meaning that what you see happening ingame and what a rank 15 see happening aren't at all similar. Nothing against your idea btw, it seems interesting just saying...
    Know, that game differs every +-5 lowest ranked ones. Only this problem is inherent in any rank, it is more urgent for ranks from 20 and below. Because on the first rank I try not to leave one survivor. One crawling on the ground, looking for the other. At the moment, this is the best option to prevent the opening of the hatch, so that the survivor does not delay time.
  • OrionQc24
    OrionQc24 Member Posts: 283
    edited September 2018
    PLAVT said:
    OrionQc24 said:
    You do realize by playing rank one you are basically playing with a VERY small percentage of the player base ? Meaning that what you see happening ingame and what a rank 15 see happening aren't at all similar. Nothing against your idea btw, it seems interesting just saying...
    Know, that game differs every +-5 lowest ranked ones. Only this problem is inherent in any rank, it is more urgent for ranks from 20 and below. Because on the first rank I try not to leave one survivor. One crawling on the ground, looking for the other. At the moment, this is the best option to prevent the opening of the hatch, so that the survivor does not delay time.
    There's only 20 rank so no below. I understand what you mean but again not sure closing the hatch when nearby would make it any better. The killer's just going to camp it and the survivor hide just like atm. Maybe it would make it easier on higher lvls true but on lower tiers, it'll stay the same. I think a timer would work better so if the survivors left don't manage to do the gen or escape through the hatch they are downed and revealed to the killer.
    PLAVT Member Posts: 79
    edited September 2018
    OrionQc24 said:
    PLAVT said:
    OrionQc24 said:
    You do realize by playing rank one you are basically playing with a VERY small percentage of the player base ? Meaning that what you see happening ingame and what a rank 15 see happening aren't at all similar. Nothing against your idea btw, it seems interesting just saying...
    Know, that game differs every +-5 lowest ranked ones. Only this problem is inherent in any rank, it is more urgent for ranks from 20 and below. Because on the first rank I try not to leave one survivor. One crawling on the ground, looking for the other. At the moment, this is the best option to prevent the opening of the hatch, so that the survivor does not delay time.
    There's only 20 rank so no below. I understand what you mean but again not sure closing the hatch when nearby would make it any better. The killer's just going to camp it and the survivor hide just like atm. Maybe it would make it easier on higher lvls true but on lower tiers, it'll stay the same. I think a timer would work better so if the survivors left don't manage to do the gen or escape through the hatch they are downed and revealed to the killer.
    I do not think so. Because when this feature is announced by the developers to everyone, everyone will know about the new hatch system and the killer. Survivors will be calmer that the killer will not grab them by the scruff. The murderer will understand that one standing on the hatch will not help him, otherwise, the survivor will lead all the generators and run through the gate. If the survivor is hiding, the killer will understand it intuitively and go looking for him, thereby opening the hatch. Those survivors who will run at the closed hatch, just die from hits killers. This is a good balance when viewed from the perspective of both sides. The timer is not the best option. It is impossible to force players to finish game passively through the timer, so shouldn't be. The timer has a place to be for an open gate, the hatch has to remain an alternative to the only exit. It is even logical, generators tend to stop. Thus explaining the reason for closing the gate through the timer. but Luke, that's the only secret way to escape, he has to stay that way. With my idea, he will be.
  • OrionQc24
    OrionQc24 Member Posts: 283
    edited September 2018
    PLAVT said:
    OrionQc24 said:
    PLAVT said:
    OrionQc24 said:
    You do realize by playing rank one you are basically playing with a VERY small percentage of the player base ? Meaning that what you see happening ingame and what a rank 15 see happening aren't at all similar. Nothing against your idea btw, it seems interesting just saying...
    Know, that game differs every +-5 lowest ranked ones. Only this problem is inherent in any rank, it is more urgent for ranks from 20 and below. Because on the first rank I try not to leave one survivor. One crawling on the ground, looking for the other. At the moment, this is the best option to prevent the opening of the hatch, so that the survivor does not delay time.
    There's only 20 rank so no below. I understand what you mean but again not sure closing the hatch when nearby would make it any better. The killer's just going to camp it and the survivor hide just like atm. Maybe it would make it easier on higher lvls true but on lower tiers, it'll stay the same. I think a timer would work better so if the survivors left don't manage to do the gen or escape through the hatch they are downed and revealed to the killer.
    I do not think so. Because when this feature is announced by the developers to everyone, everyone will know about the new hatch system and the killer. Survivors will be calmer that the killer will not grab them by the scruff. The murderer will understand that one standing on the hatch will not help him, otherwise, the survivor will lead all the generators and run through the gate. If the survivor is hiding, the killer will understand it intuitively and go looking for him, thereby opening the hatch. Those survivors who will run at the closed hatch, just die from hits killers. This is a good balance when viewed from the perspective of both sides. The timer is not the best option. It is impossible to force players to finish game passively through the timer, so shouldn't be. The timer has a place to be for an open gate, the hatch has to remain an alternative to the only exit.
    I honestly don't know. I feel like this is just going to force camping...I mean what's worst than getting grab by the killer as you jump in ? The hatch closing. Especially on maps where the hatch can spawn right next to the exit gates.
  • OrionQc24
    OrionQc24 Member Posts: 283
    edited September 2018
    Oh wait got an idea; what if the killer can close the hatch ? If the survivor wants to use it, they have to re-open it/giving an audio and visual warning to the killer.
    Kinda like when you open it with the key but without needing an actual key.

    In practice, the killer close the recently spawned hatch and is free to go patrol the gens. Meanwhile, the survivor tries to open the hatch (slower if they are injured) or do the gens that are left. Depending of cours, on the killer's location and behavior.
    PLAVT Member Posts: 79
    edited September 2018
    OrionQc24 said:
    PLAVT said:
    OrionQc24 said:
    PLAVT said:
    OrionQc24 said:
    You do realize by playing rank one you are basically playing with a VERY small percentage of the player base ? Meaning that what you see happening ingame and what a rank 15 see happening aren't at all similar. Nothing against your idea btw, it seems interesting just saying...
    Know, that game differs every +-5 lowest ranked ones. Only this problem is inherent in any rank, it is more urgent for ranks from 20 and below. Because on the first rank I try not to leave one survivor. One crawling on the ground, looking for the other. At the moment, this is the best option to prevent the opening of the hatch, so that the survivor does not delay time.
    There's only 20 rank so no below. I understand what you mean but again not sure closing the hatch when nearby would make it any better. The killer's just going to camp it and the survivor hide just like atm. Maybe it would make it easier on higher lvls true but on lower tiers, it'll stay the same. I think a timer would work better so if the survivors left don't manage to do the gen or escape through the hatch they are downed and revealed to the killer.
    I do not think so. Because when this feature is announced by the developers to everyone, everyone will know about the new hatch system and the killer. Survivors will be calmer that the killer will not grab them by the scruff. The murderer will understand that one standing on the hatch will not help him, otherwise, the survivor will lead all the generators and run through the gate. If the survivor is hiding, the killer will understand it intuitively and go looking for him, thereby opening the hatch. Those survivors who will run at the closed hatch, just die from hits killers. This is a good balance when viewed from the perspective of both sides. The timer is not the best option. It is impossible to force players to finish game passively through the timer, so shouldn't be. The timer has a place to be for an open gate, the hatch has to remain an alternative to the only exit.
    I honestly don't know. I feel like this is just going to force camping...I mean what's worst than getting grab by the killer as you jump in ? The hatch closing. Especially on maps where the hatch can spawn right next to the exit gates.
    Even at this point, the survivor will have the opportunity to escape. Skill and dexterity in the game will benefit the player for the survivor. Those who have not yet learned to play, will die, thus contributing to improve their skill.
    OrionQc24 said:
    Oh wait got an idea; what if the killer can close the hatch and if the survivor wants to use it they have to re-open it/giving an audio and visual warning to the killer. Kinda like when you open it with the key but without needing an actual key. The killer close the recently spawned hatch and is free to go patrol the gens meanwhile the survivor tries to open the hatch or do gens depending on the killer location and behavior.
    I don't think it's a good idea, the survivor just won't have time to escape, the killer will overtake him for opening the hatch. I'm sure my option has a good balance, because it closes the hatch only in the presence of the killer if it is within a radius of 2-3 meters. You just try to carefully present all the options with the hatch and generators based on this idea, you will see it from the best side.
  • OrionQc24
    OrionQc24 Member Posts: 283
    edited September 2018
    Not really, it would be your job to make sure the killer is far enough for you to open the hatch and it allows the killer for more room to manoeuvre, rather than going back in forth between the gens and the hatch. Needing to be almost on top to close it. It also means perks like throwing pebble would get more use during this phase.

    Secondly, it could be like an exit gate opening. Meaning, it retain the charge when the survivor stop working on it. Bc honestly the killer will never be able to stop you from using the hatch if they have to be that close and on the other hand, increasing the range would mean no chance for the survivor. That's why I would prefer a contest of stealth and mind games, rather than trying to balance in-game mechanics for both sides.

    Finally, I feel it could creat imbalance for characters like; the hag, the nurse, the wraith, the cannibal, leatherface and the spirit. Since they will be able to close the hatch almost any time you try to use it. 
    Post edited by OrionQc24 on
    PLAVT Member Posts: 79
    OrionQc24 said:
    Not really, it would be your job to make sure the killer is far enough for you to open the hatch and it allows the killer for more room to manoeuvre, rather than going back in forth between the gens and the hatch. Needing to be almost on top to close it. It also means perks like throwing pebble would get more use during this phase.

    Secondly, it could be like an exit gate opening. Meaning, it retain the charge when the survivor stop working on it. Bc honestly the killer will never be able to stop you from using the hatch if they have to be that close and on the other hand, increasing the range would mean no chance for the survivor. That's why I would prefer a contest of stealth and mind games, rather than trying to balance in-game mechanics for both sides.

    Finally, I feel it could creat imbalance for characters like; the hag, the nurse, the wraith, the cannibal, leatherface and the spirit. Since they will be able to close the hatch almost any time you try to use it. 
    This will delay the game too much. I think I proposed the idea better to reduce the time. Thus, it will not reduce the chance of winning for one of the parties.
  • Sziosis
    Sziosis Member Posts: 198

    I like the developers Idea. with one survivor remaining, the killer can see the aura of the survivor so that a huge chase begins and after 60 seconds, the exits open.

    PLAVT Member Posts: 79
    Sziosis said:

    I like the developers Idea. with one survivor remaining, the killer can see the aura of the survivor so that a huge chase begins and after 60 seconds, the exits open.

    There is no balance in this, and the idea is uninteresting. The battle must continue until the end. Everyone should do their task. What you like is not very suitable game. Similarly, if the killer immediately at the beginning of the game will all hang. Alas, this style is not suitable....
    PLAVT Member Posts: 79
    Does anyone else have any ideas or agree with the proposal?